Thesis Chapters by Eva Sollgruber
Die Idee der Großform. Eine neue Sicht auf das Werk des Architeken Oswald Mathias Ungers und die Frage nach einem möglichen Entwurfswerkzeug, 2020
Reviewer: Hans Gangoly (TU Graz), Sonja Hnilica (TU Dortmund)
304 pages with 158 images, plans a... more Reviewer: Hans Gangoly (TU Graz), Sonja Hnilica (TU Dortmund)
304 pages with 158 images, plans and diagrams
Die Idee der Großform. Eine neue Sicht auf das Werk des Architekten Oswald Mathias Ungers und die Frage nach einem möglichen Entwurfswerkzeug, 2020
Gutachter*innen: Hans Gangoly (TU Graz), Sonja Hnilica (TU Dortmund) 304 Seiten mit 158 Bildern, ... more Gutachter*innen: Hans Gangoly (TU Graz), Sonja Hnilica (TU Dortmund) 304 Seiten mit 158 Bildern, Plänen und Diagrammen
Books by Eva Sollgruber

Trofaiach. Architektonische Konzepte für ein zukünftiges Miteinander, 2019
Die in der Publikation „Trofaiach. Architektonische Konzepte für ein zukünftiges Miteinander“ prä... more Die in der Publikation „Trofaiach. Architektonische Konzepte für ein zukünftiges Miteinander“ präsentierten Entwurfsarbeiten illustrieren architektonische und städtebauliche Strategien für eine mögliche Entwicklung des Ortszentrums einer ländlichen Gemeinde. An Hand einer Häuserzeile im Zentrum von Trofaiach werden Vorschläge für die Transformation bestehender Gebäudestrukturen entworfen und die damit zusammenhängenden Potenziale für eine zukünftige Entwicklung der Stadt reflektiert. Mit welchen Methoden kann eine historisch gewachsene Struktur entwerferisch neu interpretiert werden? Mit welchen Programmen kann das Zentrum einer Gemeinde wieder aktiviert werden? Wie werden wir in Zukunft ein soziales Miteinander gestalten und welchen Beitrag kann hierbei die Architektur liefern? Diesen Fragen widmete sich das Institut für Gebäudelehre der Technischen Universität Graz und 14 Studierende im Rahmen eines Masterstudios. Neben den Entwurfsarbeiten wird eine fundierte Analyse der bestehenden Gebäudestrukturen präsentiert als auch ein Leitfaden, der als Werkzeug für zukünftige Ortskernentwicklungen herangezogen werden kann.
Papers by Eva Sollgruber

Histories of Postwar Architecture (HPA), 2024
In 1962 the German architect Oswald Mathias Ungers submitted his proposal for the competition Gru... more In 1962 the German architect Oswald Mathias Ungers submitted his proposal for the competition Grünzug Süd. The project, which is an urban planning study on the reconstruction of a southern district of the city of Cologne, was the beginning of Ungers’ engagement with questions concerning urban planning. After submitting the project, Ungers continued working on the design for three more years, evolving his design methodology and delving into the field of urban planning. Thus, the project plays a pivotal role in the evolution of Ungers’ design thinking. He gained international recognition for his seminal projects of the 1970s, above all The City in the City. Berlin: A Green Archipelago, but the concepts he applied in these projects have their origin in the work on Grünzug Süd during the first half of the 1960s.
Investigating the genesis of Ungers’ urban planning projects means also to investigate his connection to members of Team 10, with whom Ungers collaborated from 1964 onwards. This text will carve out correlations between Grünzug Süd and projects conceived by Alison and Peter Smithson at the same time, thereby shedding light on urban planning concepts which are still relevant today. The projects are not only case studies for the interplay between architecture and urban planning in the development of new and existing city quarters, but also for a thorough analysis – and thus understanding – of the urban environment, meaning the built and unbuilt condition of an urban context planners engage with.
Sensible Giganten / Sensitive Giants
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 31, 2024
Nahtlose Übergänge: Fotografie und Architektur im Dialog. Seamless Transitions: Photography and Architecture in Dialogue Seamless: Digital Collage and Dirty Realism in Contemporary Architecture Jesús Vassallo (mit einem Vorwort / with a foreword by Juan Herreros)
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 31, 2024
Das Gebäude als Potential
Artefacts of Design: The Significance of Analytical Drawings in Design Driven Research
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 31, 2021
Nahtlose Übergänge: Fotografie und Architektur im Dialog
GAM - Graz Architecture Magazine, 2018
Moving Bodies. Geography and Mobility – Migration in and from Sub-Saharan Africa
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 31, 2021
Das Institut für Gebäudelehre der TU Graz stellte in Kooperation mit der Gemeinde Trofaiach die E... more Das Institut für Gebäudelehre der TU Graz stellte in Kooperation mit der Gemeinde Trofaiach die Ergebnisse der Studie "Trofaiach-An der Hauptstraße" aus. Basierend auf Ent

Grossform and the Idea of the European City: A Typological Research
The following article is twofold. The first part examines the project 'The City in the Ci... more The following article is twofold. The first part examines the project 'The City in the City. Berlin: A Green Archipelago', a study on the urban condition of West Berlin presented by the German architect Oswald Mathias Ungers in 1977 and its underlying concept of 'Grossform' formulated by Ungers in the 1960s. Ungers' theories and projects illustrate a very specific notion of the European city and grant architecture a decisive role within city planning. This paper attempts to evaluate the implications of Ungers' theories on the idea of the contemporary European city. Given a proliferation of prominent, large-scale architectural projects in recent years the notion of Grossform formulated by Ungers provides an interesting contribution to the topic of the architectural category of size and on phenomena of current architectural practice. The work of Ungers will be discussed in order to illustrate the underlying theory of the conducted research, which will be presented in the second part of the article. The second part discusses the applied research method 'research on design' and its challenges and sheds light on the research process.
Das Gebäude als Potential
Trofaiach. Architektonische Konzepte für ein zukünftiges Miteinander, 2019

Wolkenkuckucksheim | Cloud-Cuckoo-Land | Воздушный замок, Internationale Zeitschrift zur Theorie der Architektur, 2021
In the 1960s the German architect Oswald Mathias Ungers was engaged
in a regular dialogue with me... more In the 1960s the German architect Oswald Mathias Ungers was engaged
in a regular dialogue with members of Team 10 and notably with the archi-
tect Shadrach Woods. The investigation of the intellectual affinity of these
formative figures of post-war modernism provides new insights into Ungers’
work as well as a different perspective on the topics discussed in the archi-
tectural avant-garde of the time, whose projects are once again referenced as
historical models in the design work of contemporary architectural offices.
The exchange with Woods shapes Ungers’ understanding of architecture
and urban planning and manifests itself in the theoretical and design work on
the concept of Grossform. Formulated in the mid-1960s, the idea of Gross-
form appears at first glance to be a sideline of Ungers’ oeuvre. However, the
analysis of his texts about Grossform and the investigation of Ungers’ influ-
ences to which he was exposed at the time of their writing, shed light on con-
cepts which are relevant to Ungers’s work up to the 1980s. This essay wants
to show that the idea of Grossform is a multi-layered design tool: on the one
hand the principles of “form” and “structure”— seemingly incompatible, di-
ametrically opposed architectural themes—converge within Grossform, on
the other hand the idea of Grossform translates concepts from Gestalt The-
ory into architecture.
Moving Bodies. Geography and Mobility – Migration in and from Sub-Saharan Africa
Diasporas, Migration and Identities: Crossing Boundaries, New Directions, 2009

CA²RE -Conference for Artistic and Architectural (Doctoral) Research, 2018
The following article is twofold. The first part examines the project 'The City in the City. Berl... more The following article is twofold. The first part examines the project 'The City in the City. Berlin: A Green Archipelago', a study on the urban condition of West Berlin presented by the German architect Oswald Mathias Ungers in 1977 and its underlying concept of 'Grossform' formulated by Ungers in the 1960s. Ungers' theories and projects illustrate a very specific notion of the European city and grant architecture a decisive role within city planning. This paper attempts to evaluate the implications of Ungers' theories on the idea of the contemporary European city. Given a proliferation of prominent, large-scale architectural projects in recent years the notion of Grossform formulated by Ungers provides an interesting contribution to the topic of the architectural category of size and on phenomena of current architectural practice. The work of Ungers will be discussed in order to illustrate the underlying theory of the conducted research, which will be presented in the second part of the article. The second part discusses the applied research method 'research on design' and its challenges and sheds light on the research process.
Conference Presentations by Eva Sollgruber

The starting point for this research is the theories of the Austrian
architect Hermann Czech, in ... more The starting point for this research is the theories of the Austrian
architect Hermann Czech, in particular his notion of Umbau (Rebuilding),
which he developed in several texts in the 1970s and 1980s. Czech uses
the term as a vehicle for reflecting not only on the architectural and
constructive aspect of refurbishment of existing buildings, but also on the
design process as well as urban and cultural issues. For him everything
in architecture is under permanent re-construction, thereby considering
buildings as open end, ever changing and evolving. The projects
presented operate within the theoretical framework of Czech’s notion
of Umbau and are case studies to investigate methods of refurbishing
existing buildings, focusing on the 1960s and 1970s stock, and thereby try
to challenge existing norms – economic, social and judicial. The drawing
acts as a tool for analysis and design – for investigating the status quo
and transforming it.
DARA 11 (Design and Research in Architecture & Landscape), 2022
After her studies in architecture at the TU Graz and Aalto University Helsinki she worked in vari... more After her studies in architecture at the TU Graz and Aalto University Helsinki she worked in various architectural offices in Graz as well as in Amsterdam. She teaches design since 2013. She completed various research and teaching stays abroad and is co-editor of the publication 'Trofaiach. Architektonische Konzept für ein zukünftiges Miteinander'. She received her PhD in 2020 on Oswald Mathias Ungers and his concept of Grossform. Her research focuses on building typologies as well as design research, with a focus on manual design practices in architecture and their role for the process of designing as well as design teaching.

CA²RE / CA²RE+ Hamburg REFLECTION - Book of Proceedings, 2021
In this research selected projects by the German architect Oswald Mathias Ungers from the 1960s a... more In this research selected projects by the German architect Oswald Mathias Ungers from the 1960s and 1970s are analysed by drawing, with the aim of excavating the conceptual core of the projects and hereby giving new insights on the design thinking of one of the most influential architects of the second half of the 20th century in Europe. Sketches, plans, and axonometric drawings – in particular unpublished drawings and images from the Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaft Köln – build the basis for this research. Firstly, these artefacts enable the analysis of the projects and secondly, new artefacts are produced during the process of analysing: sketches and drawings, which are analytical tools as well as tools of production in architecture. These produced artefacts depict new findings about the design thinking of Ungers and at the same time can fuel the design process and thinking of professionals as well as students in architecture.
Thesis Chapters by Eva Sollgruber
304 pages with 158 images, plans and diagrams
Books by Eva Sollgruber
Papers by Eva Sollgruber
Investigating the genesis of Ungers’ urban planning projects means also to investigate his connection to members of Team 10, with whom Ungers collaborated from 1964 onwards. This text will carve out correlations between Grünzug Süd and projects conceived by Alison and Peter Smithson at the same time, thereby shedding light on urban planning concepts which are still relevant today. The projects are not only case studies for the interplay between architecture and urban planning in the development of new and existing city quarters, but also for a thorough analysis – and thus understanding – of the urban environment, meaning the built and unbuilt condition of an urban context planners engage with.
in a regular dialogue with members of Team 10 and notably with the archi-
tect Shadrach Woods. The investigation of the intellectual affinity of these
formative figures of post-war modernism provides new insights into Ungers’
work as well as a different perspective on the topics discussed in the archi-
tectural avant-garde of the time, whose projects are once again referenced as
historical models in the design work of contemporary architectural offices.
The exchange with Woods shapes Ungers’ understanding of architecture
and urban planning and manifests itself in the theoretical and design work on
the concept of Grossform. Formulated in the mid-1960s, the idea of Gross-
form appears at first glance to be a sideline of Ungers’ oeuvre. However, the
analysis of his texts about Grossform and the investigation of Ungers’ influ-
ences to which he was exposed at the time of their writing, shed light on con-
cepts which are relevant to Ungers’s work up to the 1980s. This essay wants
to show that the idea of Grossform is a multi-layered design tool: on the one
hand the principles of “form” and “structure”— seemingly incompatible, di-
ametrically opposed architectural themes—converge within Grossform, on
the other hand the idea of Grossform translates concepts from Gestalt The-
ory into architecture.
Conference Presentations by Eva Sollgruber
architect Hermann Czech, in particular his notion of Umbau (Rebuilding),
which he developed in several texts in the 1970s and 1980s. Czech uses
the term as a vehicle for reflecting not only on the architectural and
constructive aspect of refurbishment of existing buildings, but also on the
design process as well as urban and cultural issues. For him everything
in architecture is under permanent re-construction, thereby considering
buildings as open end, ever changing and evolving. The projects
presented operate within the theoretical framework of Czech’s notion
of Umbau and are case studies to investigate methods of refurbishing
existing buildings, focusing on the 1960s and 1970s stock, and thereby try
to challenge existing norms – economic, social and judicial. The drawing
acts as a tool for analysis and design – for investigating the status quo
and transforming it.
304 pages with 158 images, plans and diagrams
Investigating the genesis of Ungers’ urban planning projects means also to investigate his connection to members of Team 10, with whom Ungers collaborated from 1964 onwards. This text will carve out correlations between Grünzug Süd and projects conceived by Alison and Peter Smithson at the same time, thereby shedding light on urban planning concepts which are still relevant today. The projects are not only case studies for the interplay between architecture and urban planning in the development of new and existing city quarters, but also for a thorough analysis – and thus understanding – of the urban environment, meaning the built and unbuilt condition of an urban context planners engage with.
in a regular dialogue with members of Team 10 and notably with the archi-
tect Shadrach Woods. The investigation of the intellectual affinity of these
formative figures of post-war modernism provides new insights into Ungers’
work as well as a different perspective on the topics discussed in the archi-
tectural avant-garde of the time, whose projects are once again referenced as
historical models in the design work of contemporary architectural offices.
The exchange with Woods shapes Ungers’ understanding of architecture
and urban planning and manifests itself in the theoretical and design work on
the concept of Grossform. Formulated in the mid-1960s, the idea of Gross-
form appears at first glance to be a sideline of Ungers’ oeuvre. However, the
analysis of his texts about Grossform and the investigation of Ungers’ influ-
ences to which he was exposed at the time of their writing, shed light on con-
cepts which are relevant to Ungers’s work up to the 1980s. This essay wants
to show that the idea of Grossform is a multi-layered design tool: on the one
hand the principles of “form” and “structure”— seemingly incompatible, di-
ametrically opposed architectural themes—converge within Grossform, on
the other hand the idea of Grossform translates concepts from Gestalt The-
ory into architecture.
architect Hermann Czech, in particular his notion of Umbau (Rebuilding),
which he developed in several texts in the 1970s and 1980s. Czech uses
the term as a vehicle for reflecting not only on the architectural and
constructive aspect of refurbishment of existing buildings, but also on the
design process as well as urban and cultural issues. For him everything
in architecture is under permanent re-construction, thereby considering
buildings as open end, ever changing and evolving. The projects
presented operate within the theoretical framework of Czech’s notion
of Umbau and are case studies to investigate methods of refurbishing
existing buildings, focusing on the 1960s and 1970s stock, and thereby try
to challenge existing norms – economic, social and judicial. The drawing
acts as a tool for analysis and design – for investigating the status quo
and transforming it.