Host a static copy of your WordPress website to IPFS (InterPlanetary File System). All this happens thanks to the tools created by Textile.
The plugin has a module called “Static Site Generator”. With this feature any wordpress admin can create a static copy of their posts and upload it directly to IPFS in just a few clicks. You can chose between making a shallow copy or a deep copy.
A shallow copy only will backup your html post data, maybe not very interesting but useful if your post have only text and no other media.
A deep copy will try to backup all the images and videos present in the post. Very powerful.
The plugin has a lot of other modules. For example we have a Bucket explorer if you want to browse your files or upload new ones directly to your buckets.
Finally, we inclue a BETA functionality to upload your buckets to Filecoin mainnet. This is a very handy tool.
Go beyond the limits imposed by your hosting provider. Try decentralized hosting with IPFS, Textile and our plugin!
How does it work?
Our plugin is developed using Typescript and relies totally on the JavaScript libraries created by the Textile company. You can visit the Textile docs if you want to know more about how to use their tools: https://docs.textile.io/tutorials/hub/web-app/
So with Typescript we import the Textile libraries needed to create for example Buckets.
You don’t need to know how to programm to use this tools. However a good understanding about Textile Tools would help. Please refer to official docs if needed: https://docs.textile.io/hub/
What is the file admin/js/wptextileplugin_admin.js?
Because Textile libraries were created using Typescript we need to generate a transpiled file. Nevertheless we include the original Typescript sources that we created so any user can modify this plugin as needed.
Where are the Typescript sources?
The typescript files that we developed are on the typescript folder.
- Textile/hub library and js libs updated to their latest versions
- Static archive generator: Now the generated index file imports Bootstrap by default!
- Textile library update
- Now you can download a static copy of any post as .zip
- Filecoin upload functionality added
- Deep upload functionality added
- Textile tools libraries updated
- First stable version