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Mutations of the yeast SCO1 gene result in impaired COX assembly. Recently, heterozygous mutations in the human homologue hSCO1 have been reported in infants suffering from neonatal ketoacidotic coma and isolated COX deficiency . One of... more
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      Membrane ProteinsMitochondriaSaccharomyces cerevisiaeCytochrome c oxidase
In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mitochondrial translation of most, if not all, mitochondrially encoded genes is regulated by an individual set of gene-specific activators. Translation of the COB mRNA encoding cytochrome b requires... more
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      MitochondriaBiological ChemistrySaccharomyces cerevisiaeRibosomal proteins
Protein structures (cytochrome c) were visualized by TERS measurements on whole mitochondria referring to specific spectral features describing the electronic state of the heme moiety.
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      MitochondriaCHEMICAL SCIENCESYeasts
Translation of mitochondrial cytochrome b in Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires the nuclearly encoded proteins Cbs1p, Cbs2p and Cbp6p. So far no homologs have been identi®ed, except for the product of the S. cerevisiae orf YHR063C, which... more
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      GeneticsMicrobiologyMitochondriaSaccharomyces cerevisiae
A characteristic feature of the mitochondrial expression system in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the requirement for gene-specific translational activator proteins. Translation of mitochondrial apocytochrome b mRNA requires the... more
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      GeneticsMicrobiologyMitochondriaSaccharomyces cerevisiae
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sco1p is believed to be involved in the transfer of copper from the carrier Cox17p to the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunits 1 and 2. We here report on the results of a mutational analysis of Sco1p. The... more
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      GeneticsMicrobiologyMembrane ProteinsMitochondria
Most bacterial surface layers (SLs) are formed by self-assembly of a single type of protein. Native and recombinant surface layer monomers are capable to selfassemble on solid substrates and in solution to highly regular nanosized arrays... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyFluorescence MicroscopySelf Assembly
Constitutive expression of hydrophobin HFB1 from Trichoderma reesei in Pichia pastoris and its pre-purification by foam separation during cultivation Hydrophobins are small surface-active proteins that have considerable potential for use... more
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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex is regulated by reversible phosphorylation of its Pda1p subunit. We here provide evidence that Pda1p is phosphorylated by the mitochondrial kinase Yil042cp. Deletion of... more
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      MitochondriaSaccharomyces cerevisiaeSequence alignmentProtein Kinases
Cytochrome c oxidase is a multiprotein complex in the mitochondrial membrane whose biogenesis requires a number of proteins besides the structural subunits.
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      Fluorescence MicroscopyMembrane ProteinsMitochondriaSaccharomyces cerevisiae
Hxk2 is the predominant hexokinase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during growth on glucose. In addition to its role in glycolysis, the enzyme is involved in glucose sensing and regulation of gene expression. Glucose limitation causes the... more
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      Saccharomyces cerevisiaeGlucosePhosphorylationGlycolysis
Coenzyme Q is a redox-active lipid that functions as an electron carrier in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Q-biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires at least nine proteins (Coq1p-Coq9p). The molecular function of Coq8p is... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyMitochondriaBiological Sciences
The surface (S)-layer of Sporosarcina ureae strain ATCC 13881, a periodic ordered structure with p4 square type symmetry, was recently reported to be an excellent biotemplate for the formation of highly ordered metal clusters. The S-layer... more
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      GeneticsSelf AssemblySequence AnalysisGenetica
We describe the construction and validation of novel test systems for detecting androgenic activities using a combination of the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. By applying the reporter enhanced Green... more
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      FluorescenceSaccharomyces cerevisiaeAndrogensSchizosaccharomyces Pombe
We report on the identification of phosphorylated subunits of yeast mitochondrial ATPase using a novel screening technique in combination with BN/SDS-PAGE. Protein complexes present in yeast mitochondrial membranes were separated in their... more
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      Analytical ChemistryOrganic ChemistryMass SpectrometryMitochondria
Background: Currently, no information is available about the association of the mitochondrial porin pore with the major outer membrane proteins Om14p and Om45p. Results: Por1p forms complexes with Om14p and Om45p. Conclusion: Molecular... more
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      Biological ChemistryBiological SciencesSaccharomyces cerevisiaeCHEMICAL SCIENCES
Assembly of cytochrome c oxidase, the terminal enzyme of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, requires a concerted activity of a number of chaperones and factors for the insertion of subunits, accessory proteins, cofactors and prosthetic... more
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      Molecular BiologyCopperCytochrome c oxidaseMitochondrial Respiratory Chain
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      ThermodynamicsCalciumScanning Electron MicroscopyNanotechnology
Surface layer proteins have the appealing property to self-assemble in nanosized arrays in solution and on solid substrates. In this work, we characterize the formation of assembly structures of the recombinant surface layer protein SbsC... more
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      CalciumNanotechnologyMultidisciplinarySaccharomyces cerevisiae
Surface layer (SL) proteins are self-assembling nanosized arrays which can be recrystallized in solution or on surfaces. In this paper, we investigate the metallization, contact potential difference and conductivity of in vitro... more
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      CrystallizationTransmission Electron MicroscopyNanotechnologyAtomic Force Microscopy