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      PolymorphismClinical BiochemistryHypertensionTunisia
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Objective. To examine the association of a common -2548G/A (rs7799039) promoter variant of the human leptin gene (LEP) with obesity or body mass index (BMI) and its associated phenotypes such as blood pressure variability and the... more
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      ObesityPolymorphismClinical BiochemistryLinear models
Background: Elevated plasma total homocysteine (tHcy), a risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD), is due to defects in genes encoding for enzymes involved in tHcy metabolism or from inadequate status of vitamins involved in tHcy... more
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      Cognitive ScienceFolic acidClinical ChemistryMutation
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      ObesityPolymorphismStatistical AnalysisRisk
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      PolymorphismClinical BiochemistryHypertensionTunisia
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      GeneticsCognitive SciencePolymorphismClinical Biochemistry
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      GeneticsCognitive SciencePolymorphismClinical Biochemistry
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      PolymorphismPreventive medicineHypertensionTunisia
Background: Nitric oxide (NO) is produced by endothelial cells and serves as a potent vasodilator. Several lines of evidence have shown that NO plays an important role in the regulation of blood pressure and regional blood flow. Recent... more
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      GeneticsDemographyPolymorphismMolecular Pathology
Objectives: In the present study, we examined a possible association between the PON1 Q192R and L55M polymorphisms and myocardial infarction (MI) in a sample of the Tunisian population.
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      PolymorphismClinical BiochemistryTunisiaClinical
To evaluate the effect of menopausal status and body mass index (BMI) on circulating leptin and adiponectin concentrations and investigate whether there is an influence of menopausal transition on the relationships of these adipokines and... more
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      GeneticsPolymorphismClinical BiochemistryGene expression
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      Cognitive SciencePolymorphismAtherosclerosisCardiovascular disease
Résumé. L'apolipoprotéine B (Apo B) joue un rôle central dans le métabolisme des lipoprotéines et dans l'homéostasie du cholestérol. Plusieurs polymorphismes du gène de l'Apo B (XbaI, EcoRI, MspI) ont été décrits associés à des variations... more
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Although long term use of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors may be associated with increased cardiovascular risk, their effects on vascular reactivity in atherosclerosis has remained largely unexplored. The aim of the present study was to... more
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      ArchivesGene Polymorphism
The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between CCR2-Val64Ile and CCR5-Δ32 variants and the estimation of haplotypes with MI in a sample of the Tunisian population.
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      Clinical BiochemistryTunisiaHaplotypesClinical
Background: Apolipoproteins AI-CIII-AIV play important roles in the metabolism of triglycerides and highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol. However, whether genetic variations in the ApoAI-CIII-AIV gene cluster are associated with the risk... more
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      OsteoarthritisInternal MedicineDifferential DiagnosisClinical Sciences
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingTreatment OutcomeBrainPsoriatic Arthritis