Every organization/ company in the hospitality industry requires that employees when
interacting... more Every organization/ company in the hospitality industry requires that employees when
interacting with customers, display positive emotions such as friendliness, cheerfulness, warmth,
enthusiasm or confidence. To get the job done with the right attitude, hospitality employees need
to maintain a smile, look energetic, or keep a “happy” appearance (Hochschild, 1983;
Karabanow, 1999). The concept of emotional labor is well discussed in detail in this paper
basing on different ideas portrayed by different scholars
Cultural tourism is said to be the oldest of the new tourism phenomena, people have been
travell... more Cultural tourism is said to be the oldest of the new tourism phenomena, people have been
travelling for cultural tourism reasons since the era of Romans. Visiting historical sites, cultural
landmarks, attending special events and festivals has been a part of the real tourism experiences.
In real sense all travel involves a cultural element since all traveling remove tourists from their
home culture and places them to temporally in different cultural setting (Mckercher, 2002).
These movements around the global have social impacts to be examined in the essence of
sociology of tourism.

This paper examines the role of urban cultural tourism in conflict resolutions among the user of ... more This paper examines the role of urban cultural tourism in conflict resolutions among the user of Historic Urban Landscapes. Historic Urban Landscapes are characterized by conflicts of interest between different user groups, particularly the conflict between conservation and economic interests that create a major challenge to their sustainable management. Iringa is a town located in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania (East Africa) with a unique historic urban landscape worth to be protected and developed. Such conservation and management is not seriously taking place because of poverty and economic priorities, as people are striving to use available heritage resources for different activities in order to get income. The problem was addressed in a preliminary research study as part of a larger local heritage development project, which employed qualitative interviews and focus group discussions with community members. As strategy result of the study, this paper suggests to develop and promote urban cultural tourism in Iringa based on creating multiple user group benefits. Such sustainable cultural tourism focuses on preservation and management of the cultural/historic fabric of the landscape while at the same time generating direct economic benefits to local groups and stakeholders.

" Our heritage celebrates our achievements and contributes to redressing past inequities. It educ... more " Our heritage celebrates our achievements and contributes to redressing past inequities. It educates, it deepens our understanding of society and encourages us to empathize with the experience of others. It facilitates healing and material and symbolic restitution and it promotes new and previously neglected research into our rich oral traditions and customs ". (NHRA) 1999, South Africa. Abstract This paper examines the role of local community involvement in the identification and documentation of cultural heritage resources and how they can help in identity reconstruction and definition. The idea of creating an international movement protecting heritage emerged after World War I when the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage was adopted by UNESCO in 1972 seeking to encourage the identification, protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world that considered being of outstanding universal value (Gitera, 2008). In the community, cultural heritage assets have different symbolic meanings, therefore the issue of identity reconstruction should be Cleary investigated. Iringa as a historical and cultural landscape has a wide range of heritage resources that have been identified and documented; such activity was done by the Fahari yetu project research team in collaboration with the local communities through participatory research. This has given the community power to define, identify and document their own cultural heritage resources that seems to be valuable within their communities.
interacting with customers, display positive emotions such as friendliness, cheerfulness, warmth,
enthusiasm or confidence. To get the job done with the right attitude, hospitality employees need
to maintain a smile, look energetic, or keep a “happy” appearance (Hochschild, 1983;
Karabanow, 1999). The concept of emotional labor is well discussed in detail in this paper
basing on different ideas portrayed by different scholars
travelling for cultural tourism reasons since the era of Romans. Visiting historical sites, cultural
landmarks, attending special events and festivals has been a part of the real tourism experiences.
In real sense all travel involves a cultural element since all traveling remove tourists from their
home culture and places them to temporally in different cultural setting (Mckercher, 2002).
These movements around the global have social impacts to be examined in the essence of
sociology of tourism.
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interacting with customers, display positive emotions such as friendliness, cheerfulness, warmth,
enthusiasm or confidence. To get the job done with the right attitude, hospitality employees need
to maintain a smile, look energetic, or keep a “happy” appearance (Hochschild, 1983;
Karabanow, 1999). The concept of emotional labor is well discussed in detail in this paper
basing on different ideas portrayed by different scholars
travelling for cultural tourism reasons since the era of Romans. Visiting historical sites, cultural
landmarks, attending special events and festivals has been a part of the real tourism experiences.
In real sense all travel involves a cultural element since all traveling remove tourists from their
home culture and places them to temporally in different cultural setting (Mckercher, 2002).
These movements around the global have social impacts to be examined in the essence of
sociology of tourism.
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