Katy (truckgirl) wrote,

SB '07

Atlanta was amazing. I had the most spring breaky spring break ever. I spent most of it drinking, smoking, and having sex.


3 chamber bong made out of Gatorade bottles, tape, silly putty, and tubing
Sneaking into 4 bars
21 orgasms in one night (+ 2 nights)
Geology/dorking out hardcore

I had a great time, now I just have to figure out what I'm doing about that boy.

  • Having your own place is nice but...

    Let's just real quick tally up why I love my apartment. 1) Cockroaches. Granted, it's getting better, now I only see 15-20 per night. My landlady…

  • (no subject)

    Seriously Macalester. Learn how to protest.

  • (no subject)

    I'm going to fight all of my common sense and do Nano again this year. Who has plot ideas for me?

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