Papers by Emeka Daniel Oruonye

Jalingo Journal of Social and Management Sciences, 2024
It has been clearly established that development of dams and associated user facilities (such as ... more It has been clearly established that development of dams and associated user facilities (such as irrigation, water transfer and hydro-power infrastructure, aquaculture , etc.) significantly impact the quality of the physical environment and established social networks of host communities. It is therefore, necessary that a holistic and sustainable approach is adopted in the process of planning these projects. This study reviewed the environmental and social impact status of the Gurara and Azara/Jere Irrigation Projects in the Upper Niger River Basin in Kaduna State, NorthWest Nigeria. The study focused on investigating key environmental and social attributes including soil quality, water quality, air quality and noise level, vegetation (landuse) cover analysis, health status, socioeconomic and livelihood appraisal, and social characteristics of host communities using various approaches such as laboratory analysis, insitu assessment, key informant interviews, and document analysis. The findings of the study reveal a range of risks which include pollution of water and soil as well as vulnerability to floods and erosion, and loss of livelihoods. Generally, the outcome of this study serves to advance the importance of assessing environmental impacts from anthropogenic activities, as well as measurement and intervention to relevant criteria/conditions. Among others, the study suggests periodic monitoring and assessment of key environmental and social risks components and the resolution of land related compensation issues at the project sites.

Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 2021
Land administration in Abuja includes processes of land registration, cadastre, valuation and lan... more Land administration in Abuja includes processes of land registration, cadastre, valuation and land inventory. Every country in the world pursues these activities in one form or another irrespective of the stage of development. Developing countries particularly, Nigeria are overwhelmed by challenges of land management and administration. Recent efforts to secure tenure and enhance real property markets are under pressure from increasing demand and competition for land. Effort at implementing land administration reform in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) have led to inefficiency, incoherent and poor land management. This has undermined the huge potentials and global competitiveness in the sector. This study assesses the effectiveness of Abuja Geographic Information Systems (AGIS) on the implementation of electronic land administration in the FCT. Descriptive survey method was adopted in carrying out this study. Data collection involved sample of 150 applicants/beneficiaries of land...

International Journal of World Policy and Development Studies, 2021
The study examined the challenges of emergency management and response in Nigeria; a case study o... more The study examined the challenges of emergency management and response in Nigeria; a case study of FCT Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), FCT Nigeria. The study assesses the nature and trend of disasters and emergency situations prevalent in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), the effectiveness of FEMA’s response to emergency situations in the FCT, and highlights the challenges of the Federal Environmental Management Agency of FCT. Both primary and secondary methods of data collection were used. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. The findings of the study revealed that road crashes and flooding are the highest emergency situations recorded in the area. The trend shows that in 2014, 40 emergency situations were recorded, 26 in 2016, and 49 the highest in 2019. In terms of the effectiveness of FEMA’s response to emergencies, the study findings revealed that from 2014 to 2019, 215 emergency situations were recorded, 740 lives were saved as a result of FEMA’s respon...
IJSSHR - International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, Mar 5, 2021

This study examines the effectiveness of protecting the Nigerian forest resources through effecti... more This study examines the effectiveness of protecting the Nigerian forest resources through effective legislative enforcement using the case of the Lake Chad region. The study examines the contrast of Nigeria, a low forest law compliance country, with Cameroon a successful country. Focus is given to the Cameroonian model of forestry law enforcement, concentrating on factors that can be adapted to Nigeria and other tropical forest countries. The findings of the study shows that lack of effective forest legislative enforcement and increasing population has resulted in wide scale deforestation and forest resource depletion in the Nigerian side of the Lake Chad region. In contrast, effective forest legislative enforcement in Cameroon has resulted in the preservation of dense woody vegetation in the Cameroonian side of the Lake Chad resulting in high biodiversity conservation, fuel wood resources, wild life and increasing income generation to the government. This study recommends the need ...
Original Research Article The American Baptist denomination established their South China mission... more Original Research Article The American Baptist denomination established their South China mission during the middle decades of the nineteenth century. The founding of the South China mission is an instructive story. It provides valuable information about western colonialism in Asia, the genesis of American Baptist foreign missions, the life stories and mission strategies of individual Baptist missionaries, and cross-cultural collaborations between westerners and early Chinese converts to Christianity. Relying on historical narratives and missionary memoirs, this brief essay provides a concise overview of an important chapter in the growth of global Christianity.

The concept of "quality" is quite complex and challenging. In higher education, quality... more The concept of "quality" is quite complex and challenging. In higher education, quality might be defined very differently by the various stakeholders: the students and graduates might see quality in terms of making sure they get well-paid jobs, the academics might define quality from the perspective of being able to enter in scientific debates, the ministries might define quality in terms of the efficient use of resources for reaching certain goals. But even when such issues of clarification of meanings are solved, what are the tools which work. And what does quality mean with respect to internationalisation? A number of papers in this book address quality management from various angles, and provide food for thought for those who seek for good answers. This book is the third in a series, and assembles contributions from authors who participated in the International Deans Course, a programme for leaders in higher education from East and West Africa and Southeast Asia respec...

European Modern Studies Journal, Apr 1, 2021
The UNHCR report for 2018 estimates that "every two seconds, someone is forced to flee t... more The UNHCR report for 2018 estimates that "every two seconds, someone is forced to flee their home." And because this problem is so serious and widespread, it is not out of place to argue that forced migrations or global displacements are now a fundamental component of conflict in the modern world. In view of this reality, the study through discourse examines the global trends of the refugee crisis and how this can become a blessing in disguise. The finding of the study shows it is a pity that because refugee resettlement is commonly viewed as an international obligation and an act of generosity by the country receiving refugees, the many benefits refugees bring to their new country are often overlooked. It is true that sometimes refugees cause an upstart in their host countries. In fact, they are sometimes considered to disturb the national order of things. But that is not all about them. The study therefore opined that refugees who are lawfully present or lawfully staying can be a source of economic, demographic, and cultural blessings to their host community. The study therefore recommends that relaxing and making the legal processing of refugees fast and easy can help in nation building in human and economic diversification.

Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources, 2019
The reality of climate change and how it will affect the livelihoods of small scale farming commu... more The reality of climate change and how it will affect the livelihoods of small scale farming communities in agrarian economies is an increasingly growing concern. The realization that climate change is here to stay has compounded the need to understand its occurrence in a bid to devise coping mechanisms among the most affected people. The ability of smallholder farmers to effectively adapt to this new reality requires adequate information as to how they perceive it, what impact it has on their livelihoods in order to adequately design coping strategies. This study, therefore examined the perceptions of climate change and its impact on smallholder farmers, as well as the adaptation strategies adopted by the farmers in Gombe state, Nigeria. The primary data used in this study were collected through the use of a structured questionnaire administered to 240 randomly selected members of farming communities in Gombe state. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and factor analysis methods. Results show a widespread acknowledgement and understanding of the seriousness of climate change, with various impacts on crop and livestock production, such as poor rains, increased occurrence of pests, poor harvests, animal diseases, loss of pasture and water for animals among others. Results also show that farmers have adopted various strategies in a bid to adapt to climate change, including: use of drought resistant crop species, local irrigation techniques, crop rotation, use of local fertilizers, animal paddocking, use of pesticides, rainwater harvesting and conservation of feed. The study concluded that the understanding of the severity of climate change has helped farmers in devising effective adaptation strategies, and recommended that more assistance from government is required, especially in sensitizing farmers, and supporting them with subsidizing the costs of adaptation.

International Journal of Waste Resources, 2020
The outbreak and spread of covid-19 pandemic has triggered awareness in people about how vital th... more The outbreak and spread of covid-19 pandemic has triggered awareness in people about how vital the hospital waste management process in every single country can be. The increasing number of covid-19 infection in Nigeria is already putting increasing pressure on the healthcare systems in the country. The highly infectious nature of the coronavirus would require a complex and special protocol of handling and managing the infectious medical waste generated such as confinement (bins, bags etc.) and availability of proper storage and disposal facilities. In Nigeria, all efforts towards containing the outbreak and spread of the corona virus is directed towards establishing testing, isolation and treatment centres/facilities. Little or nothing is said about the handling and safe disposal of infectious waste generated from the management of the disease. This study has examined covid-19 and the challenges of management of infectious medical waste in Nigeria using the case of Taraba state. Th...

The use of plant-derived pesticides against crop pests both on the field and during post-harvest ... more The use of plant-derived pesticides against crop pests both on the field and during post-harvest is now emerging as one of the important means to be used in crop protection under an Integrated Pest Management framework following the multiple global challenges created by synthetic chemical pesticides. This paper outlines the place of botanicals in crop pest management and enumerated the constraints/limitations to their development which among others includes; raw material availability, quality control, potency variations, standardization of extraction methods, shelf-life and bioefficacy. Concerted efforts towards the development and application of known botanicals, screening of more botanicals to isolate new and novel bioactive molecules, relaxing the requirements for registration of botanicals, intensive researches on the various means of employing plant-derived pesticides in crop protection and large-scale production of plants with bioactive molecules amidst others are recommended ...

International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2021
Nigeria is the most populous black nation in the world. It is equally one of the Less Developed C... more Nigeria is the most populous black nation in the world. It is equally one of the Less Developed Countries (LDCs) with very high population. Population growth is a very important element and a challenge in the development process in LDCs. The population of Nigeria is expected to continue to grow up to 239 million by 2025 and 440 million by 2050, thereby ranking it to 4th position among countries of the World with high population. This without doubt will place Nigeria in a position of major player in the global system, and more importantly in the African region. It is against this background that this study examines Nigeria’s population composition by poising the following questions; will Nigeria’s present and future population structure be a benefit or a burden? How can Nigeria’s relative share of working-age composition (15- 64) and dependents (under 15 and 65 and over) contribute to long term economic growth and development of the country? The findings of the study reveals that pop...

International Journal of World Policy and Development Studies, 2020
One of the most burning issues that have dominated the public sphere in Nigeria and other oil exp... more One of the most burning issues that have dominated the public sphere in Nigeria and other oil exporting countries is the covid-19 pandemic and its attendant challenges. This pandemic is a shock on real economic fundamentals and frictionless of the market. It introduces a barrier between the market forces with strong complementary feedbacks in the real economy. The absence of precise vaccine or medication for the virus has necessitated the adoption of several precautionary measures with the aim of containing its wide spread. Critical among which are the travel restrictions, lockdown measures as well as social and physical distancing. These measures have detrimental effect on the demand and price of oil in the international market. In view of that, this study evaluates the social and economic impact of covid-19 in Nigeria taking into cognisance the effect on certain critical macroeconomic indicators. The study adopted an analytical approach to supplement the much ongoing documentation...

Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2021
Remote sensing and GIS techniques have been increasingly used in characterization of drainage bas... more Remote sensing and GIS techniques have been increasingly used in characterization of drainage basin and prioritization of erosion prone watershed. This study uses remote sensing and GIS to characterise drainage basin morphometry and prioritize soil erosion prone sub watershed in the Lamurde watershed in Taraba state Nigeria. The study adopted standard formulae and methods to compute the morphometric parameters. The Lamurde watershed was delineated to fifteen sub-watersheds with each coded as WS1 to WS15. The result of the findings reveals that Lamurde watershed has a dendritic to sub-dendritic drainage pattern with the smaller streams intersecting the main trunk at acute angles. The findings reveal that Lamurde is a ninth order stream with total area of 1,458.66 km2 and a perimeter of 395.93 km. The basin also has 258,493 total number of streams. The main soil types in the Lamurde basin are fluvisol, lithosol, ferric luvisols and humic nitosols. The surface soil texture of the area ...

Journal of Economics and Technology Research, 2020
The outbreak and spread of covid-19 disease has resulted in countries of the world placing travel... more The outbreak and spread of covid-19 disease has resulted in countries of the world placing travel restrictions and closure of their borders to movements to and from other countries. The tourism industry is one of the sectors that would be greatly affected. Data for the study was generated from desk review of secondary materials, online blogs and interview through social media chat. Findings of the study reveal that the outbreak and spread of covid-19 disease led to rapid shutdowns in cities and states across the country, which greatly affected the tourism industry. Industries in the tourism sector such as airlines, hotels, entertainment and hospitality industries are facing declining demand and patronage with travel crashes and cancellations expected to continue. The increased cancellations of hotels and travel bookings resulted in billions of dollars in revenue loss and hundreds of thousands of job loss in the country. The findings of the study reveal that covid-19 is already worse...

International Journal of Pure Agricultural Advances, 2019
Climate change is now an everyday reality, with far reaching consequences, especially for poor ag... more Climate change is now an everyday reality, with far reaching consequences, especially for poor agricultural communities, who suffer the most diverse effects of climate change. Over past few years, efforts have been diverted from reaction, to pre-emptive, in a bid to ensure that the most vulnerable can adapt to the challenges of climate change. Impacts of climate change are felt more by poor communities who depend on subsistence agriculture for survival. In order to adapt to climate change, there is need for this poor rural communities to be supported in various ways, by both government and non-government entities. This study investigates the role of government institutions in supporting climate change adaptation among smallholder farmers in Gombe State, Nigeria. Primary data was generated using structured questionnaire. This was administered to 240 randomly selected members of the farming communities, local leaders and members of government institutions working on environmental management in the State. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and factor analysis methods. Results show that a number of factors are responsible for determining the government support towards adaptation in both crop and animal production among smallholder farmers. The study findings revealed different challenges encountered by crop farmers, livestock farmers and government institutions in trying to implement mechanisms of adaptation to climate change in Gombe State, Nigeria. The study recommended that government should engage rural smallholder farmers, non-governmental organizations and civil society in this effort, and that it should encourage local mechanisms in order to ensure sustainability of the adaptation efforts.

International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 2019
The study assessed the two days episodic rainstorm event that destroyed buildings and led to loss... more The study assessed the two days episodic rainstorm event that destroyed buildings and led to loss of life in April and May 2018 in Taraba State, northeast Nigeria. Data were from primary and secondary sources. A total of 60 copies of research questionnaires and interviews were used, complimented by data from the meteorological observatory of the Department of Geography, Taraba State University and expert eye witness accounts. The results of the study show that the 2-day rainstorm extreme event with high wind speed of over 600 knots (327 m/s) caused devastating damages to building infrastructures in the state and the roofs of buildings and damage to Globacom Telecommunication mast was profound and five people lost their lives with several others sustaining diverse injuries in 17 communities in Jalingo and Wukari. It led to about 62% of the affected to take refuge outside their homes for over three days while other spent more than 10 days. The schools were more affected with an estima...

European Journal of Environment and Earth Sciences, 2021
This study examined the performance of State institutions in environmental protection in Taraba S... more This study examined the performance of State institutions in environmental protection in Taraba State with a view to ascertaining their capacity for environmental protection or otherwise and the challenges undermining their efforts. The study is anchored on the theory of Environmentally Responsible Behaviour (ERB). The study adopted survey research design using field observation and interview schedule. Yearly allocations to the two institutions were compiled from the yearly budget documents of the state. The study findings reveal that the state generate the highest revenue of ₦2billion in 2017 which is about 25% and ₦1billion in 2018, 15.17% of the IGR. These were the pick period of the trade in African Rosewood logs in the state. The huge revenue gave legitimacy to the logging activities and explains why the activity persisted despite the existing forest regulations and efforts to stop it. Despite the huge revenue, findings revealed that it was only in the years 2000, 2013, and 201...

The aim of this present study was to examine factors contributing towards the low performance of ... more The aim of this present study was to examine factors contributing towards the low performance of Ordinary level candidates of Makoni East Constituency in physical science using the qualitative methodology. The population consisted of all Form 4 pupils doing physical science at the 8 high schools, 16 teachers and 8 heads of schools. The sample comprised of 10 pupils, 4 teachers and 2 heads of schools. The study collected information through the use of an open ended questionnaire, interview and through the use of document analysis. The study revealed that the major causes of poor performance by pupils at Ordinary level physical science included lack of proper facilities, unavailable learner support materials, lack of discipline English language as a medium of instruction among other factors. The study recommends that the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education should ensure that schools are adequately supplied with teaching aids for physical science. There should also be learner s...
Papers by Emeka Daniel Oruonye