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Watu to MailChimp


Automatically subscribe users who take Watu Quiz quizzes to your MailChimp mailing lists. You can choose which quiz to which mailing list connects and also restrict the subscription by the achieved grade.

The plugin allows you to avoid the double-optin email confirmation that’s sent by default by MailChimp. Do this at your own risk: any abuse may cause your MailChimp account banned.

Note that it may take few minutes until your subscribers appear in the list.

Once installed and activated the plugin you will see a link “Watu to MailChimp” under your Watu Quizzes menu.

Identical plugin is available for the Pro version of Watu Quiz.


  • You can add rules for every quiz, and even multiple rules on the same quiz – so when different grade is achieved, the user is assigned to a different mailing list.


Install and activate like any regular WordPress plugin.


None yet, please ask in the forum.


2022 年 2 月 25 日 4 則留言
Hello, I have tried to integrate Watu to Mailchimp with API keys. But it does not send any emails to Mailchimp. Any ideas? Thank you
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Version 1.1

  • Moved Watu to Mailchimp menu under Watu Quizzes menu
  • Replaced CURL usage with wp_remote_post and wp_remote_get
  • Do not add user to Mailchimp if they are already subscribed
  • Switched the MailChimp API to 3.0

Version 0.9

First public release.