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The Floragê building is the brazilian southern example of the series of apartment buildings designed by architect David Libeskind in the 1950s and 1960s. This study starts with five buildings of the Higienópolis neighborhood in São Paulo... more
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      HousingModern ArchitectureLatin American ArchitectureBrazilian Architecture
This research explores collective housing projects where architects have expanded their action in the development of real estate development, in this case working beyond the architectural design and Project monitoring. These projects are... more
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      HousingContemporary ArchitectureLatin American ArchitectureBrazilian Architecture
O trabalho investiga o papel exploratório atribuído à tecnologia construtiva na concepção e concretização de projetos de arquitetura através do estudo de dois casos: o Conjunto Residencial da Universidade de São Paulo (CRUSP), projetado... more
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      HousingHabitação ColectivaArquitetura Brasileira
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      Portuguese ArchitectureAlvaro Siza
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tial amount of fine dust volume happens even more than one hour faster. Evidently, air circulation, which results from convection due to the differences in temperature at the barrier between the water and the indoor air, plays an... more
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    • Environmental Science
Elastically curved grid structures pose great potential to simplify fabrication as the structure may consists of straight elements [1]. However, for assembly, erection and load bearing the structures restraint forces need to be... more
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This thesis investigates the mechanical behavior and planning methods for transformable light-weight structures. In scope are spatial grid structures for support, that perform semi-compliant transformations, including both rigid-body and... more
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      ArchitectureComposite Materials and StructuresKinetic ArchitectureGridshells
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    • Architectura
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 e general location of the city has been detected in the th century, nevertheless there was no systematical archaeological research on the site until a survey project of University of Munich (LMU) and CNRS/ University of Bordeaux was... more
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyAchaemenid PersiaPhrygianAchaemenid archaeology
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    • Archaeology of churches
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    • Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor
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    • Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor