Papers by sugirin sugirin
Britain International of Linguistics, Arts and Education Journal/Britain International for Linguistics, Arts and Education Journal, Mar 23, 2024
This study was conducted in an English lesson for kids in Garut, West Java, Indonesia. The goal o... more This study was conducted in an English lesson for kids in Garut, West Java, Indonesia. The goal of this study was to understand the teacher's viewpoint on the problem in teaching English for young students. For this study, qualitative researchers are used to conduct in-depth analyses of the data. By direct observation and interviews, teachers gather data. Teaching English in young students is a challenging task for teachers. There are issues with class management, the use the monotonous media, various student characteristics, and language proficiency. This research is supported by methods and solutions to challenges.
Journal of languages and language teaching, Oct 15, 2023
Deleted Journal, Jan 31, 2024

The disruption era that raises along with the industrial revolution 4.0 called digitalization has... more The disruption era that raises along with the industrial revolution 4.0 called digitalization has brought many effects for its changing. The era of disruption becomes an era of innovations in various fields, including education. One of the impacts of the era of disruption is the readiness of English teachers in teaching. This study aims to investigate the understanding of English teachers in the era of disruption, the obstacles, and challenges of English teachers and how the teachers utilize the era of disruption in English learning. This study used a qualitative study through semi-structured interviews and classroom observation by engaging ten English teachers as subjects of research. The results show that some English teachers are not realizing that currently, the world is in the era of disruption; they even do not understand what the era of disruption is. However, they do not realize that they use the technology innovation affected by the era of disruption. English teachers face the internal and external obstacles: (1) the lack of motivation in conducting learning innovation by always updating the technology that is relevant to the times so as not to lose to the technological abilities of students; (2) some teachers have a limited understanding of how to integrate technology into teaching; and (3) limitations of available technological facilities. Meanwhile the challenge faced by the teachers is about controlling the internet content accessed by the students. English teachers utilize the era of disruption by integrating the use of technology in English learning.

A study investigated the strategies used by learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) to co... more A study investigated the strategies used by learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) to comprehend texts written in English. Subjects were 15 student teachers enrolled at a state university in Indonesia. Data were gathered using think-aloud tasks, retellings, a reading comprehension test, in-depth interviews, and casual observation. Two students' strategy profiles are presented here, including the text used and points at which the students were asked to think aloud, data on the 'Dccurrence of specific strategies used by each student, excerpts from the protocols (in Indonesian), and discussion of the findings. It is concluded that while both students were considered above-average readers, the strategies they used showed both similarities and differences. Both used a high proportion of paraphrasing and inferring strategies. The students appeared to use differential monitoring processes, text evaluation, exemplification, and approaches to understanding text construction. Observations are made about the utility of the different types of data gathering (retellings, comprehension test, interviews, observations) in addition to the think-aloud protocol. Contains 20 references. (MSE)

Good quality students' learning outcomes are dependent on good teaching materials. Good teaching ... more Good quality students' learning outcomes are dependent on good teaching materials. Good teaching materials are those developed based on an appropriate needs analysis. In this era of globalization, nurses must be skillful not only in nursing, but also in communicating in English with non-Indonesian patients. Therefore, one of the goals of nursing education is the mastery of spoken English. Related to this issue, the research reported in this paper aims to develop the appropriate speaking materials for the second semester students of nursing program based on their needs. This is a research and development study conducted at a nursing school in Yogyakarta. The development of the materials went through seven steps: conducting needs analysis, designing the course grid, developing the first draft of the textbook, getting the expert judgment, revising the product, implementing the product, and evaluating the product. The data were obtained from questionnaires and interview. The questionnaires were analyzed using quantitative data analysis, while the interview data were analyzed using qualitative data analysis. The research findings reveal the real needs of nursing students, the teacher's viewpoints on the practice of instructions, and the descriptions of English for nurses used in their field of work.
The goal of this research was to improve English Foreign Language (EFL) learners' speaking skill ... more The goal of this research was to improve English Foreign Language (EFL) learners' speaking skill using picture series and story-telling techniques. This research employed Classroom Action research (CAR) at the second grade students of a Private

Jurnal Ling Tera, May 8, 2020
This research aims to develop the reading comprehension skills in English written texts of Grade ... more This research aims to develop the reading comprehension skills in English written texts of Grade XI students of Madrasah Aliyah Al-Ikhlash Cicalengka, Bandung through the development of critical thinking in teaching process. This research was collaborative classroom action research. The subjects were the 11 th grade students of Madrasah Aliyah Al-Ikhlash Cicalengka, Bandung. The data were collected through pretest and posttest, observation, field notes, and interviews. The students were introduced with the concept of critical thinking starting with the concept of position, agreement, disagreement, and argument as well as the categorization of the opinion and fact in the text. Finally the students were asked to do some tasks and give their opinion related to the position of the writer and their background knowledge. The result showed that there was an improvement in teaching processes. In the first cycle, the students' involvement in classroom activity was improved. There were about 70% of the students who actively involved in the process and it increased in the second cycle. In expressing opinion, the students could actively express their opinion related to the text being discussed both in written and orally. The improvement also occurred in students' reading comprehension skills score. The result of paired t-test showed that there was significant different in comparison of pretest and both posttests 1 and 2. The result showed that the significant value of 0.000 was smaller than the significant level of 0.05 or 5%. This means that the improvement was significant. The result proved that improving reading comprehension skills could be achieved by developing critical thinking in teaching reading process.

Diksi, Oct 31, 2016
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kesalahan sintaksis dan morfologis pada karangan narrati... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kesalahan sintaksis dan morfologis pada karangan narrative, recount, dan procedure siswa kelas X SMA BOPKRI I Yogyakarta serta kemungkinan penyebabnya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-kualitatif yang menggunakan karangan siswa sebagai sumber data. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan taksonomi kesalahan (Dulay, 1982), teori penyebab kesalahan berbahasa (Richards, 1974), dan metode agih-padan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) siswa berprestasi tinggi dan sedang memiliki peluang kesalahan relatif sama, sedangkan siswa berprestasi rendah memiliki peluang kesalahan lebih tinggi; (2) kesalahan sintaksis paling dominan adalah kesalahan bentuk verba, yaitu penggunaan sistem kala, dan kesalahan morfologis paling dominan adalah penghilangan infleksi verba; (3) kesalahan yang mendapat prioritas utama perbaikan adalah kesalahan dengan frekuensi paling dominan serta kesalahan global yang berupa kesalahan susunan kata; (4) frekuensi kesalahan ketiga karangan siswa cukup tinggi dan sering terjadi dua kesalahan atau lebih dalam satu kalimat; dan (5) penyebab kesalahan adalah faktor antarbahasa dan faktor intrabahasa. Kata kunci: analisis kesalahan, sintaksis, morfologis, implikasi, pembelajaran THE ANALYSIS OF SYNTACTIC AND MORPHOLOGICAL MISTAKES IN ENGLISH COMPOSITIONS OF THE STUDENTS OF YOGYAKARTA'S BOPKRI I HIGH SCHOOL ABSTRAK This research intends to describe the syntactic and morphological mistakes in the narrative, recount, and procedure compositions of the students of grade X in Yogyakarta's Bopkri I High School and the possible causes of the mistakes. A descriptive qualitative research, this study used students' compositions as its main data source, while the data analysis was conducted by using taxonomy of mistakes (Dulay, 1982), the theory of the causes of mistakes in using languages (Richards, 1974), and agih-padan method (distributional and identity methods). The research results show that: (1) students with high and medium levels of educational achievements have relatively the same opportunity of making mistakes, while students with low level of educational achievements have higher opportunity of making mistakes; (2) the most dominant syntactic mistakes are in the form of verbs, that is the use of tenses, and the most dominant morphological mistakes are in the form of the absence of verb inflections; (3) the most dominant mistakes and the global mistakes in the form of errors in word orders are given the first priority to be corrected; (4) the frequency of mistakes in the students' compositions is relatively high and there are often two or more mistakes in one sentence; and (5) the causes of the mistakes are interlanguage and intralanguage factors.

Cakrawala Pendidikan: jurnal ilmiah pendidikan, Apr 29, 2015
Pahami Tindakan Anda: Teori Pembelajaran di balik Praktik di Kelas. Studi kasus ini bertujuan men... more Pahami Tindakan Anda: Teori Pembelajaran di balik Praktik di Kelas. Studi kasus ini bertujuan mengungkap sejauh mana mahasiswa calon guru mampu memberikan alasan atas tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dalam pelatihan bahasa Inggris bagi pekerja industri kerajinan di Kabupaten Bantul dan Kota Yogyakarta. Data tentang tindakan, yang dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan non-partisipan yang didukung rekaman video, dianalisis dengan analisis model Blaxter, Hughes and Tight's (2006), sementara data tentang alasan tindakan dianalisis dengan model Miles & Huberman (1994: 10). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa calon guru dalam penelitian ini: (1) tidak selalu mampu memberikan alasan yang tepat atas tindakan yang secara pedagogik benar; (2) tidak mampu memberikan alasan atas sebagian besar tindakan yang secara pedagogik tidak tepat; dan (3) memberikan alasan yang berubah-ubah atas tindakan yang secara pedagogik tidak jelas tujuannya. Temuan kajian ini mendukung keraguan Chappell & Hawke (2003) apakah para guru memahami apa yang mereka lakukan.
The study provides a detailed description of the reading comprehension strategies used by 15 four... more The study provides a detailed description of the reading comprehension strategies used by 15 fourth-year student-teachers of English at a university in Indonesia. Using think-aloud and interview protocols as the main data, the study reveals evidence of good strategy use, but it has not been maintained consistently.

Britain International for Linguistics, Arts and Education Journal, Mar 31, 2020
English is a communication medium in various worlds that has developed rapidly in social society ... more English is a communication medium in various worlds that has developed rapidly in social society and applies it in science (Jöns and Hoyler, 2013, Agussani and Ansari, 2020). To facilitate communication using English, other media are also needed to assist the implementation of English communication such as technology and information (Ma et al., 2015, Syakur, 2017). Indeed, the use of technology in the learning process provides opportunities and opportunities for teaching staff in this case lecturers to be able to improve and develop their competencies, especially professional competencies (Syakur, 2018, Saiz-Manzanares et al., 2020). The use of technology in learning problems in the classroom is expected to be able to provide solutions in overcoming learning in the classroom. This is caused by the less optimal role of a lecturer in utilizing technology in the world of education (Shah et al., 2011, Sulam et al., 2019). One of the things that can be utilized by the world of education, especially lecturers in learning English through the use of learning applications, one of which is Google Classroom (Wats and Wats, 2009, Syakur, 2019). This application is still popular even with an era like this Google Classroom is an innovation on the main menu for educators in Indonesia (Ortega-Moran et al., 2020, Syakur et al., 2020). This service is assumed to be one of the services in answering problems and challenges in Classroom. Like the limited time available in the class to discuss and study an assignment or material, especially English which is currently only maximized by 3 SCS (Semester Credit System).

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan paradigma atau kerangka berfikir baru terkait dengan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan paradigma atau kerangka berfikir baru terkait dengan pengembangan buku ajar bahasa Inggris di Indonesia yang tidak hanya berorientasi pada pengembangan pengetahuan kebahasaan namun juga kesastraan sehingga diharapkan dapat mendukung proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan secara seimbang antara kecerdasan intelektual dan kecerdasan emosional siswa. Secara keseluruhan tujuan penelitian tersebut dibagi dalamtiga tahun pelaksanaan. Pada tahun pertama telah berhasil diteliti dan teridentifikasi buku ajar yang digunakan dan model pengintegrasian kebahasaan dan kesastraan dalam buku ajar Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan di SMA. Khusus penelitian pada tahun kedua ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model buku ajar bahasa Inggris untuk SMA sebagaimana dimaksud. Metode dan pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah research and development modelnya Gall, Gall, dan Borg (2003). Adapun langkah-langkah prosedurnya adalah: 1) Tahun pertama, yang telah dilakukan mencakup dua kegiatan besar, yakni studi pendahuluan (define) dan perancangan (design); 2) Tahun kedua, yang akan dilaksanakan, merupakan tahapan pengembangan (development), yakni pengembangan buku ajar; dan 3) Tahun ketiga, merupakan diseminasi implementasi hasil pengembangan buku ajar sebagaimana dimaksud. Adapun hasil atau target yang akan dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah terwujudnya kerangka berfikir baru dalam pengembangan buku ajar bahasa Inggris SMA yang berbasis pengintegrasian dimensi kebahasan dan kesastraan, yang diharapkan dapat mendukung proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dimensi intelektualitas dan juga emosionalitas secara bersama-sama dan akseleratif, demi terwujudnya siswa sebagai manusia Indonesia yang ideal seutuhnya. Khusus penelitian tahun kedua, target yang akan dicapai adalah tersusunnya model buku ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA khusunya untuk kelas X yang telah mengintegrasikan dimensi kebahasaan dan kesastraan. Kemudian, selain berupa laporan penelitian, hasil atau target luaran penelitian pada tahun kedua ini adalah: 1) publikasi ilmiah di jurnal internasional bereputasi yakni

International Journal of English Language and Linguistics Research
This research analyzed the model of cultural literacy in learning and understanding English as a ... more This research analyzed the model of cultural literacy in learning and understanding English as a foreign language in higher education. Cultural literacy is closely related to applying English as the main foreign language in higher education. The lecturer became a role model and a central point in introducing and guiding students to understand cultural literacy and English as a foreign language. Moroever, this study portrayed a qualitative descriptive method. Five lecturers from private higher education in Malang city were recruited as informants in gathering information. Furthermore, the study unraveled that cultural literacy and learning English as a foreign language had interconnections to explore each other's culture from any aspect, thus, creating adjacent dialogic and informative spaces as intercultural communications.

This research was aimed at developing English writing instructional materials that are appropriat... more This research was aimed at developing English writing instructional materials that are appropriate for second-year students of English Department at Champasak University. This research was a Research and Development study using model proposed by Jolly and Bolitho (1998). The subjects of this research were 30 learners who are students of English Department at Champasak University. Data were collected using questionnaires and interviews. The data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of needs analysis showed that students need to learn about (1) writing process, (2) students need to know and learn more about types of text, (3) students need to learn more about types of letter and (4) students need to learn about the cultures around them. The findings revealed that the English writing instructional materials in terms of aims and approaches, design and organization, language contents, skills, topics, methodology and practical consideration were appropriate for seco...

Education Research International
There has been a dearth of studies exploring the development of online learning platforms in Indo... more There has been a dearth of studies exploring the development of online learning platforms in Indonesian ESP classes in recent years. To fill such a lacuna, the present study was designed to develop an online learning application for pharmacy students in their ESP learning in an Indonesian higher education setting. Encapsulated by Gall, Borg, and Gall’s (2003) Research and Development (R&D) model, the study’s findings showcase that (1) the application, named “Absyak,” has been successfully developed at the design stage based on the needs analysis; (2) the variables of material, media, and student responses on learning have been validated and corrected according to the suggestions of two validators as media experts and three validators as material experts; (3) responses from 30 students showed that the indicators for each variable were valid, reliable, and very feasible to implement; and (4) the implementation phase with 60 students indicated that the developed material effectively en...

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Current Issues in Education (ICCIE 2018), 2019
Learning English in Vocational High Schools (VHSs) is different from that in Senior High Schools.... more Learning English in Vocational High Schools (VHSs) is different from that in Senior High Schools. The orientation of VHSs is to train students to be qualified enough for the world of work in the future. In other words, VHSs focus on the students' readiness to do certain job expertise. In order to achieve this goal, the English teacher should provide English learning materials that are appropriate to their fields and based on the students' need. Eventually, English teachers in VHSs are expected to have the ability to analyze the students' needs, so that they can design appropriate instructional materials. The purpose of this research was to describe the need analysis results of students who were prospective workers as well as English learners. This study involved 21 eleventh grade students of Multimedia Study Program at vocational school SMK Negeri 5 Jayapura. The data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed based on the interpretation of frequency and percentage. The results show that the needs of students towards learning English are to meet the academic professions and the future needs of the students, including the skills of the language and some of the language components.

Diksi, 2014
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuanmendeskripsikan kesalahan sintaksis dan morfologis padakarangan na... more ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuanmendeskripsikan kesalahan sintaksis dan morfologis padakarangan narrative, recount, dan procedure siswa kelas X SMA BOPKRI I Yogyakartaserta kemungkinan penyebabnya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-kualitatif yangmenggunakan karangan siswa sebagai sumber data. Analisis data dilakukan denganmenggunakan taksonomi kesalahan (Dulay, 1982), teori penyebab kesalahan berbahasa(Richards, et al. 1974), dan metode agih-padan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1)siswa berprestasi tinggi dan sedang memiliki peluang kesalahan relatif sama, sedangkansiswa berprestasi rendah memiliki peluang kesalahan lebih tinggi; (2) kesalahan sintaksispaling dominan adalah kesalahan bentuk verba, yaitu penggunaan sistem kala, dankesalahan morfologis paling dominan adalah penghilangan infleksi verba; (3) kesalahanyang mendapat prioritas utama perbaikan adalah kesalahan dengan frekuensi palingdominan serta kesalahan global yang berupa kesalahan susunan kata; (4) frekuensike...
Papers by sugirin sugirin