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TRING is a market town and parish on the road to Aylesbury and on the Buckinghamshire border of the county, with a station 1� miles distant (and locally in Aldbury parish), on the London, Midland and Scottish railway, and 31� miles from London; the town is 7 miles south-east from Aylesbury and 4� north-west from Berkhamsted, in the Hemel Hempstead division of the county, Dacorum hundred and petty sessional division, Aylesbury county court district, and in the rural deanery of Berkhamsted and archdeaconry and diocese of St. Albans; the Grand Union canal passes near the station, and has a branch to AylesburyGas and electricity are available; water is supplied by the Chiltern Hills Spring Water Co. The town is sewered on the broad irrigation system.

Under the Local Government Act, 1894 (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73), the Urban portion of the parish is governed by an Urban District Council of 12 members, which took the place of the Local Board established in 1859.  By the same Act, Tring was divided into two civil parishes, Urban and Rural, the latter having a Parish Council of 7 members, and comprising Long Marston and Wilstone, which see.

The church of SS. Peter and Paul is an ancient building of stone and flint in the Perpendicular style, with features of an earlier date, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and a massive embattled western tower containing 8 bells, dating from 1624 to 1882; the bells were re-hung, as a memorial to the late Frederick J. Bright and his wife Caroline Mary, by their daughter: the interior was restored in 1862 and the church partially rebuilt in 1880 and 1881, a new clock, chiming the quarters, being at the same time placed in the tower; this restoration was completed in March, 1882: in 1900 a rood screen and loft of carved oak were erected, the east end of the south aisle formed into a chapel, and the chancel panelled in oak and decorated, the whole cost being defrayed by a lady resident in the parish: the reredos was erected in memory of J. G. Williams esq. a former patron of the benefice: the church seats 500.  The register dates from 1566.  The living is a vicarage, net yearly value �535, and residence, in the gift of Major Vivian Williams O.B.E. and held since 1930 by the Rev. Claud Thomas Thellusson Wood M.C., M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge.  St. Martha�s, Park road, St. George�s, New Mill a mission church at Hastoe are chapels of ease.  The Roman Catholic church of Corpus Christi was built in 1918, by the late Rev. Henry H. Hardy M.A. and has 100 sittings. The Baptist chapel, High street, founded in 1750, seats 450: there is also a Strict Baptist chapel in Akeman street, seating 850, and one at New Mill, founded in 1655, seating 600; Ebenezer Baptist chapel, Chapel street, will seat 300, and there is a Methodist church in Langdon street, with 200 sittings.  The Church House, Western road, erected in 1897, is of red brick and is used for meetings &c.  There is a Salvation Army Hall in Albert street.  The Cemetery, in Aylesbury road, provided in 1894, is managed by the Urban District Council: there is one chapel: the area is 4a. 3r. 27p.; part of the ground has been consecrated.

The ancient Market House was taken down, and another erected in 1898 on a site presented by the first Lord Rothschild, d. 1915; the building contains a hall, used by the Council, and offices for the clerk and surveyor, with a fire brigade station, committee and store rooms underneath.  A market is held on Friday.  The fair on Easter Monday and Old Michaelmas Day is still held.  A sale of fat stock is held in the Cattle Market, Brook street, every Monday at 1.30 p.m.; W. Brown & Co. auctioneers.

The Rothschild Zoological Museum, erected in 1889, by Lord Rothschild F.R.S. contains special collections for scientific research.  The original building is a large house of two storeys, access to the upper galleries being obtained by a stone staircase: two wings, containing ornithological and entomological departments, were added in 1912: the museum contains Lord Rothschild�s private Natural History collections; the ground floor is devoted to birds and mammals, and the upper floors to sponges, corals, molluscs, fishes, mammals and reptiles, besides insects and crustaceans.  The collection of butterflies and moths is one of the largest in the world but only open to inspection by students.  There is also a taxidermist�s workshop; Dr. Karl Jordan is director of the museum.  Attached to the museum is a special zoological library.  The museum is open as follows:� October 1st to March 31st, monday, tuesday & wednesday, from 1 to 4 p.m. and friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 to 4 p.m.; April 1st to September 30th, monday and tuesday, 3 to 6 p.m.; wednesday, 3 to 7 p.m.; and friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 3 to 6 p.m.; Easter Monday, Whit Monday and Boxing Day, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 to 4 p.m.; August Bank Holiday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 to 6 p.m.; closed, Good Friday and Christmas Day.

The Tring Nursing Home occupies premises in Station road, presented by Lady Rothschild, and includes an accident ward; it is vested in two trustees and supported by voluntary contributions.  An Isolation Hospital was erected in 1901 by the Urban District Council, and has twenty beds.  The Tring Poor�s Land, formerly consisting of 107a. 3r. 7p. of land and 3 houses, has been sold and the proceeds invested in Consols, producing an annual income of �127, which is distributed in coal at Christmas.  The other charities, now consolidated, and yielding an income of about �140, are administered under a scheme framed by the Charity Commissioners in 1884, which allows the application of the funds specified in it for the benefit, in various ways, of the poor, and to support hospitals and convalescent homes and maintain the recreation ground at Mortimer�s hill.

Tring Park, the property of Lord Rothschild, and at present (1937) unoccupied, is pleasantly seated amid lovely woodlands scenery, with undulating slopes richly timbered on all sides.  Lord Rothschild is Lord of the manor of Tring, and the principal landowner.  The soil, which rests on the lower chalk formation, varies considerably.

The area of Tring Urban parish and district is 4,407 acres of land and inland water; the population in 1931 was 4,364.

Little Tring and Tring Grove are hamlets.  At Little Tring, 1 mile from Tring, are the Grand Union Canal Water pumping station and reservoir; the latter is 405 feet above the sea, being a. trifle higher than the summit of St. Paul�s, London; there are 55 locks on the canal between Northchurch and the Thames.


Sub-Post, M. O., T & T.E.D. Office, High street
Town Sub-Post, M. O. & Tel. Call Office, King street
Post & M. O. Office & Tel. Call Office, New Mill.
Letters through Tring, the nearest T. office


Offices, Council chambers, High street. Meeting day,
the first tuesday in every month at 6.30 p.m.

All retire in April, 1940.
Chairman, Ellis Houchen.
Vice-Chairman, George Macdonald Brown.

Herbert John Baldock
Frank Bly
Ernest Clark
Horace Victor Desborough
George Goddard

Robert James Kettle
William Joseph Root
Alfred James Tompkins
Miss M. Vaisey
Frank Lionel Westron


Clerk, H. J. Gurney, Council chambers, High street
Treasurers, National Provincial Bank Ltd. 20 High St
Medical Officer of Health, Malcolm Gross M.B., D.P.H.
    Town hall, Hemel Hempstead
Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Herbert N. Hedges,
Council chambers, High street
Collector, E. Gilbert, Longfield road.


Cemetery, H. J. Gurney, clerk
Fire Brigade, Council chambers, High street
Nursing Home, Station road, Miss M. Bond, nurse in
Police Station, High street
Rothschild Zoological Museum, Akeman street & Park
    road; Dr. Karl Jordan, director of the museum
Urban District Isolation Hospital, Little Tring road,
    E. M. Brown B.A., M.D., C. E. O�Keeffe L.R.C.P.
    & S.I. & H.. N. Knox M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. hon.
    medical officers


Certifying Factory Surgeon, Admiralty Surgeon, Medi-
    cal Officer & Public Vaccinator, Aldbury District,
Dacorum Area Guardians Committee, Charles Edward
    O�Keeffe L.R.C.P. & S.I. 23 High street
Joint Clerk to the Dacorum Assessment Committee,
    Kenneth R. Webb, High street
Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector to Tring Urban District
    Council, Herbert N. Hedges, Council chambers,
    High street
Registrar of Births & Deaths for Tring Sub-District,
    Berkhamsted District, Edgar W. Bagnall, 71 High
    street; deputy, Arthur James Bagnall, 1 Albert street
Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Tring District,
    Dacorum Area Guardians Committee, Edward Middle-
    ton Brown B.A., M.D. 91 High street
Relieving & Vaccination Officer & Collector to the
    Guardians, F. Sparrow, King�s chambers, Lower
    King�s road, Great Berkhamsted


SS. Peter & Paul (Parish) Church, Rev. Claud Thomas
    Thellusson Wood M.C., M.A. vicar
Roman Catholic, Corpus Christi, 50 Langdon street,
    Rev. William Nevill O.S.C., hon. C.F. priest
Baptist (Strict), Akeman street
Baptist (Ebenezer), Chapel street, by supply
Baptist (Strict), New Mill
Baptist Chapel, High street
Methodist, Langdon street (Berkhamsted Circuit), Rev.
    E. E. W. Ramm

Railway Station (L. M. & S)
Conveyance.�Motor omnibus starts from Beaconsfield
road, calling at the �Rose & Crown,� High st. to
Tring railway station, several times daily
Motor omnibuses pass through, between Berkhamsted
& Aylesbury, at frequent intervals


London & all parts, L. M. & S. Railway, daily; parcel
    receiving office, 34 High street



Angell Francis, Chilterns, Grove rd
Baldock Herbert Jn. 28 Frogmore st
Barraclough Sydney, Arnold house,
    Park road
Bly Frank, High street
Bright Miss Marjorie Caroline, Park
Brown Mrs. F. J. Okeford
Budgeon Wing-Comdr. William
    Douglas O.B.E. Goldfield Mill
    house, Miswell lane
Bushell Charles, Reservoir view,
Bulbourne road
Bushell Joseph, jun. The Gables,
    Bulbourne road
Bussell Oswald Ernest, Greenways,
    Grove road
Butcher Arthur, Frogmore, Frog-
    more street
Collins Lady, Elm house, 101 High st
Cranham Joseph, 81 Miswell lane
Desborough Horace Victor, 1 Long-
    field road
Dix William Robert, Highclere,
    Beaconsfield road

Flower Maj. Stanley, 27 Park road
Fox Miss, Forge cottage, High street
Gates Baron Jn., Pembury, Station rd
Gilbert Ernest, Daisy cottage, Long-
    field road
Goddard George, 29 Longfield road
Grange Mrs. The Grove
Gurney Hubert Jas. 90 Dundale rd
Hackvale William Henry, Cow lane
Hedges Herbert Newman, Box Trees,
    Western road .
Hickman Percy Reginald, Broadmead,
    Station road
Hill Bertram, Farnleigh, Park road
Hodge Frederick Charles, The Her-
    mitage, Aylesbury road
Honour Lionel Leonard, Bronte,
    Longfield road
Houchen Ellis J. P. Hackford, Miswell
Hurdle Frederick John, 3 East Croft,
    Langdon street
Jordan Karl D.Ph. Hildene, Aylesbury
Kemp Manley Colchester, Vicarage,
    Bishop�s gate
Kettle Robert James, 78 Dundale rd
Kew Charles Edwin, Englemere,
    Station road

Knox Henry Norman, Belle Vue,
    Park road
MacDonald Arthur, Hazely, Station rd
Mead Misses, The Cedars, Station rd
Mead Wm. Newman, Gamnel, New Mill
Messenger Joseph, Danebury, Station
Middleton Brown Edward B.A., M.D.
    Red lodge, Miswell lane
Nairne Sir Gordon bart. Furlongs,
    Park road
Nevill Rev. William O.S.C., hon.C.F.
    The Presbytery, 50 Langdon street
O�Keefe Charles Edward, Merstone,
    High street
O�Neill Col. Patrick Laurence C.I.E.,
    I.M.S. Beech grove, Station road
Pollock Charles William, The Croft,
    Station road
Pritchard Arthur Conway, Dale
    house, Station road
Rodwell William Jesse, Hastoe villa,
    Western road
Root William Joseph, Silk Mill house
Seymour Ralph, St. Maur, Grove rd
Smith John, Rose villa, Bulbourne rd
Smith Miss G. M. The Hollies, Brook


Stevens Greville Thomas Scott,
    Netherby, Grove road
Thomas Harry Harvey, Southways,
    Station road
Thomas Walt. Morris, Mill ho. Brook st
Thompson Samuel Edward, The
    Laurels, Station road
Tomkins Alfd. Jas. 107 Western rd
Vaisey Arthur William, Holly field
Vaisey Miss, Holly field, Miswell la
Vaisey Mrs. Roland, The Bungalow,
    Miswell lane
Webb Norman, 49 Miswell lane
Westron Frank Lionel, Mulroy,
    Manor road
Wight Maj. Henry Rowe, Sandon,
    Station road ,
Williams Miss, Hawkwell, Station rd
Williams Mrs. Joseph Grout, Pendley
Wood Rev. Claud Thomas Thellusson
    M.C., M.A. (vicar), The Vicarage
Wright Edward, Westcroft, Western
Young George Thomas, High street

Early closing day, Wednesday.
Marked thus � farm 150 acres or over.

Agricultural Society (G. M. Brown,
    sec.), 41 High st. T N�s 135 & 136
Allison Lucy A. (Mrs.), corn mer.
    85 High st. T N 191
Anchor P.H. (Saml. Jn. Nightingale),
    73 Western rd
Ancient Order of Foresters (Court
    Albion, 4,423) (Jn. Hearn, 41 Park
    rd. sec.), Church ho. Western rd
Arnold Saml. boot repr. 39 Western rd
Arthur�s (Arth. Gates, propr.), hair-
    drssrs, 25a, High st. T N 230
Austin & Son, painters, 6 Goldfields.
    T N 237
Ayres George & Son, dairymen, Bul-
    bourne road, New Mill
Bagnall Arth. Jas. tailor & deputy
    registrar of births & deaths for
    Tring sub-district, Berkhamsted
    district, 1 Albert st
Bagnall Edgar Wm. watch mkr. &
    registrar of births & deaths for
    Tring sub-district, Berkhamsted
    district, 71 High st
Baker Leon Jn. grocer, 15 Western
    rd. T N 255
Barclays Bank Ltd. (Ernest Geo.
    Chandler, clerk in charge), 87
    High st. (T N 61); head office, 54
    Lombard st. London E C 3
Barker Ellen (Mrs.), beer retlr. (off
    licence), 31 King st
Batchelor Cyril, shopkpr. Beacons-
    field rd. T N 215
Batchelor Geo. Hy. grocer, 30 & 32
    Akeman st. T N 244
Bell Inn (Fredk. Dudley Taylor), 37
    High st
Bell E. (Mrs.), fruitr. 37 Frogmore st
Black Horse P.H. (Saml. C. Brown),
    Frogmore st
Bly Fredk. Stanley, furniture dlr.
    Brook st. & 33 Western rd. T N 231
Bly Jn. antique dlr. 50 High st. T N
Bond Horace James & Sons, bakers,
    25 Akeman street
Bovington Chas. smallholder, Miswell
Brandom Fredk. Wm. glazier, 24
    Henry st
Brandon Geo. Thos. house furnisher,
    75 High st. T N 149
Brewery House Boarding Establish-
    ment (Mrs. Mildred Hicks), board-
    ing ho. 60 Akeman st
Britannia Inn (Mrs. M. Howard),
    Western rd
British Legion Club (Tring branch)
    (W. Davis, sec.), Victoria hall,
    Akeman st
Brocklehurst Edwd. motor engnr.
    Market garage, Brook st. TN I22

Brooks Jesse Thomas, painter, The
     Ferns, New Mill
Brooks Leslie, shopkpr. New Mill ter
Brown W. & Co. F.S.I. land agents,
    auctioneers, surveyors & insurance
    agents, 41 High street. T N�s 135
    & 136
Bull Leonard, shopkpr. 20 Akeman st
Burch Edwin Hy. baker, 31 Frog-
    more st. T N 131
Bushell Brothers, boat builders, New
    Mill. T N 10
Butler Charles, chimney sweep, Mis-
    well lane
Cash & Co. boot dlrs. 76 High st
Castle P.H. (Ephraim Hearn),Park rd
Castle M. A. (Mrs.), confctnr. 92
    High st
Cato Thos. boot & shoe repr. 23 Ake-
    man st
Childs Ernest, boot & shoe repr. 12
    Akeman st
Clement Jn. T. & Son, watch & clock
    mkrs. 33 High st. T N 197
Convent of St. Francis de Sales, day
    school for girls & little boys, Ayles-
    bury rd. T N 15
Cooper Fredk. Alfd. farrier, Akeman
Cosier & Son, ladies� & gents� tailors,
    35 High st
Cox Frederick Wm. John, naturalist,
    The Cottage, Queen st
Cross Geo. Wm. & Son, tailors, 106
    High st. T N 247
De Fraine G. T. & Co. Ltd. statnrs.
    High st. T N 13
Dix & Sear, butchers, 40 Akeman st.
    T N 132
Dormer Albt. Ernest, undertaker,
    see Osborn & Marcham. T N 262
Eggleton Wm. dairyman, Icknield way
Elvy Geo. Edwd. baker, Longfield rd
Fancourt Wm. Philip, cycle agt. 47
    Frogmore st. T N 25
Foskett George, boot & shoe dealer
    38 High street
Fowler Thomas, shire horse breeder,
    The Stud farm. T N 99
Fulks Gilbt. grocer, 53 High st. TN 11
    Gaiety Cinema, Akeman st. T N 68
Gates Arth. statnr. 27 High st. TN
George Hotel (Geo. B. Webb), High
    st. T N 108 .
Gilbert E. collector to Tring Urban
    District Council, 38 Longfield rd
Glover Thomas & Sons, grocers, 19
    High street. T N 8
Goddard Geo.Wm. newsagt. 28High st
Goodliffe Geo. Chas. grocer, 38 Frog-
    more st. T N 245
Gower A. & Son, garage proprs.
    Western rd. T N 27
Gower Jn. & Son, coal mers. Queen
    st T N 145
Gower Jn. & Sons, china & glass
    dlrs. 56 & 57 High st
Gower Benj. Saunders, fruitr. 70
    Western rd. T N 36
Grace Gilbert & Son, ironmongers,
    68 High st. T N 3
Grace Frank, corn. merchant, 15 Aka-
    man street (TN 102) & farmer,
    Little Tring farm
Grace Harold Frank, baker, 66 Wes-
    tern rd
Grand Junction Arms P.H. (Alfd.
    Rose), Bulbourne
Grand Union Canal Pumping Station
    & Reservoir (Geo. J. Mew, engnr.),
    Little Tring. T N 71
Grange Herbt. & Co. corn mers. The
    Grove. T N 16
Grange Herbt. (exors. of), farmers,
    Grove farm. T N 125
Greening Wm. Rd. outfitter, 30
    High st
Gurney H. J. clerk to Tring Urban
    District Council & Urban Local
    Education Sub-Committee, Coun-
    cil chmbrs. High st

Hance Rt. ladies� & gents� tailor, 17
    Western rd
Hedges Jn. & Sons, decrtrs. Parson-
    age pl. T N 4
Hedges Herbt. N. surveyor & sanitary
    inspector to Tring Urban District
    Council, Council chmbrs. High st.
    T N 47
Hedges Rt. fruitr. Miswell la
Hobbs Jas. & Son, stone masons,
    Western rd
Hockney Edwd. Albt. nurseryman,
    Longfield rd. T A �Hockney,
    Tring;� T N 151
Hockney Wm. farmer, Shire Lane frm
Honour J. & Son Limited, builders,
    Akeman street. T N 14
Hopkins Fanny Elizabeth (Miss),
    grocer, Miswell lane
Horne W. & Son, painters, Beacons-
    field rd. T N 79
Howlett Cyril Alfd. shopkpr. & post
    office, King st. T N 216
Howlett Florence (Miss), shopkpr. 87
    Akeman st
Howlett Fredk. Chas. baker, 60 Wes-
    tern rd
Howlett Harold, hardware dealer, 21
    & 22 Charles street
Hunt Albt. shopkpr. Bulbourne rd.
    New Mill
International Tea Co.�s Stores Ltd.
    66 High st. T N 72
Ives Arth. Thos. milliner, 36 High
    st. T N 73
Jacklin Fredk. Thos. & Son, hair-
    drssrs.100 High st. T N 104
Johnson & Son, fishmngrs. Frogmore
    st. T N 45
Johnson & Son, fried fish dlrs. 13,
    Akeman st
Jones Alfd. saddler, 98 High st.
    T N 120
Keen Alice (Mrs.), shopkpr. 18 Henry
Kempster Rt. branch mngr. to
    Ministry of Labour Employment
    Exchange, 28 Miswell la. T N 65
Kent Fredk. Jas. upholsterer, 17
    Beaconsfield rd
King�s Arms P.H. (Alfd. Wm.
    Dufour), King st T N 192
Kingham Benj. cycle agt. 56 Western
    rd. T N 167
Kirby Wm. shopkpr. 36 Albert st
Knight Wilfrid Sutherland, solctr.
    (firm, Vaisey & Turner), 72 High
    st. T N 39
Knox Hy. Norman M.R.C.S.Eng.,
    L.R.C.P.Lond. physcn. & surgn.
    (firm, O�Keeffe & Knox), 23 High
    st. T N 51
Lipscombe Arth. farmer, Parsonage
Lockhart William Ltd. coal &coke
    mers. 91 Western rd. T N 9
London Central Meat Co. Limited,
    butchers, 35a, High st
London Passenger Transport Board;
    omnibus depot, 44 Western rd.
    T N 17
Lovibond�s (J. Lovibond, propr.),
    wine & spirit mers. 25 High st.
    T N 7
Luck Sidney Jsph. draper, 90 High
    st. T N 141
Mead Hannah (Mrs.), farmer,Parson-
    age Bottom farm & Western dairy,
    High st. T N 254
Mead William Newman, miller, New
    Mill. T N 20
Menday�s, butchers, 41 Western rd
Meux�s Brewery Co. Ltd. 60 Akeman
    st. T N 202
Middleton Brown Edwd. B.A., M.D.,
    L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. physcn. &
    surgn; & medical officer & public
    vaccinator for Tring district, 91
    High st. T N 43


Midland Bank Ltd. (branch) (P. A.
    Turner, mngr.), 21 & 22 High st.
    (T N 105); head office, Poultry,
    London E C 2
Morrison Jn. Wm. Thos. & Co.
    chemists & druggists, 74 High st.
    T N 5
Museum Caf� Mrs. Clare Astle, pro-
    prietress, 86 Akeman st
National Farmers� Union (Tring
    branch) (Leonard Newman, sec.),
    St. Kilda, 93 High st. T N 19
National Provincial Bank Ltd. (Wm.
    Percvl. Milton, mngr.), 20 High st.
    (TN 48); head oifice, 15 Bishops-
    gate, London E C 2
Ney R. M. (Mrs.), dairyman, 68 Wes-
    tern rd. T N 163
Oddfellows (Loyal Sincerity Lodge)
    (Manchester Unity) (Frank Minall,
    sec. Miswell lane), Vestry hall
O�Keeffe Chas. Edwd. L.R..C.P. &
    S.I. physcn. & surgn. (firm,
    O�Keeffe & Knox) & medical officer
    & public vaccinator for the Aldbury
    district of the Berkhamsted union
    & certifying factory & Admiralty
    surgn. 23 High st. T N 51
Osborn & Marcham (A. E. Dormer,
    propr.), undertakers, Addiefield, 24
    Western rd. T N 262
Park Thos. Norman, electrician, Ake-
    man st. T N 208
Pheasant P.H. (Alfd. Ives), New Mill
Philbey Fredk. Geo. threshing ma-
    chine & traction engine propr. New
Potter Bros. decrtrs. 77 High st.
    T N 212
Pratt Harold, farmer, Wick farm.
    T N 133
Pratt J. Alfred (1928) Ltd. bldrs.�
    mers. 62 Western rd. T N 224
Pratt Jabez, insur. agt. 105 Western rd
Pratt John, farmer, Folly farm
Prentice Frank, scrap iron & metal
    mer. 93 Longfield rd. T N 207
Price Albt. leather sllr. 3 Frogmore st .
Prickett A. & G. printers, 91 Akeman st
Producers� Supply Co. butchers, 21
    Wingrave rd. New Mill. T N 115
Queen�s Arms P.H. Wingrave rd.
    New Mill
Reeve Jn. furniture dlr. 43 Frog-
    more st
Reeve Joseph, gardener to Arthur
    Butcher esq. Frogmore street
Reeves Hy. Saml. hairdrssr.73 High st
Regal Cinema (Regal (Tring) Ltd.
    proprs. (A. H. Miles, manager),
    Western rd. T N 85

Robin Hood P.H. (Mrs. Jessie Pear-
    man), Brook st
Robins & Marriott, motor engnrs. 51
    & 52 High st. T N 67
Rodwells Ltd. mineral water mfrs. 28
    Akeman st. T N 21
Rolfe Fredk. & Son, coal mers. 53
    Western rd. T N 37
    (Trust Houses Ltd. proprietors).
    T N 26
Rothschild Zoological Museum (Dr.
    Karl Jordan, director; open to the
    public, mon. tues. wed. & fri.), Ake-
    man st. (T N 55) & Park rd
Sallery & Son, butchers, 24 High st.
    T N 142
Sanders & Sons, fruitrs. 34. High st.
    T N 52
Sayer &. Sons, hairdrssrs. 9 Akeman
    st. & 75 Western rd. T N 253
Sinfield Sidney Arth. motor engnr.
    Grove rd. New Mill
Singlehurst Samuel, butcher, 55
    High street. T N 49
Smith Alex. chemist, 26 High st.
    T N 58
Smithson G. A. (Miss), draper, 29
    High st
Snipper Mervyn L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng.
    dental surgn. Bayley, Western rd
Stewart�s (Jn. L. Stewart, proprietor),
    nurserymen, seedsmen, florists,
    fruit growers & retailers, 18 High
    street & Mortimer hill. T N 211
Stratford Mrs. blacksmith, 54 High st
Swan P.H. (Hy. Ives), 54 Akeman st
Sykes Herbt. shopkpr. 11 Akeman st
Tarmar & Eldridge, boot reprs. 32
    High st. & 2 Albert st
�Timberlake Joseph, farmer, Hastoe
    farm. T N 42
Tring Cemetery (H. J. Gurney, clerk;
    Chas. Fitkin, supt.), Aylesbury rd
Tring Co-operative Industrial &
    Provident Society Ltd. (Edward
    Wright, sec.), 58, 59 & 60 High
    street; Charles street & 67 High
    street. T N 35
Tring & District Conservative Club
    (Fredk. Wm. Jn. Cox, sec.),
    High st. T N 118
Tring Fat Stock Sale (W. Brown &
    Co. auctioneers)
Tring Gas. Co. (Lionel Rd. Fender,
    manager & sec.); works, office &
    showrooms, Brook st. T N 175
Tring Nursing Home (Lord Roths-
    child, president; Miss M. Bond,
    nurse in charge), Station rd. T N 91

Tring Park Estate Office (private)
    (Geo. Thos. Young, agt.), High st.
    T N 29
Turner Ada, N. (Miss) F.B.O.A.
    optician (attends every mon. & fri.
    11 a.m. to 7 p.m.), 64 High st.
    T N 134
Turner Arth. F.B.O.A. optician
    (attends every mon. & fri. 11 a.m.
    to 7 p.m.), 64 High st. T N 134
Turney Arth. Edwd. boot repr. 81
    Akeman st
Underwood Arth. bldr. New Mill
Urban District Isolation Hospital (for
    staff, see Official section), Little
    Tring rd. T N 38
Vaisey & Turner, solctrs. 72 High st.
    T N 39
Vaisey Arth. Wm. solctr. (firm,Vaisey
    & Turner, 72 High st. T N 39
Venning Jn. Geo. greengro. 46 Frog-
    more st. & 77 Western rd. T N 139
Victoria Inn (Arth. Edwd. Poll),
    Frogmore st
Wade Albt. Edwd. Harry, grocer, &
    post office, New Mill. T N 236
Waldock Fredk. Geo. baker, 83 High st
Warrior Rt. baker,89 & 90 Akeman st
Webb Kenneth R. solctr. (firm, Vaisey
    & Turner), 72 High st. T N 39
Westcott Thos. W. head gardener to
    Mrs. Williams, Pendley Beeches
Westfield Preparatory School for Girls
    & Boys (Miss Huckvale, principal),
    Aylesbury rd. T N 150
Wheeler Bros. (S. F. Wheeler, propr.),
    drapers, 48 & 49 High st. T N 95
Wilkins Alice (Miss), shopkpr. New
    Mill ter
Wilkins Wltr. cowkeeper, Bulbourne
    rd. New Mill
Wilson Capt. Albt. C., M.R.C.V.S.
    veterinary surgn. (attends mon.),
    Cattle Market, Brook st
Woodward Geo. grocer, 18 Akeman st
Wright A. H. & Son, window cleaners,
    42 Akeman st
Wright & Sons, butchers, 39 High st.
    T N 18
Wright & Wright, motor car
    agents & carriage& motor car body
    builders, 110 & 112 Western road.
    T N 12
Wright Ernest, upholsterer, 61 Ake-
    man st
Wright Frank, farmer, Dunsley farm.
    T N 248
Wright Geo. baker, 65 Longfield rd
Wright P. (gardener to N. M. Victor
    Rothschild esq.), The Gardens,
    Tring Park
Young Hy. Jas. shopkpr. 54 Western rd




Extracts from
Kelly�s Directory, 1937 edition.

HERTFORDSHIRE, often shortened into Herts, is an inland shire, in the south-east of England, bounded on the north by Cambridgeshire, south by Middlesex, east by Essex, north-west by Bedfordshire and south-west by Buckinghamshire: it is of irregular form, of no peculiar natural features, and lies between 51� 36� and 52� 5� of north latitude, and 0� 13� east and 0� 45' west longitude: it is one of the smaller shires, both for size and population, though by no means inconsiderable: it measures 37� miles from east to west, and 31 from north to south, and the greatest length, which is from Royston to Rickmansworth, from north-east to south-west, is 39 miles. By Local Government Board Order, 11 June, 1895, Nettleden was transferred from the county of Bucks to this county, and part of Royston from Cambridgeshire, and Kensworth and parts of Caddington and Studham were transferred, 1897, to Bedfordshire, and Holwell from Bedfordshire. By the Counties of Bedford and Hertford (Alteration of County Boundaries) Order, 1906, and the Counties of Buckingham and Hertford (Alteration of Boundaries) Order, 1906, which came into operation 1st April, 1907, certain parts of Beds and Bucks were added to Herts and certain parts of Herts transferred to Beds and Bucks.

The area of the administrative county is 404,523 acres (including inland water). The population in 1881 was 203,069, and in 1891, 220,162. In 1901 the population was:� Ancient county, 250,152 and administrative county, 258,423. The population of the administrative county in 1911 was 311,284, in 1921, 333,195, and in 1931, 401,206, viz.: males, 189,663; females, 211,543. Although the county town is within 20 miles of London, yet the shire hardly partakes of the metropolitan character, but is largely agricultural.

The history of Hertfordshire presents few features of importance. After the Euskardians had been driven out, it was held by the Welsh and Belgians. At the time of C�sar�s inroad, it seems to have belonged to the Belgian tribe of the Cateuchlani, and perhaps the Trinabantes held part. The Romans having taken the country, had a capital municipium at Verulamium, being one of the Chief towns in Britain; Watling Street passed through it, and roads branched out all round. In the year 61, Boadicea, at the head of a number of British savages, captured this town and slaughtered the population. By the Romans, Herts was included. in the province of Flavia C�sariensis: they had stations at Ad Fines, or Ermine Street (probably at Braughing), and at Bishop�s Stortford, Royston and Cheshunt; on Icknield Street, at Wilbury Hill, they had a camp.

On the English taking the county it seems to have first formed a Commonwealth under the name of the North Saxons, and was afterwards shared between the kingdoms of Essex, or the East Saxons, and Mercia, or the Mid-English; and it is thought the late boundary between the dioceses of London and Lincoln formed the boundary of the kingdom. The English settlers were mostly of the same clans as those in Middlesex and Essex. The great kings of the Middle English dwelt in the shire: it is remarkable for the number of �buries,� shewing it was thickly settled by the English. There is a �bury� in each township, commonly a mile away from the old homestead, now the town or hamlet. In 896 a severe contest took place in the county between King Alfred and the Danes. In the wars of the Roses three great battles were fought here: in 1455 at St. Albans, when the Lancastrians were vanquished; in 1461 at St. Albans, when the Yorkists were overthrown; and in 1468 at Barnet, when the Lancastrians were defeated.

The district is undulating, but can hardly be described as hilly, the greatest rise being in the chalk downs, about 908 feet high: these chalk downs are the continuation of the Chiltern hills, and bound the shire on the extreme north. The climate is mild, and the county, being well wooded and tilled, is picturesque. The mineral characteristics of the district are neither varied nor important; the only minerals raised in 1931 were 10,607 tons of chalk; 19,099 tons of clay and shale, 863,211 tons of gravel and sand and 397 tons of sand. The medicinal springs are few; they are at Barnet, Cuffley, near Northaw, Welwyn and Hemel Hempstead. Chalk is burnt for lime, and bricks are made.

The county is well watered by numerous and navigable streams, on which are many mills. The rivers are principally small feeders of the Thames, except those in the north, which flow towards the Ouse. The Stort, which form the south-east boundary of the county for a considerable distance, and is navigable through that length, passes by Bishop�s Stortford and Sawbridgeworth to join the river Lee. This latter traverses the county from west to east, rising at Leagrave, in Bedfordshire, and pursuing a total course, till its junction with the Thames, of 50 miles; entering the shire near Harpenden, it passes near Hatfield to below Hertingfordbury, where it receives the Maran or Mimram, a mill stream; at Hartford, where it is navigable, it receives the Beane, a mill stream, flowing from north to south, and soon after the Rib, also flowing from north to south; it turns many mills, and after receiving the Quin, passes Buntingford; next it receives the Ash, and ultimately the Stort, and pursues its navigable course along the eastern border of the county, by Hoddesdon to Waltham Abbey. The management of the navigable river Lee is vested in trustees under several Acts of Parliament; the funds, which are considerable, arising from tolls, are wholly laid out in the improvement and maintenance of the navigation; in 1850 a Bill was passed for improving this navigation. The Colne, the other chief river of the south, rises near Hatfield, and proceeds to Colney Street, where it receives a small brook; and a little lower down takes in the Verlan, which passes by St. Albans, turning some mills: it then passes Watford. and receives the Gade, which is fed by the Bulbourne from Berkhamsted, and passing Rickmansworth receives the Chess, thence flowing into Middlesex. The Grade and the Lower Colne are nearly absorbed by the Grand Junction Canal. Some of the head springs of the Thames rise near Tring. The Ivel rises at Baldock, and a feeder of it near Benton. The Hiz, passing near Hitchin, the Oughton and the Pirral, are feeders of the Ouse, flowing north into Bedfordshire, and are inconsiderable streams. The Rhea, or Rhee, rises near Ashwell, and is a feeder of the Cam.

The New River is an artificial cut, made to convey water to London; it was begun in 1608, and runs along the valley of the Lee, taking its chief supplies from Amwell and Chadwell, two springs near Hertford.

The Grand Union Canal comes into Hertfordshire near Tring, and soon enters the valley of the Gade, and afterwards that of the Colne, which it follows through Middlesex to West Drayton, passing by Tring, Berkhamsted, Hemel Hempstead, Watford and Rickmansworth, with branches to Aylesbury and Wendover.

Three main lines pass through the county from south to north, viz.: the London, Midland and Scottish on the western border and through the mid-west portion and the London and North Eastern through the centre and along the eastern border.

The London and North Western section of the London, Midland and Scottish railway enters the county at a point south of Watford, from which station a branch goes off westward to Richmansworth and one north-east to St. Albans, the main line continuing through Berkhamsted, Tring to Rugby and the North.

The Midland section of the same railway enters the county at Elstree, passes through St. Albans, and leaves the county again a little north of Harpenden, where a branch goes south-west to Hemel Hempstead, the main line continuing on via Luton to the North. There is also a line from Bedford, via Shefford, to Hitchin.

The Great Northern section of the London and North Eastern railway enters the county close to Brookman�s Park, running to Hatfield, whence branches go west to St. Albans, east to Hartford and north-west through Harpenden to Luton and Dunstable, the main line continuing through Welwyn, Stevenage and Hitchin, and leaving the county near Ickleford; from Hitchin, a branch runs to Cambridge through Baldock and Royston; and a loop line from Wood Green to Stevenage (via. Cuffley and Hertford North) connecting at Stevenage, with the main lines to and from the north.

The Great Eastern section of the same railway enters the county near Waltham Abbey, and skirts the eastern border, sending off a branch below Rye House to Hertford and Ware, from which another branch runs ofi at St. Margarets to Buntingford, while the main line continues by Sawbridgeworth and Bishop�s Stortford to Cambridge.

The Great Central section of the London and North Eastern railway runs through the south-west corner of the county, entering it near Moor Park and Sandy Lodge, passing through Rickmansworth, and leaving it again after a few miles at Chorley Wood.

A new Metropolitan and London & North Eastern Joint line (opened Nov. 2, 1925) runs from near Moor Park and Sandy Lodge station to Watford, with a station at Croxley Green.

Hertfordshire is best known for its husbandry, and for the growth of the best white wheat; the shire yields, besides grain, turnips, vegetables and hay for the London market, also apples, cherries, currants and strawberries. There is a good deal of coppice and wood. The nurseries are famous for the growth of roses, which carry off a great many of the prizes in London. Many cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry are fed for London.

The manufactures are � silk and paper. The malt trade, brewing, tanning, currying, brick, tile and pipe making; canvas making and weaving and coach making are carried on. The number of millers is large. The county is in the South Eastern Circuit. There was formerly a separate commission of the peace for St. Alban liberty, but by the County of Hertford and Liberty of St Alban Act, 1874, the county was arranged in two divisions, the eastern called the Hertford (comprising 10 petty sessional divisions), and the western the liberty of St. Alban division (comprising 4 petty sessional divisions), but these divisions have been abolished and the county now comprises 15 petty sessional divisions, viz. :� Albury (sittings at Much Hadham), Barnet, Bishop�s Stortford, Buntingford, Cheshunt, Dacorum (sittings at Great Berkhamsted, Hemel Hempstead and Markyate), Hatfield, Hertford, Hitchin, Odsey (sittings at Royston), St. Albans, Stevenage (sittings at Stevenage and Watton), Ware, Watford (sittings at Watford and Rickmansworth) and Welwyn. Note: � Unless otherwise stated the sittings are held at the place giving name to the division.

The prison at St. Albans is the county prison; courts of quarter sessions are held at Hertford and St. Albans, the Epiphany and Midsummer adjourned sessions at Hertford and the Easter and Mich�lmas adjourned sessions at St. Albans. The County Courts are held at Barnet and Watford in Circuit 23; Bishop�s Stortford, Hitchin and Royston in Circuit 35 ; St. Albans in Circuit 37 and Hertford in Circuit 38. St. Albans and Hertford Courts have jurisdiction in bankruptcy. There are seven Coroner� s districts � Bishop�s Stortford, Hemel Hempstead, Hertford, Hitchin, Royston, St. Albans and Watford. The shire forms the archdeaconry of St. Albans, in the diocese of St. Albans and province of Canterbury, and is divided into the following rural deaneries:�Baldock, Barnet, Berkhamsted, Bishop�s Stortford, Buntingford, Hartford, Hitchin, St. Albans, Ware, Watford and Welwyn .

St. Albans, which is a Cathedral City, had a population in 1931 of 28,624. Hertford is a municipal borough, population 11,378; also Watford, population 56,805; and Hemel Hempstead, population 15,119. The other towns are Baldock, population, 3,170; Barnet, 14,726; Great Berkhamsted, 8,052; Bishop�s Stortford, 9,510; Cheshunt, 14,656; Hitchin, 14,383; Hoddesdon, 6,811; Letchworth, 14,454; Rickmansworth, 10,809; Royston, 3,831; Sawbridgeworth, 2,604; Stevenage, 5,476; Tring, 4,364; Ware, 6,181.

The Registration Districts are :�

Under the provisions of the Local Government Act, 1929, the administration of the Poor Law was transferred to the Hertfordshire County Council on 1st April 1930.

The following is a list of the Rural Districts in the county:�





Braughing (under

St. Albans

Bishop�s Stortford)




Hemel Hempstead


Herts is divided into eight hundreds, which are very much scattered.

The following is a list of the hundreds, with the places comprised in each :�

Hundred of Braughing:� Bishop�s Stortford, Braughing, Eastwick, Gilston, Hunsdon, Sawbridgeworth, Standon, Stanstead Abbotts, Thorley, Thundridge, Ware, Westmill and Widford.

Hundred of Broadwater:� Aston, Ayot St. Lawrence, Ayot St. Peter, Baldock, Bennington, Bishop�s Hatfield, Datchworth, Digswell, Graveley, Great Munden, Knebworth, Letchworth, Little Munden, Sacomb, Stevenage, Totteridge, Walkern, Watton-at-Stone, Welwyn, Weston, Willian, Great Wymondley and Little Wymondley.

Hundred of Cashio:� Abbots Langley, Aldenham (part of), Bramfield, Chipping or High Barnet, Chorley Wood, Codicote, East Barnet, Elstree, Hexton, Newnham, Northaw, Norton, Redbourn, Rickmansworth Rural, Rickmansworth Urban, Ridge, St. Albans, St. Michael Rural, St. Paul�s Walden, St. Peter Rural, St. Stephen, Sandridge Rural, Sarrett, Shephall, Watford Rural, and Watford Urban.

Hundred of Dacorum:� Aldbury, Aldenham (part of), Bovingdon, Bushey, Flamstead, Flaunden, Great Berkhamsted Rural, Great Berkhamsted Urban, Great Gaddesden, Harpenden, Hemel Hempstead, Kensworth, Kings Langley, Little Gaddesden, Markyate, North Mimms, Northchurch, Puttenham, Shenley, Tring Rural, Tring Urban, Wheathampstead and Wigginton.

Hundred of Edwinstree:�Albury, Anstey, Aspenden, Barkway, Barley, Brent Pelham, Buckland, Furneux Pelham, Great or Much Hadham, Great Hormead, Layston, Little Hadham, Little Hormead, Meesden, Nuthamstead, Stocking Pelham, Throcking and Wyddial.

Hundred of Hertford:� Bayford, Bengeo Rural, Brickendon Rural, Broxbourne, Cheshunt, Essendon, Great Amwell, Hertford, Hertingfordbury, Hoddesdon Rural, Hoddesdon Urban, Little Amwell, Little Berkhamsted, St Andrews Rural, St. John Rural, Stanstead St. Margaret; Stapleford, Tewin and Wormley.

Hundred of Hitchin:� Hitchin Urban, Ickleford, Ippollitts, Kimpton, Offley, Kings Walden, Langley, Lilley, Pirton, Preston and Walsworth.

Hundred of Odsey:� Ardeley, Ashwell, Broadfield, Bygrave, Caldecote, Clothall, Cottered, Hinxworth, Kelshall, Radwell, Reed, Royston, Rushden, Sandon, Therlield and Wellington.


Hertfordshire, under the Representation of the People Act, 1918, returns five members in five divisions.

No. 1. � The Hitchin division comprises the rural districts of Hitchin & Welwyn, that part of the rural district of Braughing not included in the Hertford division and the part of the rural district of Hertford which consists of the civil parishes of Aston, Bennington, Datchworth, Sacombe, Walkern & Watton-at-Stone & the urban districts of Baldock, Hitchin, Royston & Stevenage

Member for the Hitchin Division.�Lt.-Col. Sir Arnold Talbot Wilson K.C.I.E., C.S.I., C.M.G., D.S.O. (C.) Wynches, Much Hadham & Athenaeum club, London

No. 2.�The Hertford division comprises the rural district of Ware, the part of the rural district of Braughing which consists of the civil parishes of Albury, Braughing, Brent Pelham, Furneux Pelham, High Wych, Little Hadham, Much Hadham, Stocking, Pelham & Thorley, the part of the rural district of Hertford which is not included in the Hitchin division, the municipal borough of Hertford & the urban districts of Bishop�s Stortford, Cheshunt, Hoddesdon, Sawbridgeworth & Ware

Member for the Hertford Division.�Rear-Admiral Sir Murray Fraser Sueter C.B. (C.), The Howe, Howehill, Watlington, Oxon & Royal Aero club, London

No. 3.�The St. Albans division comprises the rural districts of Barnet & Hatfield, the part of the rural district of St. Albans which is not included in the Hemel Hempstead division, the municipal borough of St. Albans & the urban districts of Barnet & East Barnet

Member for the St. Albans Division.� Lt.-Col. Sir Francis Edward Fremantle O.B.E., T.D., M.A., M.D., M.Ch., D.L., J.P. (C.), Bedwell park, Hatfield, Herts & Carlton & Union clubs, London

No. 4. �The Watford division comprises the part of the rural district of Watford which is not included in the Hemel Hempstead division, the municipal borough of Watford & the urban districts of Bushey, Chorley Wood 8: Rickmansworth

Member for the Watford Division. � Rt. Hon. Sir Dennis Henry Herbert K.B.E., M.A., J.P. (C.), Clarendon lodge, Clarendon road, Watford & 380 Gresham house, Old Broad street EC2 & Carlton, City of London & St. Stephen�s clubs, London

No. 5. � Hemel Hempstead division comprises the rural districts of Berkhamsted & Hamel Hempstead, the part of the rural district of St. Albans which consists of the civil parishes of Harpenden Rural, Redbourn & Wheathampstead, the part of the rural district of Watford which consists of the civil parishes of Abbots Langley & Sarratt, the municipal borough of Hemel Hempstead & the urban districts of Great Berkhamsted, Harpenden & Tring

Member for the Hemel Hempstead Division, Viscountess Davidson O.B.E. (C.), 16 Great College street, London S.W.1


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