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If we are interested in such events as the extreme intensity of the wind, high flood levels of the rivers or extreme values of environmental indicators, or maximal or minimal performance of foreign exchange rates or share prices, we... more
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      Optimization ProblemQuantile RegressionProbability Distribution & ApplicationsStatistical Inference
Applications of bootstrap with and without replacement in change point analysis in linear regression models are discussed. Particularly, bootstrap based approximations for critical values for two classes of M -type test pro- cedures are... more
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      StatisticsChange PointStructural ChangeSimulation Study
Due to synoptic-climatological reasons as well as a specific configuration of mountain ranges, the northeast part of the Czech Republic is an area with an enhanced influence of low-pressure systems of the Mediterranean origin. They are... more
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      Earth SciencesMonte Carlo SimulationCzech RepublicGeosciences
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      Applied MathematicsStatistical InferenceSpatial ScaleProbability Distribution
Regional analysis is utilized to improve estimates of probabilities of extreme precipitation events in the Czech Republic. The Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution was identified as the most suitable one for modelling maximum... more
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      ClimateCzech RepublicAtmospheric sciencesRegional Growth
The problem of approximating by a circle of measured data points, registered by RICH detector is considered. The situation is formulated in terms of the Bayesian estimation problem, the solution is based on the Metropolis-Hastings... more
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      Physical sciencesBayesian Estimator
Keywords: climate change extreme value analysis global climate models peaks-over-threshold method quantile regression Poisson process extreme temperatures The paper presents a methodology for estimating high quantiles of distributions of... more
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      Earth SciencesClimate ChangeQuantile RegressionExtreme Value Theory
Several approaches to estimating distributions of precipitation extremes are compared by means of simulation experiments, and their applications into observed data in the Czech Republic are evaluated. Regional frequency models, which take... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringClimatologyCzech Republic
into a two-samples model. The proposed tests are based on two extremes of a splitted sample, and on the empirical distribution functions of their mean. The main idea behind the tests is that the tails of the test criterion distinguish... more
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      Extreme Value TheorySimulation StudyIndexation
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      EconometricsStatisticsRobust StatisticsStatistical software
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      StatisticsMeasurement ErrorAsymptotic PropertiesMultiple regression Model
. . . ; n, with unknown ðb; sÞ, b A R p , s > 0, and with i.i.d. errors e 1 ; . . . ; e n having a continuous distribution F, we test for the goodness-of-fit hypothesis H 0 : F ðeÞ 1 F 0 ðe=sÞ, for a specified symmetric distribution F 0 ,... more
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      StatisticsLinear ModelGoodness of FitSimulation Study
We propose an estimator of the Pareto tail index m of a distribution, that competes well with the Hill, Pickands and moment estimators. Unlike the above estimators, that are based only on the extreme observations, the proposed estimator... more
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      Domain of attractionSimulation StudyEmpirical ProcessIndexation
The minimum risk equivariant estimator (MRE) of the regression parameter vector β 6 in the linear regression model enjoys the finite-sample optimality property, but its calculation is 7 difficult, with an exception of few special cases.... more
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      StatisticsLinear Regression Model
Extreme high precipitation amounts are among environmental events with the most disastrous consequences for human society. This paper deals with the identification of 'homogeneous regions' according to statistical characteristics of... more
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesCzech RepublicCluster Analysis
Extreme high precipitation amounts are among environmental events with the most disastrous consequences for human society. Estimates of their return periods and design values are of great importance in hydrologic modelling, engineering... more
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      Czech RepublicCluster AnalysisHydrological modellingWater Resource
proposed a highly intuitive goodness-offit test of normality with nuisance location and scale parameters. The test has received a considerable attention in the literature; its asymptotic null distribution is covered by the results of de ,... more
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Some results on M -tests in detection of changes in linear models are presented. The paper focuses on the application of modified permutational arguments in order to obtain approximations for critical values. Theoretical results are... more
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If we are interested in such events as the extreme intensity of the wind, high ood levels of the rivers or extreme values of environmental indicators, or maximal or minimal performance of foreign exchange rates or share prices, we should... more
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      Quantile RegressionStatistical InferenceExtreme Value TheoryDomain of attraction