Technische Universität Dresden
Department of English and American Studies
In this article, I read Charles Chesnutt's The Marrow of Tradition (1901) against the background of realism to unravel the novel's distinct critique of racial discourse. I argue that realism's characteristic technique of appealing to the... more
The following essay discusses Herman Melville's " I and My Chimney " (1856) as a text that engages architecture and writing as interrelated systems of signification. Fueled by a variety of historical developments, domestic architecture... more
In this article, I use the tv-series Boston Legal to explore the civic didacticism of legal fictions. I argue that this didacticism specifically exploits the performativity of the legal process that courtroom dramas represent.... more
Author's Manuscript. For citations, please use the pagination of the published version.
Author's manuscript. For citations, please use the pagination of the published version.
Author's manuscript. For citations, please use the pagination of the published version.
This book asks for the cultural work that spaces of feminine labor do in antebellum texts from a variety of literary and 'para-literary' contexts. Singling out the kitchen and the factory, it argues that sites of women's work serve as key... more
This paper attends to popular culture as a venue in which ideas about social order are imaginatively negotiated. Zooming in on the genre of televisual comedy-the sitcom-it specifically asks how mass-mediated practices of mockery resonate... more
The scientific book series Disability Studies: Body -Power -Difference examines disability as an historical, social and cultural construction; it deals with the interrelation between power and symbolic meanings. The series intends to open... more
Reflections on the motif of the silent scream in Harlan Ellison's short story "I Have No Mouth and I must Scream," cyberpunk fiction, and cultural theory.
This article highlights an intersection between the science fiction of Neal Stephenson and the science philosophy of Michel Serres. As two of the most prolific contemporary advocates of the communication between literature and science,... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
This paper offers a discussion of J. G. Ballard's first four novels, The Wind From Nowhere (1962), The Drowned World (1962), The Drought (1965), and The Crystal World (1966) that centers on their portrayal of environmental transformation.... more
Im Jahr 2002 rief der Meteorologe Paul J. Crutzen die Epoche des Anthropozäns aus und erklärte damit den Menschen zum geologischen Subjekt, dessen Spuren sich spätestens seit dem Beginn der industriellen Moderne tief in das... more
Synopsis Max Weber famously described Western modernity as the "disenchantment of the world" (die Entzauberung der Welt). Throughout the course of the Enlightenment and the rise of modern science, reason and rationality became the... more