Super simple but powerful widget that allows adding single or multiple images to your widget positions, using native media uploader. You can add caption for each image to act as testimonial, or you can use it as banner advertising module because its not being blocked with Ad Blocker. It doesn’t load any javascript on front end so its super fast. Use drag and drop to rearrange images.
this ist a useful plugin for “no tracking advertising” by configurating advertisements in a simply way. One of the best tools i ever found. Five Stars.
I could not wait to get to comment and thank you for the good work, just great, I did not expect much surprised me, CONGRATULATIONS
This small plugin makes it really easy to let users easily add pictures with captions as well as links. No fancy gallery options or anything like that. Updates seem to be released fast as well, Wordpress 4.5 was released a couple of days ago and now it’s been updated. Oh, and did you notice that it’s free?
The only issue I’ve had is that simply adding and selecting a new picture does not actually refresh the preview, I have to write something in a text field and remove it to make it refresh. (If I recall correctly if this happen then newly added images won’t be saved if you press the save button, you actually have to refresh the preview before WordPress will save your changes)
I’ve literally spent hours, days looking for a widget plugin just to feature a custom link list with images. So thanks so much for this – it’s a massive relief to find something – I can’t believe there aren’t others! Also the fact you can add style options to the Caption has saved me so much time. Thanks for a great plugin.
PS – this is the first review I’ve ever written for a plugin!