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A recent article suggested that the saturation of low energy spectral weight observed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy in the cuprates at high hole doping could be explained within the single-band Hubbard model. We show that this result... more
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Extremely high magnetoresistance (XMR) in the lanthanum monopnictides LaX (X = Sb, Bi) has recently attracted interest in these compounds as candidate topological materials. However, their perfect electron-hole compensation provides an... more
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Materials with strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC) have in recent years become a subject of intense research due to their potential applications in spintronics and quantum information technology. In particular, in systems which break... more
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We have grown cubic centimeter-size crystals of YBa2Cu3Ox suitable for neutron studies, by a top-seeded melt-growth technique. Growth conditions were optimized with an eye toward maximizing phase purity. It was found that the addition of... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsSuperconductivity
X-ray absorption spectroscopy on oxygen-annealed, self-flux-grown single crystals of Tl2Ba2CuO6−δ suggests a microscopic doping mechanism whereby interstitial oxygens are attracted to copper substituted on the thallium site, contributing... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsCopperX ray Absorption
We report the growth of millimetre-sized single crystals of Tl2Ba2CuO6+x by a copper-rich self-flux technique. The crystals were annealed under controlled oxygen partial pressures and characterized. The interplay of oxygen... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsCopperSingle Crystal Growth
We present measurements of the microwave surface impedance of the single-layer cuprate Tl2Ba2CuO6+δ, deep in the overdoped regime, with Tc≈25 K. Measurements have been made using cavity perturbation of a dielectric resonator at 17... more
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      Physical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
Pb(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 (PFN), one of the few relaxor multiferroic systems, has a G-type antiferromagnetic transition at TN=143K and a ferroelectric transition at TC=385K. By using high-resolution neutron-diffraction experiments and a total... more
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      Physical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
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A recent article suggested that the saturation of low energy spectral weight observed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy in the cuprates at high hole doping could be explained within the single-band Hubbard model. We show that this result... more
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Magnetometry, electrical transport, and neutron scattering measurements were performed on single crystals of the Fe 4+-containing perovskite-related phase Sr 3 Fe 2 O 7−δ as a function of oxygen content. Although both the crystal... more
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      Physical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
The Fe 4+-containing cubic perovskite phase SrFeO 3−δ is of interest both for its high-temperature, oxygen-conducting properties as a solid oxide fuel cell component, and at low temperatures, where it exhibits a plethora of helical... more
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    • Crystal Growth
We present results of inelastic light scattering experiments on singlecrystalline La2−xSrxCuO4 in the doping range 0.00 ≤ x = p ≤ 0.30 and Tl2Ba2CuO 6+δ at p = 0.20 and p = 0.24. The main emphasis is placed on the response of electronic... more
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      Light ScatteringElectronic propertiesTemperature DependenceLow Temperature
A recent article suggested that the saturation of low energy spectral weight observed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy in the cuprates at high hole doping could be explained within the single-band Hubbard model. We show that this result... more
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      X ray absorption spectroscopyBose Hubbard ModelX ray Absorption
The spontaneous expulsion of applied magnetic field, the Meissner effect, is a defining feature of superconductors; in Type-II superconductors above the lower critical field, this screening takes the form of a lattice of magnetic flux... more
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    • Theoretical Models
Extremely high magnetoresistance (XMR) in the lanthanum monopnictides LaX (X = Sb, Bi) has recently attracted interest in these compounds as candidate topological materials. However, their perfect electron-hole compensation provides an... more
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We found new two-dimensional (2D) quantum (S=1/2) antiferromagnetic systems: CuRE2Ge2O8 (RE=Y and La). According to our analysis of high-resolution X-ray and neutron diffraction experiments, the Cu-network of CuRE2Ge2O8 (RE=Y and La)... more
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While the pure elements tend to exhibit Type-I rather than Type-II superconductivity, nearly all compound superconductors are Type-II, with only a few known exceptions. We report single crystal growth and physical characterization of the... more
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