Technical University of Liberec
Economic Faculty
In this paper we investigate the possibilities of investing in human capital at the financial market of the Czech Republic. In particular, the conditions for this investment would be different among individuals due to the difference of... more
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In many countries the government has been the major paymaster of higher education. There are differences between higher education systems in Europe. In the Czech Republic there is a free entry for students to public universities as well... more
Authors´ team manager: KOMULAINEN RUEY-Kajaanin Ammattikorkeakoulu (KAMK) Editing of English version: MOŠ ONDŘEJ-Technická univerzita v Liberci (TUL), KOMULAINEN RUEY-Kajaanin Ammattikorkeakoulu (KAMK), MARŠÍKOVÁ KATEŘINA-Technická... more
The net of civic associations Social Watch created the alternative indicators for measurement of situation development within equality of males and females (GEI – Gender Equity Index) and satisfying of basic human needs (BCI – Basic... more
The article presents the results of pilot research related to a wider study of a midterm intersectoral mobility phenomena as supported by the European Commission. To understand the concept of inter-sectoral mobility, the paper starts with... more
The advertising systems and the algorithms they use are constantly evolving and expanding the possibilities for reaching potential customers. Hyper-targeting (also called microtargeting) is the use of detailed customer data and marketing... more
As the technological progress of online shopping and advertising advances with increased speed, marketing automation has been gaining more attention from both practitioners and academics. However, despite the growing popularity of this... more
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more
Vzhledem k rychlosti technologického pokroku v online marketingu a reklamě, marketingová automatizace se dostává stále více do popředí jak v aplikační, tak akademické oblasti. Nicméně i přes rostoucí popularitu tohoto nového marketingové... more
The constantly evolving legislation concerning the usage of cookies raises many concerns about the effectiveness of targeted online advertisements. Retargeting represents an advanced targeting strategy requiring detailed user data and... more
This paper addresses the implementation of Internet marketing communications for feedback collection by accommodation facilities in the Czech Republic, particularly in northern and eastern Bohemia. The primary goal of the present paper... more
This paper deals with problems of the customer feedback collection by accommodation facilities in the regions of Ústí nad Labem, Liberec and Hradec Králové. For these regions is typical a high density of small lodging facilities such as... more
This article is about the accommodation capacities implementation progress regarding their use of on-line communication measures. The tested businesses are from the North Bohemian region. A questionnaire based survey was done with the... more