Papers by Milutin Milenković
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drutva, Jan 1, 2010
This paper aim is to determine accuracy of digital terrain model (DTM) formed upon Shuttle Radar ... more This paper aim is to determine accuracy of digital terrain model (DTM) formed upon Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data, for the region of the Republic of Serbia. Main characteristics of SRTM will be introduced, along with short description of determining DTM based on SRTM data and accuracy of such derived digital terrain model.
articles by Milutin Milenković

Terrestrial laser scanning can provide high-resolution, two-dimensional sampling of soil surface ... more Terrestrial laser scanning can provide high-resolution, two-dimensional sampling of soil surface roughness. While previous studies demonstrated the usefulness of these roughness measurements in geophysical applications, questions about the number of required scans and their resolution were not investigated thoroughly. Here, we suggest a method to generate digital elevation models, while preserving the surface’s stochastic properties at high frequencies and additionally providing an estimate of their spatial resolution. We also study the impact of the number and positions of scans on roughness indices’ estimates. An experiment over a smooth and isotropic soil plot accompanies the analysis, where scanning results are compared to results from active triangulation. The roughness measurement conditions for ideal sampling are revisited and updated for diffraction-limited sampling valid for close-range laser scanning over smooth and isotropic soil roughness. Our results show that terrestrial laser scanning can be readily used for roughness assessment on scales larger than 5 cm, while for smaller scales, special processing is required to mitigate the effect of the laser beam footprint. Interestingly, classical roughness parametrization (correlation length, root mean square height (RMSh)) was not sensitive to these effects. Furthermore, comparing the classical roughness parametrization between one- and four-scan setups shows that the one-scan data can replace the four-scan setup with a relative loss of accuracy below 1% for ranges up to 3 m and incidence angles no larger than 50°, while two opposite scans can replace it over the whole plot. The incidence angle limit for the spectral slope is even stronger and is 40°. These findings are valid for scanning over smooth and isotropic soil roughness.
inproceedings by Milutin Milenković

In this paper we present the results of a pilot study carried out for the Austrian Federal Minist... more In this paper we present the results of a pilot study carried out for the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management. The main goal is to provide a robust method for the extraction of the countrywide river network based on 1 m Digital Terrain and Surface Models (DTM/DSM) derived from Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) for rivers with a catchment area less than 100 km 2 . The basic motivation is to update and improve the geometric quality of the existing river network which was formerly mapped from stereo images (1:30,000). Furthermore, the final product is expected in compliance with a predefined GIS data model implementing the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD), i.e., a topologically consistent route model with additional attributes per river section (bridges, bed slope, stream ordering number). As far as possible, the entire workflow should consider the available IT infrastructure of the contracting authority. Thus, the suitability of both commercial software and open source products (ArcGIS, GRASS GIS, SAGA) was investigated. Figure 1: River network derived for a 845 km 2 catchment (study area: Styria, Grabenland) based on a 1 m ALS DTM
Papers by Milutin Milenković
articles by Milutin Milenković
inproceedings by Milutin Milenković