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Objective: To establish normal parameters of thromboelastography (TEG) in healthy adult cats. Background: Thromboelastography (TEG) is an in vitro test of coagulation that has been shown to be useful in humans, dogs and select species to... more
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      Critical CareVeterinary Emergency and Critical CareVeterinary SciencesClinical Application
& The authors explored the relative utility of pulmonary function tests (PFTs) and computed tomography (CT) to characterize the progression of papain induced emphysema in sheep (n ¼ 12). PFT included plethysmography (FRC pleth ), helium... more
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      Computed TomographySheepCtLung
Objective: To establish normal parameters of thromboelastography (TEG) in healthy adult cats. Background: Thromboelastography (TEG) is an in vitro test of coagulation that has been shown to be useful in humans, dogs and select species to... more
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      Critical CareVeterinary Emergency and Critical CareVeterinary SciencesClinical Application
& The authors explored the relative utility of pulmonary function tests (PFTs) and computed tomography (CT) to characterize the progression of papain induced emphysema in sheep (n ¼ 12). PFT included plethysmography (FRC pleth ), helium... more
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      Computed TomographySheepCtLung
Organ regeneration in mammals is hypothesized to require a functional pool of stem or progenitor cells, but the role of these cells in lung regeneration is unknown. Whereas postnatal regeneration of alveolar tissue has been attributed to... more
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      PhysiologyRegenerationKineticsStem Cell
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      ConsciousnessBiological SciencesAllergyMice
Energetic cost of breathing, body composition, and pulmonary function in horses with recurrent airway obstruction. .-This study was conducted to determine whether horses with naturally occurring, severe chronic recurrent airway... more
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      Carbon DioxideEnergy MetabolismAerosolsBiological Sciences
as measured by changes in segmental compliance, which increased 267%. Conclusions: Collateral ventilation is significantly increased in sheep following nebulized papain. Bronchoscopic measurement of collateral ventilation may be useful... more
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      SheepDisease SeverityAnimal ModelRespiration
Background: Adult mice have a remarkable capacity to regenerate functional alveoli following either lung resection or injury that exceeds the regenerative capacity observed in larger adult mammals. The molecular basis for this unique... more
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Background: The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between chronic cough, pulmonary mechanical function, bronchial hyper-responsiveness, and peripheral airway inflammation in adult performance horses with nonseptic... more
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      InflammationHorsesChronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseVeterinary Sciences
It is almost universally accepted that respiratory disease can limit athletic performance. Because of significant respiratory reserve capacity, horses can often compete successfully in low-level competitions or during recreation even with... more
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      HistamineVeterinary SciencesPulmonary FunctionAerobic Exercise
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      EvaluationAdolescentOccupational MedicineSport
Reasons for performing study: Diagnosis of inflammatory airway disease (IAD) currently rests upon the results of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cytology, lung function testing and histamine bronchoprovocation (HBP), none of which provides... more
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      Biological SciencesHorsesLungSensitivity and Specificity
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      Biological SciencesHorsesRecurrenceAirway Obstruction
Utilizing a model of post-pneumonectomy (PNY) compensatory lung growth in mice, we previously observed an increase in numbers of a putative endogenous distal airway progenitor cell population (CCSP pos /pro-SPC pos cells located at... more
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      TechnologyStem CellsBiological SciencesMice
Inflammatory airway disease (IAD) in horses, similar to asthma in humans, is a common cause of chronic poor respiratory health and exercise intolerance due to airway inflammation and exaggerated airway constrictive responses. Human... more
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Autologous lung-derived mesenchymal stem cells (LMSCs) were transplanted endoscopically into sheep with experimental emphysema to assess their capacity to regenerate functional tissue. LMSC lines were derived from transbronchial biopsies,... more
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      TechnologyRegenerationCell AdhesionBiological Sciences
While multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells have been recently isolated from adult lung (L-MSCs), there is very limited data on their biological properties and therapeutic potential in vivo. How L-MSCs compare with bone marrow-derived... more
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      TechnologyBiologyCell AdhesionSurvival Analysis
AST aspartate aminotransferase BPM beats per minute CK creatine kinase CSVM Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine EGA equine granulocytic anaplasmosis F fahrenheit GGT gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase PCR polymerase chain reaction RR... more
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      Veterinary SciencesVeterinary Internal Medicine
The way that we house and exercise our horses, especially in non-temperate climates such as New England, is well entrenched in the equine culture. It may conserve space to store hay overhead, it may be economically favorable and more... more
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