Papers by Muhammad Nauval Muwaffiq muhammadnauval.2023

Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Undiksha
The aim of this study was to find out the effectiveness of using Google classroom during online l... more The aim of this study was to find out the effectiveness of using Google classroom during online learning toward students' elementary Interest in math learning. The study adopt descriptive quantitative Which focus on students' interest during online learning. the partisipant for the study were elementary student on Banten province that were using Google classroom during online learning. The students were choose by Random sampling technique. The instrument to collect the data was using quesioner on google form. Data was analysis by using prosentase uji. The results of the study showed that online learning using google classroom on interest in learning mathematics in elementary school students has been effective. This is indicated by the acquisition of an average score for indicators of interest in learning mathematics using Google Classroom (61%), the use of Google Classroom features (72%) and the effectiveness of online learning using Google Classroom (62%). Although there a...

Puji Syukur saya haturkan kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan hidayahnya-Nya s... more Puji Syukur saya haturkan kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan hidayahnya-Nya sehingga saya bisa menyelesaikan karya ilmiah tentang “Konstruksi dan Implementasi Filsafat Ilmu”, tidak lupa juga saya mengucapkan terimakasih kepada Prof. Dr. Marsigit,M.A. yang telah memberikan tugas berupa karya ilmiah sebagai tugas akhir yang sangat berguna untuk menambah pengetahuan dan melatih rasa tanggung jawab dengan menyelesaikan tugas ini tepat waktu. Sebagai penulis, saya menyadari bahwa ada kekurangan baik dalam penyusunan maupun tata bahasa dalam tugas akhir ini. Oleh karean itu, dengan kerendahan hati, saya siap menerima kritik dan saran dari pembaca, semata-mata untuk perbaikan kualitas karya ini. Harapannya, kritik dan saran yang diberikan akan membantu saya memperbaiki kekurangan dalam penyusunan karya ilmiah ini. Saya berharap semoga karya ilmiah ini akan meberikan manfaat dan juga dapat menjadi inspirasi dan rujukan penulis berikutnya

Jurnal Penamas Adi Buana
In Indonesia, an education system is implemented where students with special learning needs can g... more In Indonesia, an education system is implemented where students with special learning needs can get education in public schools. One type of child with special needs that is accepted by public schools is a slow learner. Slow learner children usually have various things during learning, such as difficulty in understanding abstract concepts, low motivation to learn, slow to understand material, and need to understand repetitive material. Therefore, community service is needed which aims to provide special assistance to slow learner students to help students learn mathematics. Partners in this service are 2 slow learner students from 2 schools in Yogyakarta. The stages of this service consist of 3 stages, namely the preparation, mentoring and evaluation stages of learning. The results of the service show that there is an increase in mathematical understanding for slow learner students. Students become easier to understand the mathematical material presented by various methods and teach...

Al-Khwarizmi : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Learning with an ethnomathematical approach based on Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) can he... more Learning with an ethnomathematical approach based on Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) can help students understand mathematical problems based on the culture they experience. This article examines the use of the Joglo House miniature props on planes and solid figures. This research is explorative with an ethnographic approach. The methods used are exploration, observation, documentation, and literature study. The results showed that the Joglo house can be used as an illustration in studying the elements and properties of planes and solid figures. Students can be directly involved in understanding the shapes of squares, rectangles, trapezoids, and cuboids. Students can also understand the concept of congruence well. Exploration of mathematical elements in the miniature of the Joglo House is highly recommended so that students are not fixated only on the stage of knowledge of geometric shapes
Papers by Muhammad Nauval Muwaffiq muhammadnauval.2023