Web Worker Offloading


This plugin offloads JavaScript execution to a Web Worker, improving performance by freeing up the main thread. This should translate into improved Interaction to Next Paint (INP) scores.


In order to opt in a script to be loaded in a worker, simply add worker script data to a registered script. For example,
if you have a script registered with the handle of foo, opt-in to offload it to a web worker by doing:

wp_script_add_data( 'foo', 'worker', true );

Unlike with the script loading strategies (async/defer), any inline before/after scripts associated with the worker-offloaded registered script will also be offloaded to the worker, whereas with the script strategies an inline after script would block the script from being delayed.

Otherwise, the plugin currently ships with built-in integrations to offload Google Analytics to a web worker for the following plugin:

Please monitor your analytics once activating to ensure all the expected events are being logged. At the same time, monitor your INP scores to check for improvement.

This plugin relies on the Partytown 🎉 library by Builder.io, released under the MIT license. This library is in beta and there are quite a few open bugs.

The Partytown configuration can be modified via the plwwo_configuration filter. For example:

add_filter( 'plwwo_configuration', function ( $config ) {
    $config['mainWindowAccessors'][] = 'wp'; // Make the wp global available in the worker (e.g. wp.i18n and wp.hooks).
    return $config;
} );

However, not all of the configuration options can be serialized to JSON in this way, for example the resolveUrl configuration is a function. To specify this, you can add an inline script as follows.

    function () {
            window.partytown = {
                ...(window.partytown || {}),
                resolveUrl: (url, location, type) => {
                    if (type === 'script') {
                        const proxyUrl = new URL('https://my-reverse-proxy.example.com/');
                        proxyUrl.searchParams.append('url', url.href);
                        return proxyUrl;
                    return url;

There are also many configuration options which are not documented, so refer to the TypeScript definitions.


Why are my offloaded scripts not working and I see a 404 error in the console for `partytown-sandbox-sw.html`?

If you find that your offloaded scripts aren’t working while also seeing a 404 error in the console for a file at /wp-content/plugins/web-worker-offloading/build/partytown-sandbox-sw.html?1727389399791 then it’s likely you have Chrome DevTools open with the “Bypass for Network” toggle enabled in the Application panel.


效能團隊及 WordPress 社群對安全性程式碼錯誤一向嚴陣以待,我們非常感謝使用者披露相關發現所付出的心力,並會盡全力解決使用者提出的問題。

如需回報安全性問題,請參考 WordPress HackerOne 計畫。



外掛原始程式碼儲存於 WordPress/performance 在 GitHub 上的存放庫。


2025 年 1 月 12 日
Problems with Google Analytics and Google Tag ManagerTested: 1 week. While Enabled: No hits, no recorded live users/users in Google Analytics. Google Tag Manager also didnt get to connect to the site. – Clarity did record users live, and page hits. This is because Clarity is not included in the built-in integrationWhile disabled: Google Analytics got hits right away – same with Google Tag Manager.
閱讀全部 1 則使用者評論


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〈Web Worker Offloading〉外掛目前已有 4 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

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  • Integrate Web Worker Offloading with Google Site Kit. (1686)
  • Integrate Web Worker Offloading with Rank Math SEO. (1685)
  • Serve unminified scripts when SCRIPT_DEBUG is enabled. (1643)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix tracking events like add_to_cart in WooCommerce integration. (1740)



  • Add Web Worker Offloading meta generator. (1598)


  • Initial release.