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    • XML Schema
In distributed project organisations and collaboration there is a need for inte- grating unstructured self-contained text information with structured project data. We con- sider this a process of text integration in which various text... more
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      Data ManagementSystem IntegrationParallel ProcessingSemantic Web
ABSTRACT: Virtual organisations (VOs) are amongst the most advanced forms of doing business to date. Their emergence and growing capacities are closely related to the networking and collaboration capabilities provided by a supporting ICT... more
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      Semantic WebSemantic InteroperabilitySEMANTIC WEB TECHNOLOGYVirtual Organisation
Since the late 1980s it has been suggested that product modelling is the key to computer integrated engineering, which is also a prerequisite for computer assisted concurrent engineering. Later experiences have shown that product... more
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      Concurrent EngineeringConceptual ModellingPractical ReasoningLevel Of Detail (LOD)
Grid computing introduces a new paradigm for the realisation of efficient collaborative ICT infrastructures for VOs that has many advantages in comparison to other known approaches. However, due to some shortcomings with regard to... more
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      Collaborative NetworksVirtual Organisation
The Internet is enabling new paradigms of collaboration among humans and is offering new perspectives for observing the role of software that is being used in the design and planning processes. It is that of a service, available on-line... more
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      Information SocietyConcurrent EngineeringInformation ServiceData Exchange
Product data technology (PDT) plays an important role in the development of concurrent engineering IT environments for A/E/C. This paper presents an overview of the developed product data management information server (PROMISE) in the EU... more
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The EU project InteliGrid (2004-2007) combined and extended the state-of-the-art research and technologies in the areas of semantic interoperability, virtual organisations and grid technology to provide diverse engineering industries with... more
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      Service Oriented ArchitectureInformaticaVirtual OrganisationSemantic Grid
combined and extended the state-of-the-art research and technologies in the areas of semantic interoperability, virtual organisations and grid technology to provide diverse engineering industries with a platform prototype with flexible,... more
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      Service Oriented ArchitectureAccess To InformationSemantic InteroperabilitySystem Architecture
John Haymaker et al Page 1 2/10/2006 ... MANAGING AND COMMUNICATING PROJECT INFORMATION, DESIGN PROCESSES, AND DECISIONS ON THE STANFORD LIVING LABORATORY PROJECT Stanford University Living Laboratory Feasibility Study: Fall 2005... more
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      Design TheoryInformation DesignSustainable DesignFeasibility Study
Collaborative work environments for CAE/CIC require enabling methods and techniques that can ensure the interoperability of building product models and the data exchange and sharing among a wide range of heterogeneous software tools,... more
    • by, SUMMARY : We discuss the reuse of process knowledge through conceptualized workflow patterns. Whilst knowledge reuse in the lifecycle of projects has been widely studied, most of the known... more
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This paper presents the Model Access Service (MAS) developed in the EU ISTforCE project (IST-1999-11508). It uses the capabilities of product data technology to provide value added services in a human-centred, web-based collaboration... more
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      Information RetrievalMiddlewareStructural DesignCollaborative Engineering