If you find yourself in NY... |
[10 Aug 2006|01:40pm] |
Infinity Repertory Theatre Company Presents...
Directed by Chantel Pascente Musical Direction by Drew Walraven Choreography by Sarah Shankman
Showtimes... Friday Aug. 11th @ 8pm Saturday Aug. 12th @ 7:30pm and MIDNIGHT
Tickets are $10.
For reservations or information call the Pulse Performing Arts Center (Katonah, NY) at 914-864-1880 or you can contact me directly by email or 914-329-9068. Last year this show sold out the entire weekend of 4 shows, get your tickets early!!
Kiss These Lips
Columbia |
[23 Jul 2004|03:19am] |
[ |
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pensive |
] |
"O0o0oo0 BAby! well dont be mad.... it was a mercy killing"
Kiss These Lips
Frank-N-Furter |
[23 Jul 2004|03:11am] |
[ |
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energetic |
] |
"How do you do i..see youve met my... faithfull.. handyman... hes just a little brought down.. cuz when you knocked he thought you were the (drugdealer?) candyman (same thing)"
Kiss These Lips
Magenta |
[23 Jul 2004|03:07am] |
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mood |
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creative |
] |
"its just a jump to the left... and a step to the ri-i-i-i-ght, put your hands on your hips (or some body elses), and bring your knees in ti-i-i-i-ght (ouch), its the pelvic thrust (group sex, group sex, group sex), that will drive you insa-a-a-a-ane, LETS DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN!"
Kiss These Lips
Frank-N-Furter |
[23 Jul 2004|03:01am] |
[ |
mood |
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amused |
] |
"MASTA! Dinner Is Prapaired!"
i cant wait untill tomorrow im going to see rocky the REAl double picture show tomorrow... yay! me and osilent_tearso.. shes seen it so many times shes deff not a vergin shes a fucking whore.. lmao....
ok well we are ganna go watch RHPS and brush up on our lines... :) untill after the show tomorrow night...
Kiss These Lips
*Rocky* |
[23 Jul 2004|03:19am] |
[ |
mood |
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tired |
] |
"my feet, i cant move my feet! My veels, i cant move my veels! (my socks, i cant move my socks!)"
Kiss These Lips
Columbia |
[23 Jul 2004|02:43am] |
[ |
mood |
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amused |
] |
Ello there.. i am your mod and i just wanted to see how it looked so far... so far so good.. lol.. now i just need umm how you say PEOPLE? haha...
ok so anywho me and toxic_dna are going to see rocky tomorrow night... wo0ho0... its ganna be fun.. he knows a lot about rocky and all that fun stuff BUT he is a virgin...so this will be fun.. lol...
ok yesh and so one quote out of the movie... hmmmm
"Hes Lucky, Im Lucky, Your Lucky, WERE ALL LUCKY! (the banaster is lucky...and stiicky)"
this is your mod signing off... Crystal
Kiss These Lips