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AgentSpring is a new agent-based modeling framework especially suited to model and simulate complex socio-technical systems, such as energy markets or transport infrastructures. Common problems encountered when modeling and analyzing such... more
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      Computer ScienceModelingSimulationFramework
In order to support policy decisions, we have developed a modelling platform called AgentSpring, which facilitates the development of agent-based models in a modular and structured manner, using state-of-the-art IT development principles... more
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    • Engineering
We argue that this combination is especially useful for developing better understanding of our social and physical environment and its interaction with policy design and analysis. New technologies and methods in data management allow us... more
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      GeographyClimate ChangeData ManagementInformation Flow
Open systems are characterized by heterogeneous participants which can enter or leave the system at will. Typical examples are e-commerce applications or information agent systems. Agents (e.g. personal assistants for buying things on the... more
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      Agent SystemsOpen SystemE Commerce
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This paper provides a formal framework for the analysis of information hiding properties of anonymous communication protocols in terms of epistemic logic. The key ingredient is our notion of observational equivalence, which is based on... more
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      Information SecurityPrivacyEpistemic LogicAnonymity
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      FinanceInformation SecurityElectronic VotingAccountability
This paper presents a new approach for verifying confidentiality for programs, based on abstract interpretation. The framework is formally developed and proved correct in the theorem prover PVS. We use dynamic labeling functions to... more
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      Information SecurityStatic AnalysisJava ProgrammingConfidentiality
Social aspects of security of information systems are often discussed in terms of "actual security" and "perceived security". This may lead to the hypothesis that e-voting is controversial because in paper voting, actual and perceived... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyInformation SecurityElectronic VotingTrust
According to the Jericho forum, security in information technology can no longer be achieved by building a digital fence around the organisation. We investigate the consequences of this "de-perimeterisation" for software engineering... more
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      Information SecurityInformation EthicsPrecautionary Principle
The security goals of an organization are realized through security policies, which concern physical security, digital security and security awareness. An insider is aware of these security policies, and might be able to thwart the... more
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      Information SecurityHuman FactorsPhysical security
In this paper, we discuss the implications for social inclusion of the advent of Internet voting. Although the issue of social exclusion or social inclusion with regard to technological developments in the voting process is often... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyElectronic VotingJohn DeweyDemocracy
Formal methods have provided us with tools to check both anonymity of protocols and -more specifically -receipt-freeness of voting protocols. One of the frameworks used for proving anonymity is epistemic logic. However, to the best of our... more
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      Information SecurityPrivacyElectronic VotingEpistemic Logic
A qualitative case study of the e-voting discourses in the UK and the Netherlands was performed based on the theory of strategic niche management . In both countries, eight e-voting experts were interviewed on their expectations, risk... more
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      Cultural StudiesInformation SecurityElectronic VotingCase Study Research
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      Information SecurityVirtualizationCloud Computing
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      Information SecurityHuman FactorsAccess ControlPenetration Testing
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      Information SecurityHuman FactorsAccess ControlCrime Science
In this paper, we analyse the concept of vote buying based on examples that try to stretch the meaning of the concept. Which examples can still be called vote buying, and which cannot? We propose several dimensions that are relevant to... more
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      PrivacyElectronic VotingDemocracyAnonymity
This paper discusses how electronic voting was implemented in practice in the Netherlands, which choices were made and how electronic voting was finally abolished. This history is presented in the context of the requirements of the... more
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      Information SecurityElectronic VotingTechnology Adoption and Diffusion
Location-based access control (LBAC) has been suggested as a means to improve IT security. By 'grounding' users and systems to a particular location, attackers supposedly have more difficulty in compromising a system. However, the... more
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      Information SecurityLocation Based ServicesAccess Control