WPS Menu Exporter 能讓網站管理員單獨匯出 WordPress 網站的選單,正如可以單獨匯出文章、頁面等項目一樣。
WPS Menu Exporter 也可以匯出 WordPress 選單參照的頁面及分類法詞彙。
WPS Menu Exporter permet d’exporter les menus WordPress.
Ce plugin vous est gentiment proposé par WPServeur l’hébergeur spécialisé WordPress.
Découvrez également nos autres extensions gratuites :
– WPS Limit Login pour bloquer les attaques par force brute.
– WPS Hide Login pour changer votre URL de connexion en ce que vous voulez.
– WPS Bidouille pour optimiser votre WordPress et faire le plein d’infos.
– WPS Cleaner pour nettoyer votre site WordPress.
Ce plugin est seulement maintenu, ce qui signifie que nous ne garantissons pas un support gratuit. Envisagez de signaler un problème et soyez patient.
WPS Menu Exporter 能讓網站管理員匯出 WordPress 網站的選單。
這個外掛由 WordPress 專業主機代管服務商 WPServeur 開發提供。
– WPS Limit Login:封鎖暴力密碼破解攻擊。
– WPS Hide Login:將登入網址依需求進行變更。
– WPS Bidouille:為 WordPress 網站進行最佳化並取得網站詳細資訊。
– WPS Cleaner:清理 WordPress 網站。
- Aller dans Extensions › Ajouter.
- Rechercher WPS Menu Exporter.
- Recherchez ce plugin, téléchargez-le et activez-le.
- 前往 [外掛] 頁面,然後點擊 [安裝外掛]。
- 搜尋「WPS Menu Exporter」。
- 找到外掛後,請下載、安裝並啟用外掛。
this should not be allowed on WP
I’ve been using WPS Menu Exporter for a while now, and I must say, the experience has been far from pleasant. Here are the key issues that make this plugin problematic:
Excessive Ads: The backend is cluttered with a massive number of ads. Almost every page and setting is filled with promotional content, making it extremely difficult to focus on actual tasks. This aggressive marketing strategy is not only annoying but also disrupts workflow significantly.
User Interface Disruption: The constant pop-ups and banner ads interfere with the user interface, leading to a confusing and frustrating experience. Important settings and features are often buried under layers of advertisements, which hampers productivity.
Performance Issues: The plugin’s over-reliance on ads seems to affect the performance of the WordPress admin dashboard. Pages load slower, and sometimes the ads cause the interface to lag or become unresponsive.
Unprofessional Experience: The overwhelming presence of ads gives an unprofessional feel to the plugin. It seems more focused on upselling than providing a quality service, which is disappointing for users looking for serious functionality.
Lack of Ad Control: There’s no option to disable or minimize the ads, leaving users with no choice but to endure the constant interruptions. This lack of control over the ad content is a significant drawback.
The functionality of this plugin works as expected – you can export a WordPress object and import it back into a separate site. It will indeed replicate your menu structure as intended.However, I will be disabling this product immediately across the 80 sites I operate. This is because of some unfair/unsavory dashboard advertisements that were included with a recent update to this plugin. There is now a banner advertisement for an unrelated product which can not be dismissed, is not WCAG compliant and is generally unwelcome. Based on information from both sets of websites, neither this product nor the advertised product are operating under the same parent company or “umbrella” of products. This is terrible behavior from plugin developers in the WordPress community. My WordPress dashboard is not a billboard for your intended marketing messages. I hope that the issue is rectified immediately.
The latest update to this plugin adds a large spam add for “WP Boutik” to the top of every admin screen that cannot be removed. This is totally unacceptable and I’m deleting this plugin now and will need to manually move a bunch of huge menus unless someone has an alternative in mind.
the spam in my backend promoting wpboutiq is NOT appreciated. Disabled your plugin across multiple sites.
閱讀全部 44 則使用者評論
以下人員參與了開源軟體〈WPS Menu Exporter〉的開發相關工作。
- Tested up to 6.5
- Add pub WPBoutik
- Fix fatal error with vendor wp-dismissible-notices-handler and wp-review-me
- Tested up to 5.6
- Add compatibility with PHP8
- Fix : Security vulnerabilities (Thanks @juliobox)
- Fix : Error with library for compat WordPress and PHP
- Fix : Remove message review if PHP is too old