Papers by Dr. Kumara B.

National Conference on Exploring the past, present and future of Library and Information Science, University of Mysore, 2023
The present paper explores gender discrimination in the use of Internet among students and facult... more The present paper explores gender discrimination in the use of Internet among students and faculty members. A total of 2463 samples were selected from eleven state funded universities in Karnataka. A well-designed questionnaire was used for the data collection and data has been analyzed using SPSS (27.0 version). The study found that most of the male (50.3%) and female (49.7%) respondents used the Internet. The study found that most of the male respondents accessed the Internet at the university library (58.1%) and female respondents used the Internet at their home (51.6%). The study also shows that 52.5% of male and 47.5% of
female respondents have accessed the Internet every day. Further, it is also found that most of the male respondents accessed the Internet more than six hours (61.2%) per day compared to female (38.8 %) respondents. It is very interesting to note that most of the male respondents accessing
the Internet to use electronic databases (59.2%), publish research articles (58.0%) and watch online tutorials (56.1%) compared to female respondents. The study found that almost of the male and female respondents have positive attitudes towards the use of the Internet for their academic purposes.

International Journal of Advance and Applied Research, 2022
The present study aims to explore the use of e-resources among economically backward students. A ... more The present study aims to explore the use of e-resources among economically backward students. A total of 219 samples were selected from various Post-Graduate departments of Tumkur University, Karnataka. The study found that most of the male (63.92%) and (36.07%) female respondents used e-resources. The majority of respondents (94.1%) used e-resources in the library daily. The result shows that ma 55.7% of respondents used e-newspapers compared to other e-resources. It is very interesting to note that the most of respondents used e-resources to study course materials (84.9%). The notable findings of the study found that 100% of the respondents preferred PDF file format. The respondents were asked to mention the use of various search engines, but it is a surprising note that 100% of the respondents used Google. Further, the study reveals that most of the students have a positive attitude toward the use of e-resources.

Changing Information Landscape and Its Transformation in LIS Education, 2022
The present study focuses on the Scientific Productivity of Vice-Chancellors as Mapped in the Goo... more The present study focuses on the Scientific Productivity of Vice-Chancellors as Mapped in the Google Scholar Citation Profile. The study investigated the individual research contribution of all the Vice-chancellors in state-funded government universities in Karnataka. Of the 34 Vice-chancellors working in various universities in Karnataka State, only 13 of them have created Google Scholar Citation profiles. Gomathi Devi of Maharani Cluster University has got 6893 citations followed by Kalagouda Gudasi of Karnataka Univerity and Hemanth Kumar of the University of Mysore. Further, it has been noticed that in most of the Google Scholar Citation profiles of the Vice-Chancellors more irrelevant articles are found. The year-wise distribution of citations shows that most of the Vice-chancellors have received consistent citations from 2017 to 2021.
Innovative Librarianship Impetus to Digital Convergence, 2022
The present study investigates the extent of the use of Wi-Fi technology in accessing library res... more The present study investigates the extent of the use of Wi-Fi technology in accessing library resources and services. The present survey is conducted through a questionnaire. The collected data has been analyzed using SPSS (Version 27.0). The study found that 53.1% of the male and 49.7% of the female respondents used Wi-Fi technology for various purposes. The
study result shows that 69.4% of respondents spent less than 1 hour per day and most of the respondents preferred to use smartphones (59.2%). The study also found that 61.22% of respondents used Wi-Fi technology to the full extent. Further, most of the respondents believed that using Wi-Fi helped them locate and collect information from various sources.
Conference Paper, 2016
A digital repository is a mechanism for managing and storing digital content. They are used by a ... more A digital repository is a mechanism for managing and storing digital content. They are used by a variety of communities, may carry out many different functions, and can take many forms. This paper discusses the different types of repositories, describes the content types in repositories and highlights some initiatives taken by the Indian institutions. The paper concludes with presenting the benefits of repositories for researchers, professionals and institutions.

Library Philosophy and Practice, 2020
This study aims to explore the gender disparity in Computer usage for teaching and learning among... more This study aims to explore the gender disparity in Computer usage for teaching and learning among Indian academics. A total of 2463 samples were selected from 11 state universities in Karnataka, India. A well designed questionnaire was used to collect the data from the respondents. The result shows that, half of the male (50.2%) and female (49.8%) respondents used computer. Further, most of the male respondents used computer every day (58.0%) compared to female (42.0%) respondents. The present study found that majority of the respondents used computer for the research purpose (Male=55.6%, female=44.4%), followed by to read the e-books/e-journals, (Male=54.7%, female=45.3%) to prepare notes, to access Internet (Male=50.6%, female=49.4%), to prepare presentation slides (Male=50.1%, female=49.9%), to prepare class assignments (Male=49.1%, female=50.9%) and to improve typing skills (Male=51.8%, female=48.2%) and also to prepare project reports (Male=48.4%, female=51.6%).

Library Philosophy and Practice, 2021
The present paper examines the assessing the impact of ICT on the library users and their reading... more The present paper examines the assessing the impact of ICT on the library users and their reading habits. A total of 2463 samples were selected from 11 state universities in Karnataka State, India. A well designed questionnaire was used for the data collection and data has been analyzed using SPSS. The present study consisted of an equal number of males (51.3%) and female (48.7%) respondents and most of the them are from rural (63.0%) areas. It can be seen from the table that the majority of female (71.8%) and male (66.3%) respondents read information sources at their home. It is very interesting to note that majority of the respondents are inspired by themselves to read (68.5%) followed by good books (57.4%) and teachers (42.0%). The study found that 50.3% of male and 49.7% of female respondents opined that the ICT has made an impact on their reading habits. In this regards the result found that, the ICT has made an impact on enhancing the reading habits of the respondents. Further, it is found that, majority of the respondents strongly agreed that they can read more books available online, they can save time in searching information, they can get all information in their fingertips. The result shows that, the students and faculties have faced various problems in using ICT tools. The study recommends that, Higher education council and university authority may provide the latest and updated version of the computers along with continuous electricity supply with UPS connections and high Internet bandwidth facility.
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), 2016
Farming is for rural people; therefore agricultural extension service is also for rural people. I... more Farming is for rural people; therefore agricultural extension service is also for rural people. It has no closing time or opening time. So, it is informal in nature, which brings about a desirable change in rural people. Keeping this point in view, an attempt has been made in this paper to highlight the need of agriculture extension services based on the information needs of farmers. It covers the information requirements of farmers and states the objectives based on which the agriculture extension services need to be designed for effectively serving the information needs of the farmers. The paper also highlights the different types and methods of extension services, and briefly provides the important features of two Indian agriculture repositories; Agropedia and e-Arik.

Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 2019
Open Access literature is a providing universal access to information and knowledge. "Open Access... more Open Access literature is a providing universal access to information and knowledge. "Open Access" is a term used to explain a new technique of access to literature, that is, any reader has access to literature on the Internet at no cost. The basic purpose of this study is to provide a broad view of role towards open access journal movement,
particularly the number of journals added in technology discipline in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Open Access articles are freely available online. Open access has make wider the possibilities both for disseminating one’s own research and at the same time accessing the research work of others. Electronic publishing
improved the way most researchers access literature in their field. Currently, Open Access is changing the way electronic resources are distributed. In this context the study has made an attempt to know the Open Access Science articles in DOAJ published during 2000 to 2018. It also made an attempt to know the number of Science articles published by various, countries, publishers and also in various languages.
Innovative Practices in Libraries, 2016
Web technologies are moving very fast in creation of websites as well as accessing the informatio... more Web technologies are moving very fast in creation of websites as well as accessing the information. These are very supporting for easy access of information. With the development of website technologies, hardware technologies for communication have also been developed. Similarly, Library services have also been changing with mobile website. In this context, the paper discuss the need of mobile website for library and information centres, benefits of mobile website and it also highlights the tips for designing mobile website for academic libraries.
Scholarly Communication and Knowledge Management in Higher Educational Institutions , 2014
With the emerging information revolution libraries have started experimenting with mobile devices... more With the emerging information revolution libraries have started experimenting with mobile devices and services to support the information needs of their users wherever they maybe. The adoption of mobile technology alters the traditional relationships between libraries and their users and introduces novel challenges to reader privacy. As in this digital environment, users expect to receive information quickly and without having visit to library. Libraries are mastering the mobile web to bring patrons a new set of services. This paper discusses about the emerging mobiles applications and tools which can be used to enhance the library services.

World in digital age: digitization and preservation, 2014
In this era of 21st century internet and web are playing very important role in many aspects of l... more In this era of 21st century internet and web are playing very important role in many aspects of life like education, employment, governance, commerce, healthcare, recreation and more. Wave of evolution and development in Information and Communication Technologies has changed the way a library is to communicate with its users and render services in the past. Constant updating and synchronization with the latest global technological trends is the need of the hour. Library and Information centers are not behind in this race of technology. The traditional version of web i.e., web 1.0 started as a read only medium; the next version Web 2.0 established itself as Read/Write medium. Now the currently evolving version of web viz., Web 3.0 is said to be a technologically advanced medium which allows the users to Read/Write/Execute and also allows the machines to carry out some of the thinking so far expected only from the human beings. The Web 3.0 is known as Semantic Web and it promises to “organize the world’s information” in a dramatically more logical way than Google can ever achieve with their current engine design. To begin with, this paper discusses briefly about some definitions of the Web 3.0. Next discusses about the application of web 3.0 tools in libraries and its impact on library services in the end of this paper.

Library Philosophy and Practice, 2019
The present paper examines the impact of reading habits on the academic achievements of the stude... more The present paper examines the impact of reading habits on the academic achievements of the students and faculty members in the universities of Karnataka state. The survey was conducted using a well design and structured questionnaire. A total of 2463 postgraduate students, research scholars and faculty members participated in the study. The study population consisted of an equal number of males (50.2%) and female (49.8%) and most of them (63%) are from rural areas. The study found that the majority of the respondents are from Science (48.8%) disciplines. The study found that almost all the respondents have reading habits and most of the them read at their home (69.1%), followed by university library (48.6%). It is very interesting to note that 57.7% of the respondents read books everyday. The study found that, most of the respondents preferred to read newspapers/magazines (69.5%), followed by books (58.9%). The study found that to a great extent, the majority of the respondents read various information sources, because they are interested in the topic of the study (53.2%). The study found that, the reading habit has made an impact on the academic achievements of the respondents. Further, it is found that reading habit has been acting as a channel for gaining real world of knowledge. Further, it also improved mental capacity and enhanced the reading skills in everyday life.

9th KSCLA National Conference on Library in the Life of the User, 2019
The present paper examines the use of e-sources among faculty members and students. A total of 24... more The present paper examines the use of e-sources among faculty members and students. A total of 2463samples were selected from 11 state universities in Karnataka. A well designed questionnaire was used for the data collection and data has been analyzed using SPSS. The study found that, 62.9% majority of the rural respondents is using the Internet, followed by urban (37.1%) respondents. It is very interesting to note that 66.7% of the respondents used the Internet every day. The present study consisted of an equal number of males (51.3%) and female (48.7%) respondents are used e-sources. The study indicated that most of the respondents are used e-sources for the exam purpose (41.9%). The study found that, most of the respondents preferred to read e-books/journals (57.8%), followed by newspapers/magazines (46%). The study found that, all most all the respondents are preferred to use of e-sources for the academic work and also a few of them not aware of the gazetteers, bulletins, encyclopedias and other e-sources.

Shodhmanthan, 2019
The present paper examines the use of library resources among Dalit students. A total of 219 samp... more The present paper examines the use of library resources among Dalit students. A total of 219 samples were selected from various post graduate departments at Tumkur University. A well designed questionnaire was used for the data collection and data has been analyzed using SPSS. The study found that most of the Dalit students are male (66.67%) and most of them from SC category (63.93%). It most of the respondents in the present survey are from Arts (57.99%) disciplines. Further, the study found that all most all the Dalit students reading library sources every day (87.21%) and also spend more time reading library sources for above 2-3 hours (64.4%) per day. The notable finding of the study is that all most all the students to read library sources for the examination (100%) purpose and most of them preferred to read books/periodicals (99.5%). The study reveals that most of the Dalit students have positive attitude toward reading library sources.
Web-portals serve specific academic research communities. Libraries in general and digital librar... more Web-portals serve specific academic research communities. Libraries in general and digital libraries in particular are important memory organizations that form a keystone for the development of the semantic web. Among all the library portals University library portals have a special place as they provide a gateway to an institutions resource by listing them for users and creating a direct link to the native interface of each resource. Most University library portals help the users to employ a library portal's search interface to search simultaneously or sequentially in heterogeneous resources that do not share metadata schemes or search and retrieval techniques. In such a context, the present paper attempts to make an assessment of the importance and various features available in most of the University library portals today.
Information professionals recognize that appropriate and credible resources are important for res... more Information professionals recognize that appropriate and credible resources are important for research. However, the 24/7 availability of the internet does not always allow librarians the luxury to intercept, interpret and intervene for users, so library instruction is not always possible (Burke, 2005). One of the emerging information delivery systems via the internet is the homepage. Library homepage provides general information about the site acts as a table of contents and serve as a directory to a set of Webpages. This paper examines the concept and importance of library homepage.

Asian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 2018
This paper examines the impact of ICT on the reading habits of the students of Tumkur University.... more This paper examines the impact of ICT on the reading habits of the students of Tumkur University. The survey was conducted using a well design and structured questionnaire. A total of 440 postgraduate students of faculty of Arts, Science and Commerce were chosen. The result of this study showed that most of the students are female (61.6%) and most of them (72.3%) are from rural areas. The study found that students read books daily at home (69.5%) followed by classroom (51.1%). The students strongly agreed that the print books are costlier than Internet sources (32.3%). The study results also indicated that students are accessed Internet every day and the students used ICT in support of their academic work. The study recommends that the university authorities in to provide more ICT facilities to all the postgraduate students. It is also necessary to conduct more ICT based learning programmes to the students.
This paper examines the initiative taken by the Academic Library(Tumkur University Library) by
ta... more This paper examines the initiative taken by the Academic Library(Tumkur University Library) by
taking clue from the NAAC policy on adopting best practice in the Library. The Library has created learning
space for the social backward students through competitive corner for preparing competitive exams. Local
philanthropy persons have donated their valuable collection to the library which has helped to create a good
collection of literature. The library has conducted quiz program, best library user award and reading circle to
have dialogues with local authors, intellectuals for the students in related to new released books/added books
in the Library. A blended amalgamation of ICT and traditional users’ service has helped to create brand in
the district and the public are also keen to utilize the services offered by the Library.
Conference Presentations by Dr. Kumara B.

Two Days International Conference on Knowledge Organisation in Academic Libraries(I-KOAL-2019):Building Smart Libraries: Challenges and Discovery Tools, organized by Sardar Patel University, Anand & Library Professional Association, New Delhi, 2019
The purpose of this paper is to know the preferred sources of information (Electronic vs Print) a... more The purpose of this paper is to know the preferred sources of information (Electronic vs Print) among the faculty members and students. A total of 2463 samples were selected from 11 state universities in Karnataka state. A well designed questionnaire was used for the data collection and data has been analyzed using SPSS (Version 26.0). The study found that most of the respondents read books at home (69.1%). Further the study found that most of the respondents have positive opinion on the use of e-sources than print sources. The respondents opined that, e-sources are cheaper than print sources, through electronic sources the information is available 24/7, e-sources provides voluminous information and they are easy to carry.
Papers by Dr. Kumara B.
female respondents have accessed the Internet every day. Further, it is also found that most of the male respondents accessed the Internet more than six hours (61.2%) per day compared to female (38.8 %) respondents. It is very interesting to note that most of the male respondents accessing
the Internet to use electronic databases (59.2%), publish research articles (58.0%) and watch online tutorials (56.1%) compared to female respondents. The study found that almost of the male and female respondents have positive attitudes towards the use of the Internet for their academic purposes.
study result shows that 69.4% of respondents spent less than 1 hour per day and most of the respondents preferred to use smartphones (59.2%). The study also found that 61.22% of respondents used Wi-Fi technology to the full extent. Further, most of the respondents believed that using Wi-Fi helped them locate and collect information from various sources.
particularly the number of journals added in technology discipline in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Open Access articles are freely available online. Open access has make wider the possibilities both for disseminating one’s own research and at the same time accessing the research work of others. Electronic publishing
improved the way most researchers access literature in their field. Currently, Open Access is changing the way electronic resources are distributed. In this context the study has made an attempt to know the Open Access Science articles in DOAJ published during 2000 to 2018. It also made an attempt to know the number of Science articles published by various, countries, publishers and also in various languages.
taking clue from the NAAC policy on adopting best practice in the Library. The Library has created learning
space for the social backward students through competitive corner for preparing competitive exams. Local
philanthropy persons have donated their valuable collection to the library which has helped to create a good
collection of literature. The library has conducted quiz program, best library user award and reading circle to
have dialogues with local authors, intellectuals for the students in related to new released books/added books
in the Library. A blended amalgamation of ICT and traditional users’ service has helped to create brand in
the district and the public are also keen to utilize the services offered by the Library.
Conference Presentations by Dr. Kumara B.
female respondents have accessed the Internet every day. Further, it is also found that most of the male respondents accessed the Internet more than six hours (61.2%) per day compared to female (38.8 %) respondents. It is very interesting to note that most of the male respondents accessing
the Internet to use electronic databases (59.2%), publish research articles (58.0%) and watch online tutorials (56.1%) compared to female respondents. The study found that almost of the male and female respondents have positive attitudes towards the use of the Internet for their academic purposes.
study result shows that 69.4% of respondents spent less than 1 hour per day and most of the respondents preferred to use smartphones (59.2%). The study also found that 61.22% of respondents used Wi-Fi technology to the full extent. Further, most of the respondents believed that using Wi-Fi helped them locate and collect information from various sources.
particularly the number of journals added in technology discipline in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Open Access articles are freely available online. Open access has make wider the possibilities both for disseminating one’s own research and at the same time accessing the research work of others. Electronic publishing
improved the way most researchers access literature in their field. Currently, Open Access is changing the way electronic resources are distributed. In this context the study has made an attempt to know the Open Access Science articles in DOAJ published during 2000 to 2018. It also made an attempt to know the number of Science articles published by various, countries, publishers and also in various languages.
taking clue from the NAAC policy on adopting best practice in the Library. The Library has created learning
space for the social backward students through competitive corner for preparing competitive exams. Local
philanthropy persons have donated their valuable collection to the library which has helped to create a good
collection of literature. The library has conducted quiz program, best library user award and reading circle to
have dialogues with local authors, intellectuals for the students in related to new released books/added books
in the Library. A blended amalgamation of ICT and traditional users’ service has helped to create brand in
the district and the public are also keen to utilize the services offered by the Library.