DB Table Viewer


DB Table Viewer is a simple plugin that allows administrators to:
– Select any table in the WordPress database.
– View its data in a clean, paginated HTML table.
– Navigate through rows using AJAX-based pagination.

This plugin is particularly useful for debugging or managing custom database tables without using SQL queries directly.


  • Dropdown to select from available database tables.
  • Displays table data in a well-formatted HTML table.
  • AJAX-based pagination for seamless navigation.
  • Secure implementation with proper sanitization and validation.
  • Fully translation-ready.


  1. Go to Tools > DB Table Viewer in the WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Select a database table from the dropdown menu.
  3. View the table’s data with pagination.


This plugin is licensed under the GPLv2 or later. See the GNU General Public License for details.

Enjoy using DB Table Viewer? Feel free to provide feedback or contribute to its development!


  1. Download the plugin ZIP file.
  2. Upload the folder db-table-viewer to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. Navigate to Tools > DB Table Viewer to use the plugin.


Who can use this plugin?

Only administrators with manage_options capability can access the plugin’s features.

Can this plugin modify database data?

No, the plugin is read-only and does not allow any modifications to the database.

What happens if I select a table with no data?

The plugin will display a message indicating that the table is empty.




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  • Initial release.
  • Dropdown to select database tables.
  • AJAX-based table data display with pagination.