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      Telematic ArtNet ArtMail Art
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      Telematic ArtFluxusNet ArtMail Art
ETERNAL NETWORK: A MAIL ART ANTHOLOGY is the first university press publication in academia to explore the historical roots, aesthetics and new directions of contemporary mail art. The essays of ETERNAL NETWORK were written and assembled... more
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      Critical TheoryArt TheoryFluxusConceptual Art
ETERNAL NETWORK: A MAIL ART ANTHOLOGY is the first university press publication in academia to explore the historical roots, aesthetics and new directions of contemporary mail art. The essays of ETERNAL NETWORK were written and assembled... more
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      Critical TheoryArt TheoryConceptual ArtArt Theory and Politics
This essay by Chuck Welch, has been published in the current exhibition catalogue, Keep Art Flat! Mail Art and the Political 1970s, Kunsthal Charlottenburg, Denmark, 15 September - 06 November 2016. Welch, a mail art networker, writer,... more
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      Internet StudiesContemporary ArtContemporary HistoryAlternative (Artist Run Inititiatives)
Networking Currents: Mail Art Subjects and Issues was published in 1986 as Chuck Welch's MFA graduate dissertation at Tufts University. Networking Currents is a book that was widely recognized in the 1980s and 1990s as the first critical... more
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      Critical TheorySocial NetworksDadaFluxus
Part II & III of Networking Currents by Chuck Welch includes an enormous international peace project, a concept quilt of artist made flags stitched together in a banner that was unfurled at Nagano, Japan by AU. Welch's project was also... more
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      Critical TheoryArt HistoryNet ArtArt and Peacebuilding
The concluding sections of Chuck Welch's 1986 book, Networking Currents: Mail Art Subjects and Issues - Appendices, Notes, Bibliography, Illustrations, and an Index.
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      Critical TheorySocial NetworkingDadaFluxus
Brazilian and Latino American mail artists used rubberstamps in the 1960s and 70s as subversive acts of defiance against repressive militaristic regimes.The dire consequences included confiscation, censorship, torture, imprisonment,... more
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      Latino/A StudiesArt HistoryArt TheoryBrazilian Studies
"Envelope Art by Seven" includes mail art envelopes selected from 5,000 annotated letters appearing in Chuck Welch's Eternal Network Mail Art Archive. Envelope Art is one among twenty other categories digitally mapped by Welch in his... more
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      Art HistoryCensorshipContemporary ArtPolitical Art
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UNITED in MAIL ART is a historical survey of mail art from its origins to the present. The co-authored paper is the culmination of a seven-month collaborative writing project between Hans Braumüller (Germany), Ruggero Maggi (Italy),... more
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      Internet StudiesSocial NetworkingContemporary ArtContemporary History
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Mail Art Articles is a 46-page document with nearly 400 annotated listings from newspapers, magazines, and journals gathered between 1978-2000 by mail artist, publisher, and curator, Chuck Welch. The periodicals and news clippings appear... more
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      Mail ArtE-Mail
"Mail Art in Cyberspace" by Chuck Welch explores how analog mail art merged with the digital world of telecommunication and the Internet between the 1980s and 1990s. While at Dartmouth College's Kiewit Computation Center, Welch initiated... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheorySocial NetworkingContemporary Art
I named my Eternal Network Mail Art Archive in 1985 after the late Robert Filliou, the Fluxus conceptualist, performance artist, and philosopher. "Network" is in the title because it mirrors the metamorphosis of mail art towards... more
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      Contemporary ArtAcademic LibrarianshipMail ArtSpecial Collections