Restrict Image Upload Size


Restrict Image Upload Size is a WordPress plugin that allows administrators to set minimum width and height requirements for uploaded images. Users are prevented from uploading images that don’t meet these specified dimensions, which helps maintain quality standards across your site’s media content.

Key features include:
* Set minimum width and height values for uploaded images.
* Custom error messages for invalid uploads.
* Easy to use.
* Configurable from the WordPress Media Settings page.

This plugin is ideal for websites that need to ensure consistent image quality, especially for portfolios, e-commerce sites, and blogs.


  • Media Settings – Set the minimum image dimensions directly in the Media Settings page.
  • Upload Error Message – The error message shown when an image fails to meet the specified dimensions.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/restrict-image-upload-size directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Go to Settings > Media to set the minimum width and height for image uploads.


What happens if an image doesn’t meet the minimum dimensions?

If an image is below the minimum specified width or height, the upload will be rejected, and an error message will inform the user of the requirements.

Where can I set the minimum image dimensions?

After activating the plugin, navigate to Settings > Media in your WordPress dashboard. You’ll find fields to set the minimum width and height for image uploads.




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  • Initial release.
  • Added minimum width and height settings for images.
  • Verification of file type to ensure only image files are accepted.
  • Custom error messages for failed uploads.