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Swift doesn't directly take part in the debate, he takes up the role of a chronicler to account an imaginary battle of the books in King James' library and indirectly makes his opinion clear by means of this satire. The quarrel of the... more
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    • Literature
Yes squeeze me young lady. I am coming to be learning the English. Miss Court You're early. Ali No I'm Ali. Miss C I beg your pardon. Ali No, my name is Ali, Ali Nadim. I am coming to be learning the English. Miss C Yes, Yes! You wish to... more
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    • Literature
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    • Literature
An Era of Peace The age of Queen Elizabeth comprising the later half of the 16th century is the golden age in the history of the English people. It was an age in which the mind of the people was set free from the trammels of Medievalism,... more
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    • English Literature
A mind not to be changed by place or time. The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n. Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven. Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely... more
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    • English
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Gulzar is a gifted writer with a " consistent passion " for Nature. In him nature seems to find a voice to express its joy and unhappiness, its desire and angst. He allows nature to acquire human characteristics to enter into a dialogue... more
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    • Ecopoetics
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Literature is the written work of a specific culture, sub-culture, religion, philosophy which may appear in poetry or in prose. It brings out the current situation of the country and visualizes the sufferings of native people, condition... more
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Around sixty percent of married women in India are victims of domestic violence. The Dark Holds No Terrors is a treatise on the state of Indian women. The novelist being a woman herself has presented a realistic study of the attitude and... more
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This paper examines the life of two women who are suppressed because of patriarchy. The novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns discusses the life of Mariam, the protagonist whose illegal beginning of life ends in a justifiable manner. This paper... more
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    • African Literature
Literature, a reflection of the society is a fact that has been widely acknowledged. Literature indeed reflects the society; its good values and its ills. Literature means something that is written for refreshing and inspiring the mind.... more
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    • Subaltern Studies
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      ReligionKingdom of GodNovels
'Marriages are made in heaven' is a well known adage and the need to define how these marriages function rises from understanding marital bonds. The present scenario in civilized society records an increasing number of people seeking... more
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      ReligionLoveMarriage and Family
The novel Oceans Apart sets on the course of forgiveness. A child named Max dwells on the his unpredictable life. The child's mother Kiahna had prepared for her untimely death --the child had not understood the impact of the separation.... more
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Oceans Apart discusses the story of a child countering the need of attachment with his parental caregivers. Kiahna and Connor had an illegal affair and the evident birth of a child did not hamper the child to create healthy loving... more
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      Effective Communication Between Parents and ChildrenRelationship between parents and children
The God of love perpetuates the feeling of belonging in family life and seeks the bonding of a wedded couple to recreate that which was lost in the supernatural Garden of Eden-a state of purity. The loving God establishes a limit for the... more
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      Personal RelationshipsFamily
There has been a steady loss of talent in the arts, especially where there has been a dearth of true enjoyment of papers and good writings. This paper seeks to reposition love of the arts through hints of stories knitted orally and... more
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In the twenty-first century, America became large enough to stir men into passionate ideological argument about the virtues and vices of family life. Writers found a way to include in literature the different experiences they faced in... more
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The legends of old and the histories of time ago discuss chivalry, great things not expected and things forlorn; even of people succumbed to the deraining of values and positive aspects that could change the destinies of many, inspire new... more
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