Technical University of Kosice
Faculty of Economics
Pri posudzovaní v˘znamu a úãinkov ekonomic-k˘ch aktivít v ohraniãenom priestore ponúkajú ekonomické vedy aparát vybran˘ch nástrojov. Pre prax je zaujímavé skúmaÈ ekonomickv plyv veºk˘ch infra‰truktúrnych projektov (napr. v˘stavby letísk,... more
The information and communication industry (ICT) has become more significant in the regional economic structure in the last two decades, having a notable impact on other industries. Although young in age, the number of firms or employees... more
The information and communication industry (ICT) has become more significant in the regional economic structure in the last two decades, having a notable impact on other industries. Although young in age, the number of firms or employees... more
The cultural activities have not only a key cultural and social value, but also an interesting economic impact. The cultural sector nowadays represents a productive economic sector which is growing in importance. The paper is focused on... more
The paper highlights the link between the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) designation and the development of cultural tourism in Europe. Cultural tourism is the fastest growing segment of tourism in the world and is the desirable... more
In the last decade, electronic government in Europe has emerged and established itself as a viable alternative channel for public service delivery. While e-government has now matured in most developed European countries, transition... more
regionální studia czech regional studies tématické články
- by Peter Dzupka
The presented article analyses machine translation of 50 compounds with metaphorical character in specialized language through online translators Google Translate and DeepL. They are translated from English into Slovak, and analysed... more
The Thesis deals with cross-border cooperation between the Slovak Republic and Ukraine with emphasis on the support of enterprise. Active cross-border cooperation is important because it creates condition for the development of frontier... more
The thesis deals with globalisation and its impact on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), while emphasising their internationalisation. SME activities on the international markets create favourable conditions for their growth,... more
The paper presents an example of e-government service integration on a semantic basis, as it was designed within the Access-eGov research project and applied in the Schleswig-Holstein state government. The case study follows up the... more
Abstract: In 'real life' situations citizens as well as businesses usually do not need an atomic (singular) government service, but a (often non-linear) sequence (including if-then-else branches). And since we are still far away... more
- by marek skokan