Papers by Adrian A Adăscăliței

ASTR Proceedigs Craiova, 2024
REZUMAT. Această lucrare (Strategii utilizate în predarea și învățarea hybridă și în utilizarea l... more REZUMAT. Această lucrare (Strategii utilizate în predarea și învățarea hybridă și în utilizarea laboratoarelor virtuale pentru educația în domeniile științifice, tehnologice, inginerești, artistice și matematică) explorează dezvoltarea practicilor de învățare online în învățământul ingineresc la Universitatea Tehnică "Gh. Asachi" din Iași (TUIași) din 1994 până în prezent, inclusiv perioada pandemiei Covid-19. Acesta evidențiază modalitățile prin care predarea și învățarea mixtă (BTL), inclusiv laboratoarele virtuale, au înlocuit treptat stilul tradițional de predare față în față. Până în 2020, progresele în tehnologia internetului și utilizarea pe scară largă a acesteia din urmă au permis deja apariția claselor hibride. Autorul își prezintă contribuția la dezvoltarea practicilor de învățare online la instituția publică de învățământ superior menționată mai sus, care se mândrește cu faptul că este cea mai veche din învățământul ingineresc din România. În prezent, această universitate folosește Moodle pentru a-și gestiona programul de învățare online. Lucrarea abordează următoarele teme: utilizarea internetului și a platformelor educaționale la Departamentele pentru Pregătirea Personalului Didactic din Universitatea Al. I. Cuza (UAIC, Iași) și TUIași; punerea în aplicare a unor practici de predare inovatoare, cum ar fi e-pedagogia; tranziția la învățarea mixtă ca stil de predare dominant centrat pe student; contribuția tehnologiei digitale la o mai mare implicare și satisfacție a cursanților; colaborarea cu universități din România, Republica Moldova, Egipt și alte țări europene. Cuvinte cheie: e-pedagogie, educație STEAM, predare și învățare mixtă (BTL), laboratoare virtuale, compatibilitate electromagnetică. ABSTRACT. This paper explores the development of online learning practices in engineering education at "Gh. Asachi" Technical University in Iaşi (TUIaşi) from 1994 to present, including the Covid-19 pandemic period. It highlights ways in which blended teaching and learning (BTL), including virtual laboratories, gradually replaced the traditional face-to-face teaching style. By 2020 advances in Internet technology and the latter's widespread use had already enabled the emergence of hybrid classes. The author present his contribution to the development of online learning practices at the above public higher education institution, which boasts being the oldest in engineering education in Romania. At present, this university uses Moodle to manage its online learning programme. The paper looks into the following topics: use of the Internet and of educational platforms at the Departments of Teacher Training at Al. I. Cuza University (UAIC, Iaşi) and TUIaşi; implementation of innovative teaching practices, such as epedagogy; transition to blended learning as the dominant student-centred teaching style; contribution of digital technology to greater learner engagement and satisfaction; collaboration with universities from Romania, the Republic of Moldova, Egypt, and other European countries.

Proiectarea concentrată asupra utilizatorului impune Interfeţei caracteristicile care permit util... more Proiectarea concentrată asupra utilizatorului impune Interfeţei caracteristicile care permit utilizatorului să controleze procesul de instruire . O interfaţă utilizabilă trebuie studiată , realizată şi testată iterativ pentru a putea maximiza eficienţa şi mnimiza timpul cesesar proceselor de predare şi instruire . Un alt punct important al sistemelor de instruire Web este modul de atestare a asimilării cunoştinţelor de către studenţi , fapt care evaluează eficienţa pedagogică a sistemului de instruire cu ajutorul unui set de teste semi-automate . Implementarea rezultatelor obţinute în cadrul tezei au fost utilizate şi extinse în cadrul proiectului VIRTUiS Planul de cercetare pentru teza de doctorat a cuprins : Examinarea cercetărilor actuale în domeniul Instruirii On-Line şi a conceperii Interfeţelor Grafice Utilizator pentru sistemele de instruire . Analizarea utilitarelor existente din punctul de vedere al utilizării acestora în instruirea on-line . Creearea unui prototip dinamic de curs on-line care să utilizeze o interfaţă dedicată utilizatorului , care să fie testată experimental într-un mediu educaţional . Testarea şi evaluarea prototipului , în cadrul Univesităţii Tehnice "Gh. Asachi" Iaşi , din punct de vedere al eficienţei utilizării într-un mediu de instruire . Dezvoltarea unor criterii de utilizabilitate a mediului de instruire informatic în Învăţământul Tehnic Superior Ingineresc din România . Cercetarea a fost concepută şi realizată cu scopul de a edifica un mediu informatic complet pentru predare şi învăţare interactivă distribuită . Sistemul de instruire Web (VIRTUiS) este organizat ca umare a cercetării , sub forma unor spaţii de lucru virtuale (Lecţii , Exerciţii , Discuţii) , pentru a putea fi astfel satisfăcute toate cerinţele predării tradiţionale . Au fost publicate sau sunt în curs de publicare câteva articole (vezi bibliografia) . Contribuţii la perfecţionarea sistemelor moderne multimedia în procesul didactic de asimilare a cunoştinţelor din domeniul disciplinei de bazele electrotehnicii a condus la realizarea unui produs informatic distribuit în reţea intitulat Campus Virtual în care să fie integrat cursul "on-line" de Compatibilitate Electromagnetică ; produsul informatic trebuie să asigure transferul optim de cunoştinţe de la Profesor la Student prin intermediul reţelei Web . Campusul Virtual al Universităţii Tehnice "Gh. Asachi" Iaşi (VIR TU iS) este un sistem care integrează echipamentul (calculatoarele) , programele software şi reţelele pentru a putea deservi diferiţii participanţi angajaţi în activităţi de educaţie şi instruire . Campusul Virtual este un concept de cercetare dezvoltat de Institutul de Informatică Teoretică al Academiei Române , Filiala Iaşi, prin care se modelează fiecare participant la procesul de instruire cu ajutorul Tehnologiei Informaţiei , conceptul fiind fundamentat de modelul constructivist al educaţiei . Comunicarea Tradiţională dintre Student şi Profesor este înlocuită cu o Comunicare Mediată de Sistemul Informatic Transferul de cunoştinţe de la Profesorul Inginer la Student are loc în procesul de predare învăţare prin intermediul unor evenimente didactice tradiţionale , evenimente adaptate însă funcţionării şi capabilităţilor Sistemului Informatic : Lecţia ; Tutorialul (lecţia interactivă Introducere. Obiectivele Cercetării . Adrian A. Adăscăliţei : Contribuţii la perfecţionarea sistemelor moderne multimedia în procesul didactic de asimilare a cunoştinţelor din domeniul disciplinei de bazele electrotehnicii 3 supervizată sau cu îndrumare) ; Exerciţiul ghidat ; Lucrare de Laborator (simulări) ; Proiectul ; Examen . Mediul Informatic comportă două elemente : componenta software (inteligentă) şi componenta hardware (infrastructura sistemelor informatice) . In Teză , Structura tehnologică (hardware) a sistemului informatic este analizată numai din perspectiva utilizării sistemului pentru Instruirea On-Line . Contribuţia originală a tezei se referă la Aspectele de Pedagogie Inginerească Informatică care se referă la componenta software (inteligentă) şi care cuprind Analiza şi Conceperea următoarelor componente ale Instruirii On-Line : Interfaţa Student -Sistem Informatic (PC) Structurarea şi Organizarea Materialului Predat (de Instruire) , Navigabilitatea în Domeniul de Cunoştinţe , Prezentarea Vizuală a Informaţiilor Multimedia Utilizarea componentelor software specifice Sistemului Informatic în Instruire (navigarea documentelor hypermedia, poşta electronică, transferul de fişiere, video-conferinţe) . Materialul Tezei este structurat în următoarele capitole : Capitolul 0 , Introducere . Obiectivele cercetării . Capitolul 1 , Situaţia actuală a domeniului (istoric, pedagogie informatică) Capitolul 2, Sistem informatic pentru instruire (instrumente hardware, reţea, sisteme informatice multimedia) Capitolul 3, Sinteză şi cercetare : Viziunea originală asupra pedagogiei informatizate de predare şi învăţare a disciplinelor inginereşti (structurarea unui curs) Capitolul 4, Descrierea produsului informatic , Cursul On-Line de Compatibilitate ElectroMagnetică , realizat cu ajutorul Instrumentelor şi Concepţiei originale prezentate anterior. Folosirea conceptului original în dezvoltarea Proiectului de Campus Virtual al Universităţii Tehnice "Gh. Asachi" Iaşi . Capitolul 5 , Concluzii , contribuţii originale şi direcţii posibile de cercetare pe viitor . Bibliografia Anexe Adrian A. Adăscăliţei : Contribuţii la perfecţionarea sistemelor moderne multimedia în procesul didactic de asimilare a cunoştinţelor din domeniul disciplinei de bazele electrotehnicii 4 Capitolul 1. Situaţia actuală a domeniului (istoric, pedagogie informatică) . 1. 1. Definiţii . Definiţia procesului de Proiectare a Instruirii . 1. 2. Istoric al teoriilor proiectării procesului de instruire . 1. 3. Teoriile Fundamentale ale Proiectării Instruirii . Componentele Procesului de Proiectare a Instruirii . Capitolul 1. Situaţia actuală a domeniului (istoric, pedagogie informatică) Adrian A. Adăscăliţei : Contribuţii la perfecţionarea sistemelor moderne multimedia în procesul didactic de asimilare a cunoştinţelor din domeniul disciplinei de bazele electrotehnicii 12 1. 2. Istoric al teoriilor proiectării procesului de instruire . Lucrările lui Darwin (Originea Omului ,1871) şi ale lui William James (Principiile Psihologiei ,1890) au inspirat un mare număr de cercetători , inclusiv pe Thorndike . Această perioadă a fost dominată de o modificare fundamentală în modul de gândire despre educaţie care a fost susţinută de apariţia investigărilor ştiinţifice asupra modului în care învaţă omul şi animalele . Până la acest moment , instruirea a fost dominată de idea că mintea , întocmai ca şi trupul , poate fi dezvoltată prin exerciţii ("minte sănătoasă în corp sănătos "). Se credea că studierea şi cunoaşterea unor anumite discipline ştiinţifice ar putea revigora şi dezvolta inteligenţa în aceeaşi manieră în care educaţia fizică dezvoltă anumiţi muşchi . Una din personalităţile care au contribuit esenţial la transformarea educaţiei dintr-o disciplină empirică într-o ştiinţă a fost E.L. Thorndike , profesor de psihologia educaţiei de la Universitatea Columbia . Thorndike a introdus evaluările proceselor educaţionale . Perioadă influenţată de lucrarea intitulată Eficienţa Socială a lui Franklin Bobbitt (1918). Această perioadă a fost dominată de satisfacerea nevoilor societăţii şi a efectelor acestor necesităţi sociale de către obiectivele instruirii . Au fost concepute Planuri pentru o Instruire Individualizată care permit studenţilor să înveţe (progreseze) în ritmul propriu beneficiind de o direcţionare ( îndrumare , ghidare) minimă din partea profesorului . Aceste planuri includ obiective de învăţare iniţial specificate , ritm propriu de studiu , control asupra învăţării , şi alte forme posibile de studiu individualizat . Aceste planuri au contribuit la dezvoltarea proiectării instruirii , proces care este în opoziţie cu instruirea tradiţională . Au fost introduse Studierea pe bază de Contract şi Controlul Procesului de Învăţare , dezvoltându-se analiza cunoştinţelor caracteristice unei anumite profesii (slujbe) şi analiza activităţilor desfăşurate de un angajat . Studiul pe bază de Contract îşi are originea în planurile de instruire individualizate din anii 1920 . Controlul învăţării a fost exemplificat pentru prima dată în anii 1920 în cadrul planurilor de instruire individuală (individualizate) . Pentru a putea trece la următoarea etapă a instruirii , studentul trebuie să cunoască conţinutul materialelor prezentate în etapa pe care o parcurge . Conceptul de cunoaştere (sau de stăpânire) a subiectului este pus în practică cu ajutorul specificării obiectivelor procesului de instruire şi cu ajutorul evaluării şi atestării (sau îndeplinirii) acestor obiective . Sidney Pressey a creat o maşină care să furnizeze exerciţii practice studenţilor . Această perioadă a fost influenţată de Marea Criză economică care a afectat educaţia reducând fondurile alocate instruirii . A fost introdusă Educaţia Graduală (etapizată) . Această perioadă este caracterizată de un progres lent al evoluţiei către dezvoltarea procesului de instruire . Adrian A. Adăscăliţei : Contribuţii la perfecţionarea sistemelor moderne multimedia în procesul didactic de asimilare a cunoştinţelor din domeniul disciplinei de bazele electrotehnicii 13 Planul de Studiu de 8 ani introdus de Ralph Tyler a fost o piatră de hotar specificând obiectivele generale ale educaţiei . În funcţie de aceste obiective generale au fost concepute obiectivele comportamentale . A fost recunoscută Evaluarea Formativă . Această perioadă a fost dominată de necesitatea instruirii cadrelor militare . Al II-lea Război Mondial a creat o dificilă problemă de instruire : mii de noi recruţi trebuiau instruiţi repede în condiţiile în care complexitatea noilor arme cereau un nivel de control uman fără precedent . Strategii de instruire bazate pe utilizarea mediilor (filme ,...
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific r... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
Lucrarea are ca obiectiv utilizarea unui mediu virtual de instruire pentru conceperea, administra... more Lucrarea are ca obiectiv utilizarea unui mediu virtual de instruire pentru conceperea, administrarea şi distribuirea în reţeaua web a cursurilor interactive inginereşti, mediu care exploatează tehnologia informatică şi de comunicaţii (TIC). Proiectul Tempus ( ) pentru "Înființarea unei rețele tematice interuniversitare de e-learning în domeniul științelor aplicate și economie din Republica Moldova", la
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific r... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Public Domain 2022 Comrat University, MD; E-pedagogy: teacher competencies and skills needed to deliver STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education programs.
Ed. Roceanu, I., In …, Jan 1, 2009
This paper presents several important topics that show the importance of learning and knowledge i... more This paper presents several important topics that show the importance of learning and knowledge in the development of human society. Knowledge depends upon the learning process. It shows that in the problem-solving processes require demonstrative thinking, a algorithms thinking. It presents considerations on the future of e-learning..
Техніка та енергетика / Machinery & Energetics, Mar 15, 2017

Editura ALMA, 2015
— In the CRUNT TEMPUS project, epedagogy of using ITC learning environments was used. Elearning i... more — In the CRUNT TEMPUS project, epedagogy of using ITC learning environments was used. Elearning inter-university network of Moldova uses a virtual learning environment for training and learning process improvement dedicated to engineering students. The article presents some methodological elements that contributed to the success of TEMPUS CRUNT Project. Several web courses, based on Blended Learning methodology are highlighted. This paper presents elearning instruction materials for engineering undergraduates developed on the Virtual Learning Environment Processes of: design, development and implementation of interactive educational modules are presented, for the topic of electrical engineering and technology. Elearning modules provide student with information examples containing rich multimedia elements: text, glossary, webography, bibliography , knowledge and skills assimilation assessment. The modules are divided into a number of teaching and learning units which can be studied autonomously (or independent). Electrical Engineering and Technology (EET) Discipline model is a new approach to learning electrical technology-one that presents concepts in the customary logically developed order but illustrates them with exemplars that reflect the applications students are interested in. Electrical Engineering Discipline resources are especially for secondary school teachers and students, with topics ranging from introductory to advanced Electrical Engineering and Technology. Teachers will find reliable and quality resources including videos, articles, demonstrations, worksheets, assessments and activities all in one location. Resources are searchable by topic and standards. eLearning Modules are using visualization of electrical engineering concepts. These principles focus on a few specific pedagogical pointers: 1. providing multiple representations and descriptions, 2. making linked referential connections visible, 3. presenting the dynamic and interactive nature of electrical engineering, 4. promoting the transformation between 2D and 3D, and 5. reducing cognitive load by making information explicit and integrating information for students.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual Learning - VIRTUAL LEARNING - VIRTUAL REALITY (18th edition)
Abstract: This article presents contributions to the introduction and use of the Internet and edu... more Abstract: This article presents contributions to the introduction and use of the Internet and educational platforms at the Teacher Training Departments of Gh. Technical University Asachi and Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania. Collaboration with state universities from the Republic of Moldova, and with Menoufia University, Egypt, is also mentioned. Efforts to define the notions of e-Learning Pedagogy needed by teachers using online STEM education are reviewed. Keywords: e-learning Pedagogy, online educational platforms, Moodle, Significant publications. Adrian A. ADĂSCĂLIȚEI, "Some contributions to the foundation of the e-Learning Pedagogy", International Conference on Virtual Learning, ISSN 2971-9291, ISSN-L 1844-8933, vol. 18, pp. 195-206, 2023.
ERJ. Engineering Research Journal, Jul 1, 2022

2019 International Conference on Electromechanical and Energy Systems (SIELMEN), Oct 1, 2019
The article presents a review of current epedagogical methods of designing study programs for edu... more The article presents a review of current epedagogical methods of designing study programs for education in the field of electric and computers engineering Using Blended Learning Resources. OER (Open Educational Resources) and MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) are discussed. Experimental engineering skills and abilities can be developed by using remote labs and simulations. The development of critical thinking of engineer students takes place while students work with virtual resources, and students need to understand what kind of results they get for each experiment. Even if it addresses the same problems-by differentiating the simulation laboratories-it focuses on another field: not the ability to do this, but how you can do it. Online laboratories are also fundamental to the experiments the student performs in the individual study because they are specially designed for distance students who need to gain an introductory knowledge and familiarity with real-life phenomena. The instructional design model is based on the ADDIE model, which includes the phases of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. VLEs are used to make online interactions between Students and Teachers. Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is known as an online course management system (CMS). Learning Process and Content Management Systems (LCMS), in this case, Moodle (an open source software platform for e-learning), provides instructors with the tools to create e-learning or Blended Teaching and Learning (BTL) course. The article provides resources and information to help educators, administrators, and decision-makers better apply ITC in Engineering Education (EE) programs. The resources were analyzed by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (“Gh. Asachi” Technical University from Iaşi, Romania) with extensive experience in integrating ICT (information and communication technology) in the training programs of engineering teachers.

Motto: "The only source of knowledge is experience. Learn from yesterday, live for today, ho... more Motto: "The only source of knowledge is experience. Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning." Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) "I am for new things, but, more, than the things that are new today , I appreciate the things that will be new starting tomorrow." Grigore C. Moisil (1906-1973) CONTENT 1. The need for computer and concepts 2. Development of sciences and evolution of university courses 3. Grigore Moisil, the father of Romanian Informatics 4. Grigore Moisil's vision on learning The need for computer was not the dream of a scientist or an inventor, was the medium (product) that are combined and used a variety of effective solutions offered by science and technology to solve practical problems that faced in the period 1940-1960 the powerful nations of the world: USA, USSR and UK. The main issues that were major and urgent even were military-defense and conquest of outer space, the last issue is still a major problem for defense. Factors that influenced the conception, design and development of computer systems are all factors scientific, technological, social, cultural, economic, political, military, etc. At the level of individuals in a society, it can be said that the destiny and their lives are influenced by the factors outlined above. Factors that influenced the conception, design and development of computer systems are all factors scientific, technological, social, cultural, economic, political, military, etc. Un example would be October 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union launched the Sputnik satellite in outer space ( 83.6 kg), Earth's first artificial satellite, when US leaders were concerned about a Soviet first strike could be a preemptive strike; It was when the US Department of Defense Military began several research projects; Consequently, on 31 January 1958 was launched Explorer 1 (14 kg), the first artificial satellite launched by the US, Soviet satellites being third after Sputnik 1 and 2 . At the level of individuals of a society, we can say that destiny and their lives are influenced by the factors mentioned above. No need to come up with arguments or examples, simple study of biographies of scientists, art, etc., who lived in different periods of history will be enlightening for anyone. About Grigore C. Moisil: He was a member of the Romanian Academy, of the Academy of Bologna, and of the International Institute of Philosophy. Moisil was a professor of mathematical logic and computer science at the University of Bucharest, and taught in various universities in Europe and America. His early contributions were in mathematics and later he devoted his scientific activity to mathematical logic and computer science. He pioneered the application of mathematical logic to computer science. In the 1950s, Prof. Moisil developed a new structural theory of finite automata and proposed what he called "the trivalent Lukaszewiczian algebra applied to the logic of switching circuits", an important contribution to the development of computer science in those early years. Some of his books were translated in several languages. At a time when cybernetics was thought of as "reactionary bourgeois science directed against working class" Prof. Moisil used his scientific authority to personally encourage the Romanian scientists to build the first computer, that appeared in 1957. (Excerpts from the biography produced by the IEEE Computer Society, who "is proud to recognize Grigore C. Moisil as a Computer Pioneer" in 1996)
Electric Power Systems Research, Mar 1, 1992
A piecewise-linear model is used to describe ferroresonance. The paper is concerned with the dete... more A piecewise-linear model is used to describe ferroresonance. The paper is concerned with the determination of the minimum voltage Vmi n to sustain ferroresonance. An exact expression for Vmin cannot be derived owing to the transcendental character of the steady-state equations. By writing equations in an intermediate linear form, the determination of exact values for Ymi n is substantially simplified. Based on the linear form, the authors also obtain expressions providing almost exact and approximate values for Vm~ .. As an application the authors find exact, almost exact, and approximate values for the capacitance (i.e. the cable length) beyond which ferroresonance can be expected.

The problem of the e-learning quality systems, the assessment of the e-learning platforms using t... more The problem of the e-learning quality systems, the assessment of the e-learning platforms using their specifications, the progressive identification and implementation of the quality standards in e-learning are actual research themes that concern pedagogues, IT specialists and practitioners. It is known the fact that nowadays e-learning is the key instrument to make learning international, and the development e-learning media quality has become a strategic objective for the modern provider for education and training. The present article deals with the problem of ensuring the quality for the e-learning resources and proceses for the students that use the Moodle platform in Romania making use of the ELQ model for quality assessment of e-learning in higher education. The aim of the present paper is to demonstrate the importance of a correct understanding of the process of ensuring the quality within the e-learning media for students, as well as the necessity to generate trust in satisfying the quality requirements for the interactive training in the e-learning system. After reviewing the existing literature, particularly focusing on QA frameworks, models and procedures, one used the base semi structured interview enquiry and content analysis. The paper submits to analysing some experts' opinions on e-learning, pedagogues and practitioners concerning the quality of the training process of students in the e-learning system, but also some students' perceptions concerning their degree of satisfaction of these in rapport with the e-learning services that are offered. Qualitative and quantitative findings have been presented. The findings support the flexibility and relevance of ELQ as an e-learning assessment model. The present paper brings light on some concrete aspects of the quality ensuring process of the e-learning content and services for students that need permanent improvement and that makes all the people involved responsible and creates the premises for the development of an e-learning culture.

Blended Learning courses combine face-to-face (traditional) and online learning. This method of l... more Blended Learning courses combine face-to-face (traditional) and online learning. This method of learning is for students who do not want to miss out on the traditional classroom experience, but want the flexibility essential with online learning. All blended courses will meet the first day of class and at least three other face-to-face meetings. Textile chemistry can generally be divided into three major areas: dyeing and finishing chemistry, fiber and polymer chemistry, and a newer area that intersects with materials science and involves the blending of textile materials. Online e-learning has also undergone a revolution wherein virtually all universities have provided courses that can be taken asynchronously, anywhere and at anytime. Tools and technologies have rapidly evolved to transform the conventional sequential unidirectional methods into collaborative omni directional learning environments. Piaget's theory of cognitive development stated that "the learner must be active; he is not a vessel to be filled with facts. Learning involves the participation of the learner". eBooks and new collaborative learning software allows us to create materials and an environment that allow students to explore and independently navigate tendrils of interconnecting concepts that will empower and enhance their construction of a more cohesive understanding of interconnected facets of a discipline. Students are rarely prompted to construct explanations of scientific phenomena for themselves. In many undergraduate courses, students spend a great deal of time either passively listening to lecturers' explanations or reading explanations from textbooks. Moreover, textbook explanations are often presented succinctly and in rapid succession, as if the material is straightforward and requires nothing more than memorization. Classroom activities that facilitate students generating their own explanations (i.e., developing and deploying explanatory knowledge) can therefore be powerful conceptual teaching and learning tools. Active learning strategies such as cooperative learning groups, guided inquiry, and peer-led team learning demonstrate progress toward student production of explanations in the undergraduate chemistry classroom. This paper presents the design principles and implementation of interactive training modules from chemical textile engineering curricula performed on "" elearning platform. Modules can be used also in traditional didactic activity: course lectures, laboratory, seminar and / or design classes. Interactive simulations allow learning of: knowledge, skills and abilities, necessary to engineering students in their future professional activity. Elearning modules aimed mainly effective interaction between student and content. Interactive graphical interface helps the student to understand quickly and accurately the issues of the course content and enables simulation of real industrial processes.

The paper presents the conclusions of a qualitative study regarding the efficiency of new design/... more The paper presents the conclusions of a qualitative study regarding the efficiency of new design/development models of pedagogical resurses very useful in blended learning. The purpose of the present study is the capitalization of the new blended educational directions used in designing/accomplishing/implementing modern courses used pedagogical methods, recent software products, new perspectives in the process of blended learning/education. The methodology is a qualitative one. The experts participating in the focus group introduce us to new insights with a view to blended learning, emphasizing the advantages of using the blended education in learning environments that allow the adults either on-line or face-to-face communication in oder to create and present their own content and evidence of learning through performance-based evaluations. The specific objects of this study are: o the analysis of the latest tendencies regarding the design and development of the adults' blended learning courses; o the analysis of the complex role of the teacher in adult blended learning and of the mentorship relation with the beneficiaries of the course; o the analysis of the benefits of the blended learning strategies including the evaluation of the acquired competences using blended learning strategies; o outcomes of nowadays adult blended learning best practices in Romania. The conclusions of the present study points out the efficiency of blended learning models designed for stimulating the adults' cognitive procecess in order to allow the capitalization of the educational differentiated and personalised content and to ensure a flexible structure of the learning steps, an instantaneous measurement of the students' progress in acquiring competences and last but not least, an increased involvement of the adults in their own learning process.

Improving the quality for the e-counselling services for students- a benchmarking exercise Georgi... more Improving the quality for the e-counselling services for students- a benchmarking exercise Georgiana DUMITRU University of Pite?ti [email protected] Adrian AD?SC?LI?EI Technical University "Gh. Asachi" Iasi, Romania [email protected] The philosophy of benchmarking makes reference to the learning process within an organization that studies the practices and methods used by the successful organizations that reach performance. Benchmarking represents an instrument for the total management of quality and a continuous process of monitoring good practices within a similar organization that is successful. Concerning the level of involvement in the benchmarking process, the one-to-one approach as well as the collaborative one is considered valuable for the systematic collecting and comparison of data and in the following steps of the process. The organizational homogeneity and cooperation are necessary conditions for a collaborative benchmarking exercise. The present paper presents the analytical conceptual frame of a study for the benchmarking for the improvement of the electronic counselling service for students in Pitesti. The benchmarking exercises use the EFQM model in three steps: adoption, adaptation and improvement. Findings and conclusions were formulated following a focus group in which 4 experts in counselling provided to students and 4 e-learning experts. They analysed the advantages and limits of using electronic counselling services for students form 4 major Romanian University centres: Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj and Timisoara. Benchmarking was used as a method to collect and report essential operational data in a way that allows relevant comparisons among the performances of some distance counselling services offered to students in Romania, with the aim to identify good practices, advantages and limitations, as well as to improve the counselling activity for students in Pitesti. The present paper creates the premises for the initiation of a future project to start a psycho-pedagogical e-counselling network in order to connect the participant University centres to the present study and at which others can become part of.

The paper presents the results of a psycho-pedagogical analysis on the development and implementa... more The paper presents the results of a psycho-pedagogical analysis on the development and implementation of certain training programs in the blended learning system for school managers and identifies the quality standards needed to streamline the process of continuous training that combines both training in front of students and distance training based on the new technologies. The purpose of the paper consists in explaining the need and usefulness of implementing quality standards in the blended learning training of educational managers. Research objectives aim at: analysing the requirements which define the optimal level of carrying out the continuous training of school managers in the blended learning system; defining the main quality standards in the, implementation and evaluation of programs for the continuous training of school managers in the blended learning system. There were assessed the facilities provided by certain electronic platforms for school managers distance training, the relevance of the architecture of certain training programs for school managers in Romania and of certain contents of remote training, facilitating access to training materials etc. Moreover, there were identified the categories of difficulties encountered by certain national training providers in the blended-learning training of school managers. The conclusions of this paper highlight important aspects of improving the process of continuous training of school managers in Romania to increase the quality of continuous training activities and performance management.

eLearning and Software for Education
This case study evaluates the challenges encountered in the Blended Learning development using a ... more This case study evaluates the challenges encountered in the Blended Learning development using a Virtual Learning Environment in two universities in the city of Ia?i-Romania: the Technical ,,Gheorghe Asachi" ( )and ,,Al. I. Cuza" Universities of Ia?i ( The paper examines a variety of determinants that influence technology acceptance and successful implementation of the VLE in the educational field. The study begins with an examination of Moodle Virtual Learning Environment, which can provide course materials such as handouts, lecture notes and PowerPoint presentations to the students. Moodle can be used in more interactive ways, which require input from the students. Such as discussion forums, chat rooms, quizzes and assignment drop boxes. There are analyzed the technological factors influencing technology adoption including issues surrounding acquisition, management and support of a VLE in secondary and high schools. ...
Papers by Adrian A Adăscăliței
Keywords: e-Pedagogy, STEAM Education, Blended Teaching and Learning (BTL), Virtual Laboratories, Electromagnetic Compatibility.
Keywords: SendPulse, constructor, chat-bot, Telegram, business, mailing.
Аннотация. В статье автором сделан обзор конструктора чат-ботов SendPulse на базе личного опыта и практического внедрения чат-бота в образовательных целях, описаны преимущества и недостатки, приводятся сценарии использования чат-ботов для разных видов бизнеса.
Ключевые слова: SendPulse, конструктор, чат-бот, Telegram, бизнес, рассылка.
This article presents contributions to the introduction and use of the Internet and educational platforms at the Teacher Training Departments of Gh. Technical University Asachi and Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania. Collaboration with state universities from the Republic of Moldova, and with Menoufia University, Egypt, is also mentioned. Efforts to define the notions of e-Learning Pedagogy needed by teachers using online STEM education are reviewed.
18th International Conference on Virtual Learning – ICVL,
Bucharest, Romania, October 26 – 27, 2023
2022 IEEE Telepresence Symposium: Implementation of Blended Teaching and Learning, Including Online Laboratories - Adrian Adascalitei
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IEEE Future Directions
Implementation of Blended Teaching and Learning, Including Online Laboratories presentation by Adrian Adascalitei at the 2022 IEEE Future Directions Symposium on Telepresence
Engineering Education at the “Gh. Asachi” Technical
University of Iaşi, România
Dumitru Marcel ISTRATE,
Marinel Costel TEMNEANU
a XV-a ediţie a Simpozionului Internaţional: CUCUTENI – 5000 Redivivus:
Ştiinţe exacte şi mai puţin exacte.
23-24 Octombrie 2020,
Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, Chișinău, Rep. Moldova.
University. Development of Virtual learning environment at University on the basis of information
and communication technologies provides educational services of a higher quality. pages 337-339.
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Automatizări în electro-energetică și la dezvoltarea
Facultății de Electrotehnică din Iași
Prof. Adrian A. ADĂSCĂLIȚEI, Ing. Dumitru CUCIUREANU