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This book is dedicated to the elusive category of the Hitchcock Touch, a quality which becomes manifest in Alfred Hitchcock’s own films yet which cannot be limited to the realm of Hitchcockian cinema alone. While the first section focuses... more
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      Film Music And SoundQueer TheoryGraham GreeneJean Baudrillard
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      Gender StudiesTelevision StudiesDisability StudiesFeminist Disability Studies
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      Film StudiesQueer TheoryFeminist Film StudiesWomen and Madness
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      Film StudiesConference ReviewAlfred Hitchcock
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      Disability StudiesChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureYoung Adult Literature
Firmly rooted in disability activism, the emergence of disability studies in the 1980s took place at a time that also witnessed several disabled comedians and activists climb the stage both in the US and the UK. Considering these... more
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    • Humanities
Plenty has changed since the first COPAS issue was published twenty years ago. Yet we believe that despite or maybe because of these changes the journal remains true to its original goals of providing a platform for early career scholars... more
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      Disability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesPosthumanismFeminist Disability Studies
Open Access at: Challenging the idea that processes of ‘closure’ function as primary means by which comics involve their readers, this article investigates... more
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      Disability StudiesComics StudiesNarratologyNarrative Theory
Through an analysis of various negotiations of disability in House, M.D. and Grey’s Anatomy, my paper discusses the narrative and non-narrative means that make the medical drama such an appealing genre to contemporary audience members. As... more
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      SociologyTelevision StudiesDisability StudiesMedical Humanities
Due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was a challenging year that affected people's lives all over the world. It also changed the work in German American Studies and at COPAS. The annual conference of the Postgraduate Forum... more
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      Cultural StudiesAmerican StudiesDisability StudiesRace and Disability
800x600 Over the last two decades, the ‘graphic novel’ has increasingly become of interest to literary scholars of trauma, who praise the form for its innovative approach to storytelling. This article critically examines Marianne Hirsch... more
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      HistoryDisability StudiesTrauma StudiesLiterature and Trauma
The online journal Current Objectives in Postgraduate American Studies (COPAS), dedicated to publishing the work of early career researchers in American Studies in Germany and beyond, turns twenty in 2019. In 1999, when COPAS published... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAmerican StudiesBlack/African DiasporaPolitical Science
It is time to “Stand up and move a little for one minute,” one of Apple’s latest gadgets will remind its sedentary clientel, or, in more urgent tones, send pop-up notifications alerting users that it “detected a heart rate that rose above... more
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      PsychologyAmerican StudiesDisability StudiesMedical Humanities
Inklusion befähigt alle Angehörigen einer Universität, ihre Potenziale in Forschung, Lehre und Verwaltung in vollem Umfang zu entfalten. Somit ist gelingende Inklusion die Grundlage aller Bestrebungen um universitäre Exzellenz. An der TU... more
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      InklusionLehren und LernenHochschulentwicklung
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