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Gloria's DeviantArt

October 26th, 2013

12:02 pm - Updates
Hey everyone, sorry I haven't posted here much lately. I haven't abandoned LJ yet! I've just been having a rough time the past month or so and really busy so yeah.

We've been getting moved into our new apartment and suffering a bad cold for the past week. Everything's going better for me. I'm not so depressed, now, so yay!

Looks like my bird list topped out at 175 new species for the year: - Not too shabby! It would have been more if I'd stayed on with the road trip to Cali, but... c'est la vie.

In the coming year I hope to get my shit together and work hard on my art/comics career. Self-promotion, etc., I'm submitting a pitch to this anthology: - I don't think I'll get in, but, eh. Gotta start trying on this stuff!

I'm going to be attending some cons (not furry ones, sorry guys) - possibly exhibiting too if I can get in anywhere.

I'm happy because now that I'm no longer in that horrible depressive slump I am actually ready to start drawing birds and cute stuff again.

Good things are ahead. I believe it!
Current Location: Indiana
Current Mood: hopefulhopeful

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August 20th, 2013

02:22 pm - ANNOUNCEMENT!

We will be arriving BACK IN THE US MAINLAND on Sep. 5th! We'll be in the Seattle area from the 6th-12th and after that making our way down the coast and across the country!

Current Location: maui
Current Mood: happyhappy

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May 23rd, 2013

07:50 am - Bye for now!
I'm packing up my computers today! Goodbye for now everyone!

you can follow our adventures on twitter via @wolife and on

Current Mood: groggygroggy
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May 1st, 2013

04:25 pm - update
Okay I just spent 4 hours in the doctor's office. I'm starving, I had to have blood drawn, and the end result was that the doctor thinks it's just GERD and prescribed me industrial-strength prilosec.

*sigh* Well, I hope it helps!
Current Mood: tiredtired
Current Music: ELO - "Mr. Blue Sky"
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February 28th, 2013

03:34 pm - Tentatively feeling better...
Yesterday was a much better day and today I'm feeling even better.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts and words. *big hugs*
Current Mood: better

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February 25th, 2013

11:28 am - augh
I'm kinda scared. I'm feeling shitty and on the verge of depression and I woke up with a scream earlier because something startled me and just now I woke myself up again because I was screaming and upset in my dreams.

I'm trying to hang in there... I'm just scared because it feels like I'm getting worse even though things in life are fine and even looking up.

Even the things that should make me feel good are being tainted. I'm starting to get nervous about our big trip - like something bad is going to happen somehow. I'm relentlessly insecure about my comic because I'm so afraid of making a mistake and afraid of how it'll be received...

I need help. I can't GET help, but I need it.

Just gotta hang on for a couple more months and keep telling myself that everything will be okay.
Current Mood: scaredscared
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February 24th, 2013

12:23 pm - FART.
I'm just tired of everything having to do with other human beings.

If anybody needs me, I'll be HIDING IN MY SHELL.
Current Mood: hermit crab

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January 23rd, 2013

04:03 pm - : (
My old cat, Mo, passed away today. I am told that she went in her sleep. At least she was comfortable and with her brother. She was around 17 years old.

Goodbye, old friend. -_-
Current Mood: sadsad
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November 22nd, 2012

10:03 am - Well...
*sigh* kittysunlover is on her way back to Alaska. My living room feels empty. I miss her already. : (

Plans are in the making to send me back to Indiana for the holidays. Things are moving again, so I'm feeling a lot better. I'm pulling out of my depressive slump and tackling life again. I apologize for being remiss with my comics these last 2 weeks - I was sick and busy and just didn't have the energy AT ALL. You know how it is.

Anyway, yeah. Things are looking up again. Thanks for your support everybody!
Current Mood: hungryhungry

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September 23rd, 2012

10:47 pm - a confession and analysis...
I think that I sort of enjoy stories differently from the way many people do. I DO enjoy them very much. I probably love characters a little more than stories, but that's an essay for another day.

But the thing is, when I'm hearing a story for the first time, I have very little credulity.

This is why spoilers generally DO NOT bother me. Because if I know what to expect I can sit back and enjoy the ride without spending a ton of energy mentally preparing myself for whatever horrible things the storyteller is going to do.

I don't trust storytellers unless I know them well.

Don't mistake this for cynicism, I'm not sitting there with a grumbleface feeling miserable because I'm trying to work out where a plot is going beforehand. It's not like that. It's just that it's hard to surprise me with twists and turns because I've mentally prepared myself for them. I might try to guess which character will die so that I don't get too attached to them and wind up heartbroken - I will still be sad when it happens though!

I dunno if this makes sense. I don't really know why I am like this. I'm sure it dates back to something in my childhood. I do think it explains why I like "mindfuck" type stories quite a bit, because it takes a lot of craft to make that stuff work and something that keeps me guessing but still make sense can really capture my attention and respect (see: Homestuck).

But I think context is key. I don't want storytellers to jerk me around by making me love a character in an otherwise uplifting story and then kill them off for no good reason. If it's the type of story where I EXPECT people to die, then it's less bothersome. This applies to things other than character death, of course, but that's probably the easiest to explain and relate to. Tropes are lame in general, but it doesn't mean you can't EVER use them if you do it cleverly and in the right context.

Anyway. Needed to get this out of my brain or I'd lie awake thinking about it all night. Thanks for reading. >_>

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