Papers by Dr. Ahmad Mubin, MT

Pengukuran kinerja yang selama ini digunakan oleh sebuah perusahaan manufaktur lampu, hanya fokus... more Pengukuran kinerja yang selama ini digunakan oleh sebuah perusahaan manufaktur lampu, hanya fokus pada aspek keuangan saja, sehingga aspek -aspek lain diantaranya aspek pelanggan, aspek proses bisnis internal, dan aspek pembelajaran & pertumbuhan masih belum terukur. Perusahaan perlu merancang suatu metode pengukuran kinerja untuk dapat mengetahui tingkat kinerja perusahaan saat ini, yang juga bisa digunakan sebagai acuan perbaikan dan peningkatan kinerja yang harus dilakukan perusahaan. Permasalahan yang dialami perusahaan terdapat pada aspek keuangan, pelanggan, proses bisnis internal, serta pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan. Dalam penyelesaian masalah kinerja, peneliti menggunakan model Balanced Scorecard untuk perancangan serta Analytical Network Process (ANP) untuk pembobotan indikator kinerja. Adapun untuk pengukuran kinerja perusahaan menggunakan Objective Matrix dengan evaluasi menggunakan Traffic Light System. Dengan menggunakan beberapa metode tersebut, didapatkan beberapa Key Performance Indicator (KPI) yang dianggap kurang yaitu tingkat kepuasan pelanggan (customer satisfaction index), jumlah produksi tiap periode, tingkat efisiensi produksi, jumlah pelatihan kompetensi karyawan, dan tingkat produktifitas karyawan per periode.

Jurnal Teknik Industri
Elizabeth Hospital of Situbondo represent one of the some hospital exist in Sub-province of Situb... more Elizabeth Hospital of Situbondo represent one of the some hospital exist in Sub-province of Situbondo. With condition of like this is existing hospital have to show maximal performance and can give best service to society so that can become hospital society choice. Beside give service of health, as a hospital unit also have compulsion to always ever take care of the continuity of its life, even the including all existing shares or unit to expand in an optimal fashion. With condition of above, hence company in this case RS. Elizabeth Situbondo can become company of which can exploit system measurement of performance by using method of balanced scorecard to increase company performance on an ongoing basis so that can give required service consumer swiftly is, effective, inwrought, and professional. At this research of concept which is used in designing system measurement of performance balanced scorecard. As for in perspective which used in this research cover five in perpective that ...

Jurnal Teknik Industri
Regional Water Company (PDAM) Lamongan is a local company with main activity is to serve and prov... more Regional Water Company (PDAM) Lamongan is a local company with main activity is to serve and provide clean water to communities through a system of pipes. Constraint occurs is in the process of drinking water treatment and wastewater sludge yield potential as a source of environmental pollution. Another problem is still limited because of PDAM services in 2013 is only capable of serving 4.7% of the total number of households (BPS population census of 2010). Taps need to increase the amount of water production in order to serve the wider community Lamongan. The concept of green productivity (GP) can be used in the search for solutions to increase productivity and protect the environment. The study begins by identifying the root cause of a lot of liquid waste and a low amount of water production, setting objectives and targets, choosing the resources and information available to arrange alternative green productivity. There are two alternatives, the selected alternative in this study ...

Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri
The use of computers in PT X, especially in the IT department (Information and Technology) has re... more The use of computers in PT X, especially in the IT department (Information and Technology) has reached 98% of work activities. In the results of the questionnaire using the Nordic Body Map and interviews with employees, it is known that employees experience back pain by 100%, neck 90%, waist 80%, and eye disorders caused by the physical environment. This study used the Rapid Office Strain Assessment (ROSA) method as a measurement tool. ROSA is a quick analysis to measure work risks associated with computer use and determine the level of change in cases of worker discomfort. The measurement results show the final ROSA score is above 7. This means that IT work facilities are not in accordance with the standards of ergonomics, ROSA, and the Ministry of Health No. 48 of 2016 which is a very risky condition and can reduce work productivity. Proposed improvements to minimize workplace risks and increase productivity include improvements to working facilities such as chairs, document holde...
Jurnal Teknik Industri
The research of application of electroplating technology testing at pandai Besi product as means ... more The research of application of electroplating technology testing at pandai Besi product as means to increase of quality and competitiveness had done, this research aimed to make reparation of production process and to applied electroplating technology in finishing process, until can adding to decorative properties and resistence of corrosion at product and to determine cost addition because that treatment.

Jurnal Teknik Industri
The establishment of production unit requires fairly high investment, therefore to avoid the inve... more The establishment of production unit requires fairly high investment, therefore to avoid the investment connducted which in fact will be unprofitable in the future, before implementing such investment, the comprehensive analysis or feasibility study is required, concerning marketing, technical financial management, and social-economyn alysis.From the result of feasibilitiy studythe level of feasibility for the establishment of production or business units is determined. In this case study, the subject of study is production of essential oil that serves as raw material for food, pharmacy, and parfume manufactures. Based on the analysis result of market and marketing aspects, as well as technical and Technology aspects, it was ndicated that the proposal of production unitestablishment feasible to beaccepted. Likewise, the result of financial analysis with the methods of Net present value, Profitability Index(B /C ratio), Internal Rate of Return and payback period,indicated that the p...

Jurnal Teknik Industri
Ahmad Mubin DAN Syaiful ZainuriJurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah... more Ahmad Mubin DAN Syaiful ZainuriJurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangLaman: [email protected] merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi perusahaan sebagai salah satu cara untuk memantau kinerjaproduksinya. Pengukuran produktivitas dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat kinerja perusahaan dan dapat dijadikansebagai pedoman untuk melakukan perbaikan secara terus-menerus. Demikian pula, aspek lingkungan telah menjadi isupenting dan strategis yang harus disikapi oleh industri dengan baik dan terus ditingkatkan kinerjanya. Agar perusahaanmampu meningkatkan produktivitas sekaligus menurunkan dampak lingkungan perlu digunakan pendekatan modelGreen Productivity. ��������������Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap produktivitasdan kinerja lingkungan, serta memberikan usulan perbaikan menggunakan metode Green Productivity berdasarkannilai indeks Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) tertinggi.������������������...

Jurnal Teknik Industri
Waste has a negative impact on the environment. Hospital medical waste is a hazardous waste for t... more Waste has a negative impact on the environment. Hospital medical waste is a hazardous waste for the environment. Environmental performance measurement systems are used to measure the performance of hospitals in handling waste. The measurement of its environmental performance in the hospital is expected to provide improved sewage treatment systems. AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) and OMAX (Objactive Matrix) methods are used to design environmental performance systems at hospitals. The data needed is medical and non medical treatment. Data were collected using pairwise comparison questionnaires. The questionnaire data shows the importance of key environmental performance indicators (KEPI). Results of questionnaires processed using Expert Choice. Expert Choice's output produces weight and consistency ratio. Weighted KEPI results are processed by OMAX method. The OMAX method is used to determine the value of environmental performance. There 41 KEPI aspects of the environment. Bas...
Jurnal Dedikasi, Feb 6, 2012
Jurnal Dedikasi, Aug 6, 2012
Jurnal Dedikasi, Jan 6, 2012
Papers by Dr. Ahmad Mubin, MT