Papers by miguel bruns alonso

Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems, 2017
DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of t... more DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the "Taverne" license above, please follow below link for the End User Agreement:

Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication, 2019
Mechanical meta-material structures (MMS) are designed structures with mechanical properties not ... more Mechanical meta-material structures (MMS) are designed structures with mechanical properties not found in ordinary materials. MMS can now be created far more easily using digital manufacturing. We explore how different MMS can be combined, through the design of a shoe sole. Thereby showing the potential of using MMS to create personalized and sustainable footwear. We analysed the phenomenon of foot deformation and mapped different structures with different behaviours to meet the needs of different feet. Consequently, a shoe sole was generated by an algorithm and 3D printed in one single material with multiple properties (e.g. stiff and soft) and responsive behaviour, making it easy to recycle. We report the design phases which required using six types of software. Our findings reflect the complexity of this process given the limited availability of software tools that support it. We conclude with a list of requirements regarding tools to further explore MMS.

Designing and cooking highly relate on creativity, but whereas design has inspired culinary educa... more Designing and cooking highly relate on creativity, but whereas design has inspired culinary education, no explorations were found on how the use of food could inspire design education. In this paper we describe three learning activities in our industrial design curriculum that incorporate different ways of using food for design education and we present student's reflections on these exercises. Food enables a hands-on design approach as it gives immediate feedback on its quality through the act of eating. Secondly, we discuss how students develop social and cultural awareness, by understanding the influence of their own personal ideas and background, explicitly coming forward in food-related co-design. Furthermore, the context of food, offers a very simple and effective tool to explore various user-centered methods in a relatively short time. Finally, food design enables students to go through a myriad of design iterations, which facilitates their understanding of the design proc...
The design space of shape-changing interfaces
Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Designing interactive systems, 2014
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2018
Figure 1. Example shape-changing interfaces: (a) Morphees, a shape-changing mobile phone [75]; (b... more Figure 1. Example shape-changing interfaces: (a) Morphees, a shape-changing mobile phone [75]; (b) An elastic deformable display [102]; (c) inFORM, a self-actuated pin-array [23]; (d) ShapeClip, a prototyping toolkit for shape-changing interfaces [32].
Exploring manipulative hand movements during a stressful condition
By observing the way people who are stressed interact with objects one may be able to interpret h... more By observing the way people who are stressed interact with objects one may be able to interpret how they feel (Krauss et al., 1996). For instance, at a presentation a nervous presenter can often be seen fidgeting with a pen or pointer. This has shown to be true even if people are actively trying to suppress or hide these feelings
Post-error expression of speed and force while performing a simple, monotonous task with a haptic pen
Abstract Control errors often occur in repetitive and monotonous tasks, such as manual assembly t... more Abstract Control errors often occur in repetitive and monotonous tasks, such as manual assembly tasks. Much research has been done in the area of human error identification; however, most existing systems focus solely on the prediction of errors, not on increasing ...

Personal and …, Jan 1, 2011
Sometimes, the way in which we interact with products implicitly communicates how we feel. Based ... more Sometimes, the way in which we interact with products implicitly communicates how we feel. Based on previous studies on how emotions can be detected and communicated via product interaction, we discuss how an interactive product could influence affect by responding and changing behaviors expressing affect. We discuss the proposal of the affective feedback loop in product interaction by its implementation in the prototype of a pen that senses two implicit behaviors related to restlessness, rock and roll. Furthermore, the pen provides inherent feedback, focusing on the perceptual motor skills, as a means to reflect on these behaviors. The pen was evaluated in an experiment, by which we explored whether this type of feedback would influence the emotional experience. Two participant groups were compared, and participants that used the pen with feedback showed a lower heart rate throughout the whole experiment. Because these participants were not aware that the pen provided any feedback, we propose the concept of unaware interaction and discuss what its implications are for design.
Affective Tangible Interaction; Towards Reducing Stress
Proc. HCI Close 2U-9th Sigchi. nl conference, Jan 1, 2005
Empirical research through design
… of the 3rd IASDR Conference on …, Jan 1, 2009
Roll and rock: Exploring the affective loop in a pen
The current demonstrator presents an affective pen prototype that responds to bodily expressions ... more The current demonstrator presents an affective pen prototype that responds to bodily expressions of stress. The pen measures two stress indicators, roll and rock, and provides multimodal feedback to engage the user in an affective loop. Scenarios are explored that either support in reducing, or stimulate a specific behavior.
Squeeze, rock, and roll; can tangible interaction with affective products support stress reduction?
... Affective computing focuses on the interpretation of users emotions via physiological andbeha... more ... Affective computing focuses on the interpretation of users emotions via physiological andbehavioral ... be the most frequently observed object manipulations movements when using a pen ... IMPLEMENTATION To illustrate our vision on stress reduction through tactile feedback we ...

Exploring Manipulative Hand Movements During a Stressful Condition
By observing the way people who are stressed interact with objects one may be able to interpret h... more By observing the way people who are stressed interact with objects one may be able to interpret how they feel (Krauss et al., 1996). For instance, at a presentation a nervous presenter can often be seen fidgeting with a pen or pointer. This has shown to be true even if people are actively trying to suppress or hide these feelings (Ekman & Friesen, 1967). The behaviors when manipulating objects during a stressful event appear to be qualitatively different from manipulations during boring or neutral events (Kenner, 1984). Yet, no studies were found in which a categorization was made in the types of manipulative hand movements during different arousing and non-arousing conditions. The goal of this study was to explore what manipulative hand movements are evoked when using a pen during a stressful event as compared to a neutral event.
MusicCube: a physical experience with digital music
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Jan 1, 2006
Listening to digital music on a computer has led to a loss of part of the physical experience ass... more Listening to digital music on a computer has led to a loss of part of the physical experience associated with earlier media formats such as CDs and LPs. This paper presents a series of steps and decisions that led to the design of MusicCube, a tangible user interface that allows users to control digitally stored music on a computer by means of gestures and positioning. Interaction with the MusicCube is enriched by offering feedback through multi-coloured light effects and clicking sounds together with computer-generated speech. Despite some ergonomic shortcomings, when comparing to the iPod, users appreciated the design and enjoyed using it.

To some extent listening to digital music via storage devices has led to a loss of part of the ph... more To some extent listening to digital music via storage devices has led to a loss of part of the physical experience associated with earlier media formats such as CDs and LPs. For example, one could consider the role of album covers in music appreciation. Previous efforts at making music interaction more tangible have focused mainly on access issues. A case study is presented in which several content attributes of Mp3 formatted music as well as control access are made more visible and tangible. Play lists, music rhythm, volume, and navigational feedback were communicated via multicolored light displayed in a tangible interface. Users were able to physically interact with music collections via the MusicCube, a wireless cube-like object, using gestures to shuffle music and a rotary dial with a button for song navigation and volume control. Speech and non-speech feedback were given to communicate current mode and song title. The working prototype was compared to an Apple iPod, along the dimensions of trust, engagement, ergonomic and hedonic qualities, and appeal. Subjects rated the MusicCube higher on scales associated with hedonic qualities, while the iPod was preferred for ergonomic qualities. Results on trust measures were found to correlate with ergonomic qualities, while sense of engagement related to hedonic aspects. Subjects generally valued the expressive and tangible interaction with music collections. Next design steps will focus on increasing ergonomic aspects of the MusicCube while maintaining a high hedonic rating.
Papers by miguel bruns alonso