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This paper illustrates that focusing on processes of interaction is crucial to a closer understanding of mathematical learning processes in mixed-ability groups. In doing so, the paper's focus is on expounding a theoretical-methodological... more
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      PsychologyCurriculum and Pedagogy
When looking at learning processes from an interactionist perspective, interaction between individuals is seen as central for learning. In order to understand and describe these interactions and therefore the learning processes, a method... more
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      PsychologyComputer Science
ZusammenfassungDer folgende Beitrag befasst sich mit dem Mathematiklernen in der frühen Kindheit aus interaktionistischer Perspektive. Mathematiklernen wird hierzu in zwei Aspekte ausdifferenziert: den Erwerb mathematischer Begriffe und... more
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Racism has changed its forms over the past decades. As a result, racism today very often occurs in subtle, hidden, or even unintended forms -which may sometimes be 'invisible' to both black and white people. Studying these alternate forms... more
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      SociologyYouth StudiesEducational ResearchRacism