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Most modern computers are equipped with powerful yet cost-effective Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to accelerate graphics operations. Although programmable shaders on these GPUs were designed for the creation of 3-D rendering effects,... more
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      Cost effectivenessReal TimeHigh Definitiongraphic processing unit (GPU)
In this paper we tried to analyze the contribution of e-commerce and e-business in general. This paper holds valuable information that must be interesting for readers who are interested in terms e-commerce and e-business. Electronic... more
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When we perceive the external world, our brain has to deal with the incompleteness and uncertainty associated with sensory inputs, memory and prior knowledge. In theoretical neuroscience probabilistic approaches have received a growing... more
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      Cell SignalingSignal TransductionStochastic processesBiological Sciences
In this study we consider how probability distributions calculated in probabilistic cognitive models can be represented and processed in the brain. More exactly we show that a photoreceptor cell can compute a simple Bayesian inference in... more
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Recent research suggests that novelty has an influence on reward-related learning. Here, we showed that novel stimuli presented from a pre-familiarized category can accelerate or decelerate learning of the most rewarding category,... more
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Moral dilemmas are used to study the situations in which there is a conflict between two moral rules: e.g. is it permissible to kill one person in order to save more people. In standard moral dilemmas the protagonist is a human. However,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceDecision MakingReinforcement LearningNeuromodulation
In this study we consider how probability distributions calculated in probabilistic cognitive models can be represented and processed in the brain. More exactly we show that a photoreceptor cell can compute a simple Bayesian inference in... more
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1 Abstract To account for the ability of living organisms to reason with uncertain and incomplete information , it has been recently proposed that the brain is a probabilistic inference machine , evaluating subjective probabilistic models... more
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      Computer ScienceBiologyarXiv
In this study we consider how probability distributions calculated in probabilistic cognitive models can be represented and processed in the brain. More exactly we show that a photoreceptor cell can compute a simple Bayesian inference in... more
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During the ongoing development of software the implemen-tation drifts away from the initial design due to the changing requirements (known as moving targets), lack of communica-tion and unforeseen difficulties. This drift is unacceptable... more
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    • Systems Engineering
The Software-in-the-Loop (SiL) test offers a practicable approach for functional testing of embedded software. In this case, the real environment (e.g., space and satellite hardware) is simulated on one or several usual computers and... more
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With the constitution of a new institute for space systems located in Bremen, Germany, the DLR has taken another important step towards developing complete space systems. To support the system engineering process, the DLR installed a... more
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The “Satellite Mission Analysis and Simulation System” (SMASS) for small satellites developed at the Technical University Berlin (TU Berlin) is mainly used in the education of aerospace students at universities with the focus on... more
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This paper presents a template architecture for a straightforward specification of small satellite missions by means of a domain specific language. Furthermore, the process to transform this model to a platform-dependent, executable... more
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The DLR project Virtual Satellite will provide processes for maintaining a repository of SMP2 components. These components' behaviour shall be modelled using a graphical editor rather than directly coding source, as we regard it to be... more
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Der Beitrag zeigt, wie aus einer allgemeinen Systembeschreibung unter anderem ein Fault-Tree (Fehlerbaum) generiert werden kann. Dazu wurde das Flugsteuerungssystem der VFW 614 ATD im PrEMISE-Format abgebildet und daraus beispielhaft der... more
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Der Bericht beschreibt einen Testprozess für die Durchführung von Model-, Software-, Processor- und Hardware-in-the-Loop-Tests mit der Möglichkeit der Fehlerinjektion. Der Testprozess ist weitestgehend automatisiert und das Werkzeug zur... more
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Concurrent engineering is a modern and very effective discipline of systems engineering. In the European space domain, the European Space Agency is the pioneer in this area and has performed early design studies for 10 years now. The... more
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