BTU Cottbus Senftenberg
Ageing, care dependency, and care for older people in Egypt: a review of the literature Aims. The purpose of this study was to gain an overview of the current situation of ageing and elderly care in Egypt and to consider the ensuing... more
The aim of this study was to identify the attitudes of older Egyptians towards receiving nursing care at home and to identify the characteristics that allow differentiating between various types of these attitudes. The number of older... more
Among children ages 7-19, about 1 in 3 are overweight and obese (BMI-for-age at or above the 85th percentile of the 2000 CDC growth charts.); 32.1% of all boys and 31.3% of all girls are overweight and obese. Because of the dramatic and... more
Aim. The aim of this study was to identify the attitudes of Egyptian nursing home residents towards staying in a nursing home and to differentiate between various types of these attitudes. Background. The number of older persons in... more
Socio-demographic changes may deprive older Egyptians from receiving care by family members and raise the question of how they react if they become dependent on help. The objective of this study was to determine factors related to the... more
Among children ages 7-19, about 1 in 3 are overweight and obese (BMI-for-age at or above the 85th percentile of the 2000 CDC growth charts.); 32.1% of all boys and 31.3% of all girls are overweight and obese. Because of the dramatic and... more
Leisure activities contribute to well-being and health in old age. Community nurses should consequently promote such activities among older persons. To do so they need an understanding of older persons' interest in leisure activities.... more
Der demographische Wandel der ägyptischen Gesellschaft führt zu einem Zuwachs an altersbedingten, funktionellen Einschränkungen, die eine pflegerische Versorgung notwendig machen. Um den Bedarf an entsprechenden Pflegeangeboten zu... more
BOGGATZ T and DASSEN T. Nursing Inquiry 2011; 18: 216–225 Why older persons seek nursing care: towards a conceptual model Despite similar health problems, older persons show different care seeking behaviours for a variety of reasons. The... more
Eine wichtige Aufgabe der Pflege besteht darin, im Falle von Krankheit oder körperlicher Beeinträchtigung unerwünschten Komplikationen vorzubeugen. Das Auftreten von Stürzen, Druckgeschwüren oder Mangelernährung gilt als Hinweis auf... more
Handlungsorientierung ist in ein international anerkanntes Prinzip für die Ausbil-dung in Gesundheitsfachberufen. Im Bereich der Pflegeausbildung wird zudem die Orientierung an einer Pflegetheorie als Rahmen für die curriculare Gestaltung... more