What's the coolest thing you have worked on?

Not limited to technology only! Share something interesting you have created, either in the real world or the digital world. Having gotten a C+ (72%) in woodworking, I’ll stick with the digital. Believe it or not, I kept the box!

Here’s my cool thing:
When I was an intern, we had legacy systems that only kept track of users by their name; and sometimes in a random order depending on location. Using magic, a typo algorithm and some glue I was able to tie 14k records to an actual database of my own design in about a week. This means that we could actually keep track of users, and find them across the 12 different systems, instead of asking where that person worked.


I can’t say that I’ve done much with wood working, but I’ve done quite a bit in gardening. So probably building my modular garden is the coolest thing I’ve worked on.

From a technical standpoint, analyzing statistics. Number crunching is a lot of fun, and it is very interesting to see some of the connections you can build based on geographic location, to weather, to income, population, etc.

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I made an actual chainmail bikini for a teddy bear at Gen Con a couple of weeks ago:


This is a little weird, but I once got into creating metallic finishes for fake plastic guitars:

I was kind of obssessed. Now I have 3 kids so I have time for none of this pointless frippery! :laughing:

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