Papers by Michael Schnaider
Mobile Informationstechnologie verändert unsere Lebens- und Arbeitswelt tiefgreifend. Immer leist... more Mobile Informationstechnologie verändert unsere Lebens- und Arbeitswelt tiefgreifend. Immer leistungsfähigere Endgeräte und Anwendungen machen Informationen überall verfügbar, lassen sich mit komplexen Produkten und Services verknüpfen und zur Steuerung von Systemen einsetzen. Wie Unternehmen neue Chancen und Geschäftsstrategien mit mobilem IT-Management realisieren, betrachtet dieser Band. Aus technischen und ökonomischen, sowie den zunehmend relevanten sicherheitsbezogenen und juristischen Perspektiven präsentiert Wolf Knüpffer und sein Expertenteam Einsatzmöglichkeiten mobiler Anwendungen, Aufgaben und Werkzeuge sowie Hinweise zur betrieblichen Integration im Rahmen einer zu entwickelnden Mobile-Gesamtstrategie. Ein durchgängiges Projektbeispiel veranschaulicht, wie die Umsetzung und Übertragung auf individuelle Unternehmensstrategien gelingt.
Virtual reality, virtuelle Realität, rendering, cluster, Szenen-Graphen, scene graph

EMBASSI is a joint research project with 19 partners from industry and academia. Its focus is the... more EMBASSI is a joint research project with 19 partners from industry and academia. Its focus is the development new paradigms and architectures for the intuitive interaction with technical infrastructures of the everyday life, such as home entertainment and control, public terminals, and car infotainment systems. As a so-called focus project, EMBASSI is funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and addresses innovative methods of man-machine interaction, where “machine ” explicitly refers to technical systems consisting of a variety of distributed, networked devices. EMBASSI aims at enhancing the interaction with these infrastructures by providing intelligent assistance, multimodal interaction, and anthropomorphic user interfaces within a unified framework. Technical development in EMBASSI is based on a user centered approach, with accompanying psychological and ergonomics research. A primary objective of the project is to establish an “EMBASSI layer ” that extend...
Computers & Graphics, 1998
... Within the Malaysian environment, the following steps are required to implement this process:... more ... Within the Malaysian environment, the following steps are required to implement this process: ... the learning process by advising the learners, both individuals and learning groups ... one or more administrators, who organize and manage the user accounts, the accounting and billing ...

eNTERFACE Workshops Motivations – Reflexions Prof. T. Dutoit Initiator of the eNTERFACE concept a... more eNTERFACE Workshops Motivations – Reflexions Prof. T. Dutoit Initiator of the eNTERFACE concept and organizer of eNTERFACE'05 I take this opportunity to mention how the idea of eNTERFACE came to life in mid 2003, when the core committee of SIMILAR (the European Network of Excellence on Multimodal Interfaces), was busy establishing its list of workpackages. It is basically a three acts piece. Act 1. I have been a researcher for 18 years now. It is therefore becoming hard to navigate in the " conferences " directory of my laptop. Small to big, short to long, close to far away, I think I have tried them all. One of them, however, will last forever in my memory as the most productive meeting I have ever attended. It was a summer school on Prosody, in July 1993, organized by the ELSNET (already a scientific network). I spent two weeks there, at UCL London, attending lectures and, more importantly, taking labs with my fellow PhD students from all over the world. I must say t...

Our contribution is to the field of video-based interaction techniques and is integrated in the h... more Our contribution is to the field of video-based interaction techniques and is integrated in the home environment of the EMBASSI project. This project addresses innovative methods of man-machine interaction achieved through the development of intelligent assistance and anthropomorphic user interfaces. Within this project, multimodal techniques represent a basic requirement, especially considering those related to the integration of modalities. We are using a stereoscopic approach to allow the natural selection of devices via pointing gestures. The pointing hand is segmented from the video images and the 3D position and orientation of the forefinger is calculated. This modality has a subsequent integration with that of speech, in the context of a multimodal interaction infrastructure. In a first phase, we use semantic fusion with amodal input, considering the modalities in a so-called late fusion state.

Minimal invasive surgery and interventions promise a number of advantages for the patient. The bi... more Minimal invasive surgery and interventions promise a number of advantages for the patient. The biggest one is a reduced trauma for the patient, at the cost of a limited view for the physician. The project MEDARPA offers Augmented Reality (AR) technology to enhance the real view of the surgeon with pre-operatively acquired medical data from 3D imaging modalities. During the last three years, a group of clinical, medical engineering and research partners has designed and implemented a prototype of an AR-enhanced navigation support system for minimal invasive interventions. It comprises of a transparent display device ’AR window’, a hybrid tracking system, navigation support and a volume rendering system for medical 3D images. The system has been designed for a variety of medical applications. For the proof of concept cardiosurgery, radio oncology and pneumology scenarios have been considered. This paper gives an overview of the system design and its evaluation.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 2003
Minimal-invasive operation techniques have become more important and well accepted in the recent ... more Minimal-invasive operation techniques have become more important and well accepted in the recent years. While offering obvious advantages for the patient, these techniques confront the surgeon with a restricted view of the region of intervention. This paper presents a novel approach for Computer-Aided Surgery (CAS), applying Augmented Reality (AR) techniques together with a novel AR Window. As the main objective, the research project Medarpa not only focuses on the application of AR techniques in a medical scenario, but also addresses their future application in real medical scenarios inside the operating room.

Wahrend Hochschulen im angelsachsischen Raum bereits erfolgreich im Markt fur E-Learning agieren,... more Wahrend Hochschulen im angelsachsischen Raum bereits erfolgreich im Markt fur E-Learning agieren, stehen die meisten deutschen Universitaten bestenfalls in den Startlochern. Die dezentrale Struktur der Hochschullandschaft sorgt mit dafur, dass die einzelnen Institutionen weitgehend allein oder in kleinen Kooperationen an Losungen arbeiten ohne dass die jeweiligen Ressourcen fur umfassende virtuelle Studienangebote ausreichen. Der auch fur Hochschulen vielversprechende Markt der Weiterbildung, der eine Refinanzierung virtueller Bildungsangebote ermoglichen wurde, kann von den Hochschulen so kaum bedient werden. Die Studie "Internetmarktplatz fur virtuelle Studienangebote", die in diesem Kapitel vorgestellt wird, soll Auswege aus dieser Situation untersuchen: Wie lassen sich die Kapazitaten fur E-Learning so bundeln, dass sie auch sinnvoll vermarktet werden konnen? Wie weit sind deutsche Hochschulen uberhaupt auf dem Weg ins E-Learning-Zeitalter, und was sind ihre Vorstellun...
The Ministry of Industrial Development, Sabah, Malaysia, has launched an initiative, aiming to th... more The Ministry of Industrial Development, Sabah, Malaysia, has launched an initiative, aiming to the use of information and communication technology for different areas of education and training. During a workshop "IT-based system for lifelong learning" a realization concept and an architecture for a system supporting knowledge transfer through interactive learning software and multimedia enriched lectures was discussed with high ranking international eperts.
This paper shows how template based tests provides easy creation of tests. Easy interface so ever... more This paper shows how template based tests provides easy creation of tests. Easy interface so everyone can create test. Test framework provides the basic security features. Reuse of tests and test patterns. This paper presents an open framework providing elementary services needed for monitoring the learning success of a student in a Web based training environment. This framework is intended to be used as an extension of a Web server or a Web based training system. It provides the mechanisms for the secure delivery of test material, tamperproof evaluation of tests, reliable timing control, recognition and evaluation of user actions and for the creation and delivery of feedback.

With the emerging accessibility of the Internet and the World Wide Web, this new medium has been ... more With the emerging accessibility of the Internet and the World Wide Web, this new medium has been discovered as a powerful dissemination channel for various purposes. On our evolution towards the Information Society and as an effect of the ongoing globalization, the Internet is becoming a key factor in the area of education, either. In the past years, many projects have tried and indeed are still trying to usse the Internet as an environment for educational purposes, especially for distance learning. Firstly, the paper describes different aspects and implications, that the emerge of the Internet and the WWW might ore more likely will have on the future of higher education. Secondly, the conceptual foundation for a future Internet-based learning and teaching environment is presented and the realization and the achievements of the project IDEALS are introduced. Finally, the attempt of formulating recommendations based on our experience for a successful establishing of Internet based le...
The goal of multimodal interfaces is to extend the sensory-motor capabilities of computer systems... more The goal of multimodal interfaces is to extend the sensory-motor capabilities of computer systems to better match the natural communication means of human beings. Multimodal interfaces represent a very active interdisciplinary research area which has expanded rapidly. Since the seminal “Put that there” demonstrator by R. Bolt (1980) that combines speech and gesture, significant achievements have been made in terms of both modalities and real multimodal systems. Indeed, in addition to more and more robust modalities, conceptual and empirical work on the usage of multiple modalities is now available for guiding the design of efficient and usable multimodal interfaces.
Web-based learning environment rarely use information about the learner's knowledge state to ... more Web-based learning environment rarely use information about the learner's knowledge state to adapt courses. This paper introduces different approaches of learner profiling and how the utilisation of the information about the learner profits the learning process. It describes some relations to current standardisation initiatives. An overview on our approach, that uses meta-data associated with learning materials to collect knowledge related information is presented. A description of possibilities to use this information for assessment and runtime adaptation of courses is given.
Informationsmanagement in der Medizin, 1999
Mit dem Wandel von einer produktions- zu einer dienstleistungsorientierten Gesellschaft wird zune... more Mit dem Wandel von einer produktions- zu einer dienstleistungsorientierten Gesellschaft wird zunehmend eine bessere Qualifikation der Bevolkerung gefordert. Hohere Anforderungen und vermehrter Einsatz von Informationsund Kommunikationstechnologie bedingen, das eine standige Aktualisierung und Erweiterung von Wissen und Fertigkeiten zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt. Als Konsequenz dieses Trends verschmelzen die ursprunglich separaten Phasen von Ausbildung und Anwendung immer mehr zu einem kontinuierlichen, lebenslangen Lern- und Qualifizierungsprozes [4].
Papers by Michael Schnaider