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WP-ClanWars is a match organizer plugin for gaming communities and teams. It supports multiple games, sidebar widget, match browser, and allows multigamings to delegate match scheduling between multiple war arrangers using simple access control system.

Plugin creates a post for every match, all posts are published under category set in plugin settings. I suggest to create a separate category for all matches so you don’t mix it with any other blog posts. Since every match is a regular post, it means that they will show up all around your website, if it’s not desired behavior you will have to restrict matches category from being shown on specific pages of your website (e.g. on front page). I guess there are plenty of plugins for that or you can always do it manually by fixing your theme files. I would also suggest to avoid any changes to the content of created posts because plugin overwrites post content on match update.

By default plugin uses it’s own stylesheet which can be disabled in plugin settings. If you decide to make a custom CSS for your website, as example, take a look at default styles: site.css and widget.css.

Plugin supports a match browser, which can be displayed for visitors using [wp-clanwars] shortcode, I suggest to create a separate page for it.

Help out to translate this plugin

Wanna see WP-ClanWars in your language? Help out to translate it!



  • Games management: add your own games, manage maps, export, import others.
  • Match management: create match, there is no limit for number of maps per match or number of rounds per map, extra information like “External League URL”, “Practice War” or “Official Match” can be also specified, final score is calculated automatically.
  • Teams management: mostly informational, the only useful thing is to setup your team and mark it as home team. Home team is selected by default when you add a new match.
  • Import/Export: you can save a pack of games that you created on your own, all games are exported with maps attached to them. Can be useful if you need to transfer a game from one website to another. Plugin comes with 7 game packs built-in which can be installed from Import menu.
  • Access Control: grant your war arrangers an access to match management.
  • Match Browser: site visitors can navigate through all matches.


Plugin icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC BY 3.0.


  • Score card and widget
  • Install & share games
  • View matches
  • Edit match


  • PHP 5.3 or newer
  • MySQL 5.0 or newer


Installation Instructions
  • PHP 5.3 or newer
  • MySQL 5.0 or newer


2017 年 10 月 10 日
This is a great plugin option for wordpress users that having clan websites. Very cool and easy to use! Keep it up!
2017 年 5 月 1 日
I’ve tried it out to get a new online-community going and this plugin is exactly what e-sports teams need. Show your Clanwars, including maps, results and stuff. On the point, very good work. Shortcode for the matchbrowser besides the widget is: [wp-clanwars] Thanks a lot for this plugin. Great stuff. 🙂
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  • Minor networking improvements
  • Update localizations


  • Add team logos
  • Reworked match score cards
  • Add game sharing via cloud server
  • Add popular countries in country dropdown
  • Add search to long dropdowns
  • Improved detection for installed games
  • Multisite fixes


  • Fix error in database handling routine (issue #3)


  • Fix issues with large images in gallery


  • Add gallery support
  • Add Spanish and Russian translations
  • Lots of optimizations


  • Add German translation


  • Add link to translation service


  • Use ZipArchive when available
  • Improve ZIP error handling


  • Add import/export to ZIP
  • Add “Export” link next to “Maps” in Games section
  • Drop old localizations