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      EngineeringZinc OxideAdvanced Functional MaterialsPhysical sciences
We investigate the application of the evanescent-wave illumination for particle velocimetry near nano-structured surfaces. Theoretical analysis shows that, when the nano-structured lower wall of a channel has to be (optically) considered... more
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      Theoretical AnalysisEVANESCENT WAVETotal Internal ReflectionDistilled Water
Nanoparticle image velocimetry ͑nano-PIV͒, based on total internal reflection fluorescent microscopy, is very useful to investigate fluid flows within ϳ100 nm from a surface; but so far it has only been applied to flow over smooth... more
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      NanotechnologyBiomicrofluidicsClassical PhysicsOptical microscopy
Producing polymeric or hybrid microfluidic devices operating at high temperatures with reduced or no water evaporation is a challenge for many on-chip applications including polymerase chain reaction ͑PCR͒. We study sample evaporation in... more
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      BioinformaticsLife SciencesTwo Phase FlowLab On A Chip
The availability of non-invasive, fast and sensitive technologies for detection of circulating cancer cells is still a critical need of clinical oncology, particularly for diagnosis of aggressive and highly metastatic tumors, like... more
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      Analytical ChemistryBiomedical EngineeringBiosensorsNanotechnology
We present hydrokinetic Lattice Boltzmann and Molecular Dynamics simulations of capillary filling of high-wetting fluids in nano-channels, which provide clear evidence of the formation of thin precursor films, moving ahead of the main... more
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      Atomistic SimulationMathematical SciencesThin FilmPhysical sciences
Artificial surfaces that exhibit unidirectional water spreading and superhydrophobicity are obtained by Strelitzia reginae leaves. Both green and dried leaves are used, thus exploiting the plant senescence. We demonstrate that the natural... more
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      WaterScanning Electron MicroscopyMultidisciplinaryWettability
An innovative, simple and reliable method to fabricate micro-lasers by self-assembly of rod-shaped nanocrystals is demonstrated. Dot/rod core/shell CdSe/CdS nanorods are used to form optical micro-resonators by exploiting their... more
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      Quantum PhysicsLaser and PhotonicsOptical physics
Multifunctional capability, flexible design,rugged lightweight construction, and selfpowered operation are desired attributes for electronicsthat directly interfacewith the human body or with advanced robotic systems.For these and related... more
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      MultidisciplinaryNature Communications
We show how the capillary filling of microchannels is affected by posts or ridges on the sides of the channels. Ridges perpendicular to the flow direction introduce contact line pinning which slows, or sometimes prevents, filling; whereas... more
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      EngineeringMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesContact angle
We present a bio-inspired renal microdevice that resembles the in vivo structure of a kidney proximal tubule. For the first time, a population of tubular adult renal stem/progenitor cells (ARPCs) was embedded into a microsystem to create... more
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    • Clinical Sciences
The significant increment of TiO 2 surface wettability upon UV irradiation makes it a promising component of materials or systems with tunable surface wetting characteristics. This remarkable property of TiO 2 is retained in the... more
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    • RSC
An innovative, simple and reliable method to fabricate micro-lasers by self-assembly of rod-shaped nanocrys-tals is demonstrated. Dot/rod core/shell CdSe/CdS nanorods are used to form optical micro-resonators by exploiting their... more
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      Quantum PhysicsLaser and PhotonicsOptical physics
We investigate the application of the evanescent-wave illumination for particle velocimetry near nano-structured surfaces. Theoretical analysis shows that, when the nano-structured lower wall of a channel has to be (optically) considered... more
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      Theoretical AnalysisEVANESCENT WAVETotal Internal ReflectionDistilled Water
We present hydrokinetic Lattice Boltzmann and Molecular Dynamics simulations of capillary filling of high-wetting fluids in nano-channels, which provide clear evidence of the formation of thin precursor films, moving ahead of the main... more
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      Atomistic SimulationMathematical SciencesThin FilmPhysical sciences
Progressive Mechanoporation, a novel mechanoporation method that improves the delivery efficiency of molecules into cells of different elasticity via a multistage cell deformation controlled by a PDMS-based microfluidic platform.
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      EngineeringLab On A ChipMedicineCHEMICAL SCIENCES
Cell mechanical characterization has recently approached the throughput of conventional flow cytometers. However, this very sensitive, label-free approach still lacks the specificity of molecular markers. Here we combine real-time... more
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    • Biology
This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: 3D correlative single-cell imaging utilizing fluorescence and refractive index tomography, which has been published in final form at more
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Three-dimensional (3D) nanometer tracking of single biomolecules provides important information about their biological function. However, existing microscopy approaches often have only limited spatial or temporal precision and do not... more
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