- 1 Breaking Dawn
- 3 Sons of Anarchy
- 4 True Blood
- 1 Twilight (Dream Team)
- 1 Vampire Diaries
See them all HERE...
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Hi all!
I've decided to do something a little different. It's still Gaspard and Emily, but it strays from Twilight.
We all know that Gaspard and Emily would be amazing in a film together. Since Twilight has been and gone, what other roles could you see them in? There has to be something else that you'd like to see them together in.
So to kick start this, I offer up the following:
{"There are places in the world where darkness rules, where it's unwise to walk..."}
Any thoughts? I will be, if this is allowed, to add a few more roles over the next few weeks (time and moderators permitting) that I would love to see them play!