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The prominent success of polycaprolactone (PCL) electrospun nanofibrous mats (ENM) has expanded the use of PCL over other polymers for tissue engineering applications. However, the major challenge in the design of a nanofibrous scaffold... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsSurface and Coatings Technology
h i g h l i g h t s The variation of the waveform and frequency of high-voltage alternating current (AC) provides a novel approach to the control of the spinnability and productivity of polycaprolactone electrospun nanofibers (ENF).... more
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Fabrication of strong antibacterial composite nanofibrous yarns (CNYs) for suture applications by using common direct current electrospinning has been technologically challenging. In this work, we have demonstrated a more straightforward... more
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Electrospinning technology employs direct current high voltage to produce electrospun fibers from the polymeric liquid or melt. However, until now, the impact of alternating current (AC) high voltage on the spinnability of polymers... more
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      ElectrospinningCytotoxicityNanofibers Electrospun
Composite nanofibrous yarns (CNY), featuring a submicron electrospun sheath coated on a micro-scale core yarn have gained attention within the academic and industrial communities due to their unique structure. When braided, these CNYs... more
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