Paolo Fornasiero
Born December 5, 1968 in Ruti, Switzerland. Married. One son.
University of Trieste, Chemistry Department - November 1987 to November 1992. B.S.Chem.
University of Trieste, Chemistry Department - November 1993 to October 1996. PhD awarded September 1997.
University of Reading, U.K., Catalysis Research Center - November 1996 to September 1997. Post-doc
Full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Trieste - December 23, 2016.
Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Trieste - December 1, 1996.
Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Trieste - July 27, 1998.
The scientific interests of Professor Fornasiero are in the field of inorganic chemistry, with attention to the design and development of multi-functional metal-oxide nano-systems for their advanced applications in energy related material science and environmental heterogeneous catalysis. The 20 years of his research activity have been dedicated to the development of:
• innovative materials for catalytic converters
• catalysts for the reduction of nitrogen oxides under oxidizing conditions
• new catalysts for the production and purification of hydrogen
• active materials to be used in solid oxides fuel cells
• novel photo-catalyst for water depollution
• advanced catalysts for methane catalytic combustion
• photo-catalysts for solar fuel production
• electro-catalysts for CO2 valorization
IACS Heinz Heinemann Award, 2016
Chiusoli Gold Medal in Catalysis, 2013
Nasini Gold Medal in Inorganic Chemistry, 2005
Second position in the Start-Up Trieste competition, 2005
Giuseppe Stampacchia award for first publication, 1995
Risaliti Award for Master Degree thesis in Chemistry, 1995
American Chemical Society
Italian Chemical Society
Associate Editor, ACS Catalysis, February 1, 2015 – now
Editorial Board, Inorganics, April 1, 2015 – now
Editorial Board, Cat.Today, December 9, 2008 - now
Editorial Board, ChemCatChem, January 1, 2013 –now
Editorial Board, The Open Fuel Cells Journal, December 29, 2008 - December 29, 2012.
Scientific Responsible of the CNR Research Unit associated with the Institute of Chemistry of OrganoMetallic Compounds (ICCOM) of Florence and located at the University of Trieste, 2008 - now
Member of the Scientific Council of the Consortium for Science and Technology of Materials. 2016 – 2017.
Member of the Scientific Council of the national meeting of the Inorganic Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society, Padova (Italy), September 2016.
Member of the Scientific Council of the first national meeting of EnerChem, Florence (Italy), February 2016.
Member of the Scientific Council of the national meeting of the Inorganic Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society, Camerino (Italy), September 2015.
Co Chairman - Fundamentals and catalytic applications of cerium dioxide, Udine (Italy), July 2014.
Co- organizer - 8th International Conference on f-Elements, Udine (Italy), August 2012.
Co-organizer - Slovenian-Italian Conference on Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Growth, Nova Gorica (Slovenia), May 2011.
Co- organizer - VIII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Inorganica della Società Chimica Italiana, Trieste (Italy), September 2010.
Co- organizer - 4th Korea-Italy Inorganic Chemistry Symposium, Malcesine, Verona (Italy), September 2006.
Co- organizer 6th Italian Seminar on Catalysis, Fundamentals and applications to environmental problems, Grado (Italy), June 2001.
Co- organizer CEZIRENCAT Summer School, Trieste (Italy), August 1998.
Co- organizer 2nd European – Japanese Meeting on DeNOx, Reading (U.K), March 1997.
Co-guest Editor of Special Issue on “Morphological, Compositional, and Shape Control of Materials for Catalysis” – Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis; (2017).
Co-guest Editor of Special Issue on “Catalysis by ceria” - Catalysis Today; (2015).
Co- guest Editor of Special Issue on “Chemistry of Palladium” - ChemCatChem; (2015).
Co-editor of the book " Catalysis by Ceria and related Materials, A. Trovarelli and P. Fornasiero Eds., Imperial College Press, London; (2013).
Co-guest Editor of Special Issue on “Fundamental understanding of photocatalytic conversions on semiconductor surfaces” - Catalysis Today; (2013).
Co-editor of the book "Renewable Resources and Renewable Energy: A Global Challenge, Second Edition, P. Fornasiero and M. Grazian Eds, CRC Press (Francis and Taylor), New York; (2011).
Co-editor of the book "Renewable Resources and Renewable Energy: A Global Challenge, First Edition, P. Fornasiero and M. Grazian Eds, CRC Press (Francis and Taylor), New York (2006).
Born December 5, 1968 in Ruti, Switzerland. Married. One son.
University of Trieste, Chemistry Department - November 1987 to November 1992. B.S.Chem.
University of Trieste, Chemistry Department - November 1993 to October 1996. PhD awarded September 1997.
University of Reading, U.K., Catalysis Research Center - November 1996 to September 1997. Post-doc
Full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Trieste - December 23, 2016.
Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Trieste - December 1, 1996.
Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Trieste - July 27, 1998.
The scientific interests of Professor Fornasiero are in the field of inorganic chemistry, with attention to the design and development of multi-functional metal-oxide nano-systems for their advanced applications in energy related material science and environmental heterogeneous catalysis. The 20 years of his research activity have been dedicated to the development of:
• innovative materials for catalytic converters
• catalysts for the reduction of nitrogen oxides under oxidizing conditions
• new catalysts for the production and purification of hydrogen
• active materials to be used in solid oxides fuel cells
• novel photo-catalyst for water depollution
• advanced catalysts for methane catalytic combustion
• photo-catalysts for solar fuel production
• electro-catalysts for CO2 valorization
IACS Heinz Heinemann Award, 2016
Chiusoli Gold Medal in Catalysis, 2013
Nasini Gold Medal in Inorganic Chemistry, 2005
Second position in the Start-Up Trieste competition, 2005
Giuseppe Stampacchia award for first publication, 1995
Risaliti Award for Master Degree thesis in Chemistry, 1995
American Chemical Society
Italian Chemical Society
Associate Editor, ACS Catalysis, February 1, 2015 – now
Editorial Board, Inorganics, April 1, 2015 – now
Editorial Board, Cat.Today, December 9, 2008 - now
Editorial Board, ChemCatChem, January 1, 2013 –now
Editorial Board, The Open Fuel Cells Journal, December 29, 2008 - December 29, 2012.
Scientific Responsible of the CNR Research Unit associated with the Institute of Chemistry of OrganoMetallic Compounds (ICCOM) of Florence and located at the University of Trieste, 2008 - now
Member of the Scientific Council of the Consortium for Science and Technology of Materials. 2016 – 2017.
Member of the Scientific Council of the national meeting of the Inorganic Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society, Padova (Italy), September 2016.
Member of the Scientific Council of the first national meeting of EnerChem, Florence (Italy), February 2016.
Member of the Scientific Council of the national meeting of the Inorganic Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society, Camerino (Italy), September 2015.
Co Chairman - Fundamentals and catalytic applications of cerium dioxide, Udine (Italy), July 2014.
Co- organizer - 8th International Conference on f-Elements, Udine (Italy), August 2012.
Co-organizer - Slovenian-Italian Conference on Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Growth, Nova Gorica (Slovenia), May 2011.
Co- organizer - VIII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Inorganica della Società Chimica Italiana, Trieste (Italy), September 2010.
Co- organizer - 4th Korea-Italy Inorganic Chemistry Symposium, Malcesine, Verona (Italy), September 2006.
Co- organizer 6th Italian Seminar on Catalysis, Fundamentals and applications to environmental problems, Grado (Italy), June 2001.
Co- organizer CEZIRENCAT Summer School, Trieste (Italy), August 1998.
Co- organizer 2nd European – Japanese Meeting on DeNOx, Reading (U.K), March 1997.
Co-guest Editor of Special Issue on “Morphological, Compositional, and Shape Control of Materials for Catalysis” – Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis; (2017).
Co-guest Editor of Special Issue on “Catalysis by ceria” - Catalysis Today; (2015).
Co- guest Editor of Special Issue on “Chemistry of Palladium” - ChemCatChem; (2015).
Co-editor of the book " Catalysis by Ceria and related Materials, A. Trovarelli and P. Fornasiero Eds., Imperial College Press, London; (2013).
Co-guest Editor of Special Issue on “Fundamental understanding of photocatalytic conversions on semiconductor surfaces” - Catalysis Today; (2013).
Co-editor of the book "Renewable Resources and Renewable Energy: A Global Challenge, Second Edition, P. Fornasiero and M. Grazian Eds, CRC Press (Francis and Taylor), New York; (2011).
Co-editor of the book "Renewable Resources and Renewable Energy: A Global Challenge, First Edition, P. Fornasiero and M. Grazian Eds, CRC Press (Francis and Taylor), New York (2006).
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Papers by Paolo Fornasiero