The plugin is designed to add icon for WordPress navigation menu item along with description. After installation you’ll see two fields for each menu item, one is for Description and another one is for Icon URL.
You can write description in Description field and copy paste any icon image url into Icon URL field. You can set icon & description for each item.
- Write or Add description for Menu Item
- Add Icon URL to Menu Item
We have tested with Storefront, Genesis Framework, Twenty Nineteen, Twenty Seventeen, Twenty Sixteen and Twenty Twenty themes.
If you like this plugin, then consider checking out our other projects:
RainaStudio Blog – Web Development Tutorial and Other Resources
Switch CTA Box – Add Unlimited CTA(Click to Action) Contents
Sticky Genesis Topbar – Add Top Bar in Genesis Framework Theme
You may install the plugin using one of the three following methods:
- Unzip file and using an ftp program upload it to the wp-content/plugins/ directory then activate in plugins page.
- Using the search field in the admin plugins area type in “menu iconset by rainastudio” (without quotes) then install from there.
- Upload zip file through the standard plugins menu.
- Q) Can I use any image URL?
A) Yes, you can use any icon image url. Upload icon image to Media library and then copy paste uploaded image url to icon field.
- Q) Is menu item description will show?
A) Undoubtedly, if your theme do not use any custom walker for filtering nav item.
- Q) The icon position do not look right. How to adjust?
A) If you’re comfortable with editing your theme stylesheet, then you can override the styles from there. If you are a non-tech, contact us.
- Need more options for this plugin?
Please leave your feedback or send your query to ashif[at]rainastudio[dot]com
The plugin adds two features one is description and another icon for menu item.