Papers by anjeza llubani

Unsere Städte sind durch wachsende Stadtränder gekennzeichnet. 39,54 Prozent der Landfläche Europ... more Unsere Städte sind durch wachsende Stadtränder gekennzeichnet. 39,54 Prozent der Landfläche Europas sind von Gebieten mit mittlerer Bevölkerungsdichte bedeckt (Eurostat, 2020); Tendenz – auch aufgrund der Pandemie – steigend. Seit einiger Zeit findet dieses Faktum Eingang in planerische und städtebauliche Debatten um eine nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung. Auch die Medien haben das Thema der Bodenversiegelung und strukturellen MIV1-Abhängigkeit in den sich ausbreitenden Einfamilienhaussiedlungen aufgegriffen – und nicht erst seit den Extremwetterereignissen des Sommers 2021 gehen bei diesem Thema die Wogen hoch. Wenig Beachtung in diesen Debatten erhalten die öffentlich nutzbaren Freiräume, obwohl sie ein großes Potenzial für eine ökologische und soziale Intensivierung der urbanen Peripherien bergen. Basierend auf empirischen Daten aus Graz (Österreich) und Tirana (Albanien), die im Rahmen des OeAD geförderten Forschungsprojekts „Sustainable Urban Development of the Peripheries between Graz and Tirana. Sprawl vs. Density“ erhoben wurden, zielt der folgende Text darauf ab, die Aufmerksamkeit auf periphere Freiräume zu lenken. Es werden verschiedene Kategorien peripherer Freiräume identifiziert und Möglichkeiten dargestellt, die Lesbarkeit dieser fragmentierten Landschaft und ihre urbanen Qualitäten zu verbessern und für eine nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung nutzbar zu machen.

Albania experienced massive migration after the fall of communism. Due to the rapid economic, leg... more Albania experienced massive migration after the fall of communism. Due to the rapid economic, legal, and societal transformation, people start moving from rural or smaller towns to bigger cities, particularly to the capital. The massive immigration of people from different provinces towards the capital of the country, Tirana, caused a rapid and chaotic
urban spread and fragmentation of the territory. The radical privatization and liberal economic policies, the rapid urban extension and the housing needs, the low level of state regulation and control opened-up various opportunities for private dwellings. Housing construction, previously undertaken by state enterprises was substituted by private companies or
individual initiatives, leading to numerous constructions built according to the desire and economic capability of the owners, where and how they wanted. We focus here to a limited case of the manifestation of privatization of the post-socialist dwelling: the so-called ´gated community and walled-in housing´, the privately governed and secure
neighborhoods. The aim is to identify why these wall closures or barriers have been created, and what kind of typification and impact they have brought to the fragmentation of the urban structure and the common open space. The paper argues that the double-walled housing construction in Albania connects more to the sociological content and
approach than to the architecture and technology of construction. Yet, its effects are obvious to the urban fabric since the double-walled house and the gated community creates the ‘rigid frontiers’ of the urban structure and function in almost hermetical closed-off quarters that exacerbate the effect of physical, cultural, and social barriers between residents living
within and outside the walls. We conclude by proposing to make the urban double-walls at least an artistic element of relational aesthetic, to tell a story, to make connections and socialization.
Balkan Journal of Philosophy, 2012
Abstract: This essay tries to review the main elements of the concept of public reason as present... more Abstract: This essay tries to review the main elements of the concept of public reason as presented by John Rawls with reference to his latest book (The Law of Peoples with The Idea of Public Reason Revisited) and simultaneously brings up the arguments for and against this concept that have been put forward by the literature. Many of the arguments presented here are not new, but what this essay aims at is a reassessment of the debate by confronting many of the interpretations and points of view raised around the concept of ...
Books by anjeza llubani
LIT Verlag Münster, 2021
The book is a comprehensive introduction to the architectural projects of cinemas and theaters de... more The book is a comprehensive introduction to the architectural projects of cinemas and theaters designed in communist Albania, contributing to the debate on the complex relationship that communist ideology set with the Albanian architecture, the influence of the socialist realism and constructivism, the relationship between institutional approach and individual design, as well as what needs to be preserved out of these cultural buildings. This exposé is enclosed within the (philosophical) contours of the pre-communist theater and the approach of the post-communist modern architecture of the same topological form.
Conference Presentations by anjeza llubani

. Architectural Identity of The City | 1st International Conference on IPAU 2022, 2024
Urban and architectural planning is crucial in defining healthy buildings and neighborhoods. Rese... more Urban and architectural planning is crucial in defining healthy buildings and neighborhoods. Research on urban sprawl shows that the built environment has more negative than positive effects on individual and public health. Albania has been experiencing urban sprawl since the fall of communism, characterized by massive unauthorized, uncoordinated, and unplanned urban development and buildings, with chaotic and disconnected construction of homesteads, commercial areas, and other non-conforming land uses which spread not only to cities´ peripheries and beyond but also within the city itself. This case study explores a peripheral urban zone in Tirana with the aim to assess and evaluate the impact of the urban fabric on the population health. Urban health encompasses not only the civic, social, and economic well-being of the city but also the physical health and well-being of its citizens (Tillett 2018). To determine how healthy, the selected area is, we employ the methodology of observation (Gel 2011) and interviewing to record and assess five factors to well-being (connect, keep active, take notice, keep learning, and give according to Foresight project 2008). The gathered information is analyzed and critically evaluated with reference to the impact on health and the right equilibrium between man and nature. We conclude by providing evidence-based recommendations for strategic actions to be taken by respective public health institutions and policy-makers in order to promote resilient and sustainable urban design through healthier neighborhoods and living areas.
Papers by anjeza llubani
urban spread and fragmentation of the territory. The radical privatization and liberal economic policies, the rapid urban extension and the housing needs, the low level of state regulation and control opened-up various opportunities for private dwellings. Housing construction, previously undertaken by state enterprises was substituted by private companies or
individual initiatives, leading to numerous constructions built according to the desire and economic capability of the owners, where and how they wanted. We focus here to a limited case of the manifestation of privatization of the post-socialist dwelling: the so-called ´gated community and walled-in housing´, the privately governed and secure
neighborhoods. The aim is to identify why these wall closures or barriers have been created, and what kind of typification and impact they have brought to the fragmentation of the urban structure and the common open space. The paper argues that the double-walled housing construction in Albania connects more to the sociological content and
approach than to the architecture and technology of construction. Yet, its effects are obvious to the urban fabric since the double-walled house and the gated community creates the ‘rigid frontiers’ of the urban structure and function in almost hermetical closed-off quarters that exacerbate the effect of physical, cultural, and social barriers between residents living
within and outside the walls. We conclude by proposing to make the urban double-walls at least an artistic element of relational aesthetic, to tell a story, to make connections and socialization.
Books by anjeza llubani
Conference Presentations by anjeza llubani
urban spread and fragmentation of the territory. The radical privatization and liberal economic policies, the rapid urban extension and the housing needs, the low level of state regulation and control opened-up various opportunities for private dwellings. Housing construction, previously undertaken by state enterprises was substituted by private companies or
individual initiatives, leading to numerous constructions built according to the desire and economic capability of the owners, where and how they wanted. We focus here to a limited case of the manifestation of privatization of the post-socialist dwelling: the so-called ´gated community and walled-in housing´, the privately governed and secure
neighborhoods. The aim is to identify why these wall closures or barriers have been created, and what kind of typification and impact they have brought to the fragmentation of the urban structure and the common open space. The paper argues that the double-walled housing construction in Albania connects more to the sociological content and
approach than to the architecture and technology of construction. Yet, its effects are obvious to the urban fabric since the double-walled house and the gated community creates the ‘rigid frontiers’ of the urban structure and function in almost hermetical closed-off quarters that exacerbate the effect of physical, cultural, and social barriers between residents living
within and outside the walls. We conclude by proposing to make the urban double-walls at least an artistic element of relational aesthetic, to tell a story, to make connections and socialization.