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Sport has become an important part of our lives in the modern times and sporting sites contribute significantly to the image and texture of modern cities. Regarding the popularity of sport, and football in particular, it has become an... more
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    • Acc
Fotbal je jedním z nejpopulárnějších sportů na světě a použití statistických modelů k analýze dat je předmětem velkého zájmu trenérů, sportovních manažerů, fanoušků, novinářů a samozřejmě i samotných sportovců. V posledních letech... more
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Team managers and coaches need to choose the best players. The selection relies mainly on the cost and performance of the entire team. It is a common practice that several key players contribute to the overall results of the football... more
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      Data Envelopment AnalysisFootballFootball club
Football is a popular sport in Slovakia. Every year football clubs spend large sums of money on buying individual players. However, there is a small number of scientific studies dealing with statistical, economic dimensions, and... more
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      FootballAccArab LeagueClub
Football is one of the most popular sports disciplines and the use of statistical methods to analyze sports data is of great interest not only to coaches but also to researchers. Football clubs mainly use the services of specialized... more
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Sport has become an important part of our lives in the modern times and sporting sites contribute significantly to the image and texture of modern cities. Regarding the popularity of sport, and football in particular, it has become an... more
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    • Acc
Fotbal je jedním z nejpopulárnějších sportů na světě a použití statistických modelů k analýze dat je předmětem velkého zájmu trenérů, sportovních manažerů, fanoušků, novinářů a samozřejmě i samotných sportovců. V posledních letech... more
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Owning a successful football club is a matter of good management, financial stability but also prestige. Owning a club participating in the English Premier League, the most prestigious and richest football competition in the world, has so... more
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    • Arab League
Team managers and coaches need to choose the best players. The selection relies mainly on the cost and performance of the entire team. It is a common practice that several key players contribute to the overall results of the football... more
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      CzechData Envelopment AnalysisFootballFootball club
Football is a popular sport in Slovakia. Every year football clubs spend large sums of money on buying individual players. However, there is a small number of scientific studies dealing with statistical, economic dimensions, and... more
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      FootballAccArab LeagueClub
Football is one of the most popular sports disciplines and the use of statistical methods to analyze sports data is of great interest not only to coaches but also to researchers. Football clubs mainly use the services of specialized... more
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