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Got the first and final passwords.

Any clues on how to get the second and third?

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks so much for playing all the way to the end, hope you enjoyed! I thought about doing a walkthrough and still might -- if you get the ending gallery it does tells you more or less how to get all the endings.

You get the passwords from four specific endings. Spoilers for where to find all four passwords under the cut:





1st password: lose Rose's game.

2nd password: fight the hero without the mimic's treasure.

3rd password: skip breakfast with Thea and then play through to the end of the game.

4th password: get the true ending.

Cool. Thanks.

Though this means I'll have to go through the spider two more times...

Say, could there be a guide to know how to get various scenes and endings?

Also, there's four passwords needed to get the gallery. How do I get the passwords?

Is there another (legitimate of course) way to access the gallery? Like getting all endings or something?


An excellent adventure! The writing is snappy and descriptive, and the predicaments and various bad ends play out with enough detail to really impress just how nasty they are (The CWs are there for a very good reason, folks!). I was especially impressed with what TWINE is capable of and how it was used to great effect here as a canvas to accentuate the mood and tone of the text. The way words glow, or are colored differently, or how the background itself changes color, all add to the vibe of this game. Just a really cool piece of adult interactive fiction.


Thanks a whole bunch for playing and for the kind words!


I'm Thomas L. and I approve of this Corris Side Story

To start: I did a test read of this story before release- I also did the artwork in the "extras" folder!

Really incredible work here though. I was absolutely impressed at the range you were able to give Corris beyond what I initially had for her. Really fleshed out with your own way of characterizing her, and something even I can build upon in my future work!

I loved Thea and her entire arc. I loved her so much I drew multiple sketches of fanart of her. Maybe I'll use her one day for something...

Thank you so much for making this, mysterious Twinblade General.

Right back atcha dawg, thanks for putting out so much inspiring work and for being so happy to share your wonderful OCs ๐Ÿ’–


Amazing, amazing. What a foul scenario.
My body itched as I read it.


Thanks as always for playing and test-reading ๐Ÿ’–


I don't like reading, but I earmarked you to bane that and you did good job a plenty here. I need to respect stories even ones with no reflection in my past nor owned resonation to take forward.. because they'll still do that with other people, obviously. I liked recognizing the relative humanization of the soldiers when Corris got naked, and everything about the puzzle section (idk the bad end though I could never feign to lose that one hehe). Hope this story imparts a sweeping sense of holism to many readers as it surely is primed to!,


thanks a whole bunch for playing, glad ya found parts to connect with!