Papers by Kanhaiya Sapkota
… in South and South …, 2005
The tremendous growth in commercial horticulture in peri-urban areas in the third world raises th... more The tremendous growth in commercial horticulture in peri-urban areas in the third world raises the question: does it deplete the soil or provide the incentive to balance soil fertility. This study from the Kathmandu Valley shows that when farmers switch to commercial horticulture, they improve their soil fertilisation practices through the use of chemical fertilisers, purchased chicken manure, compost, and compound micronutrient fertilisers which are available in the market. However, one important constraint is the lack of technical knowledge; both fertilisers and pesticides are applied haphazardly. Boron deficiency and soil acidification are particular problems in the area.

Journal of the Korean Cartographic Association, 2019
This paper examines why and how labor migration from Vyas Municipality, Tanahun, Nepal has master... more This paper examines why and how labor migration from Vyas Municipality, Tanahun, Nepal has mastered changes for the left-behind as well as in their community. The information was collected via interview by using a semi-structured interview with 175 migrant households through snowball sampling method. Focus group discussion and key informant interview also conducted for the in-depth information about remittance and its relation with the social changes of left-behind family members. Descriptive as well as inferential statistics were carried out to analyze the impact of remittance. The research finds that the remittance impacts positively on the social and economic conditions of individual migrants as well as their left-behind families. Improvement in the economic status of migrant households, the involvement of the household in community development activities, and participation of the household in social organizations have brought a positive change in the overall socio-economic statu...

ERN: Other Macroeconomics: Employment, 2018
Recent research on the impact of labor migration on the socioeconomic development of developing c... more Recent research on the impact of labor migration on the socioeconomic development of developing countries has provided opportunity to try and resolve some of the long-standing polemics that have pervaded the literature on migration and development. This article focuses on findings concerning the labor, remittance, and social impacts of emigration on countries that have participated in labor emigration. While a great deal more research needs to be done, recent findings confirm that in some situations the sort-term impacts of labor migration on sending countries have been considerable. In the study area (Titiheriya, Samserganja and Rajhena VDCs of Banke district, Western Nepal total 6272 young adults left “home” to work as migrants in the Gulf and Middle Eastern countries or in India. Random sample method has been used and selected 240 households (migrants) for the data collection. Better jobs with handsome earnings motivates them to migrate to Arabian and Indian cities to secure live...

Geographical Journal of Nepal, 2017
Humanistic geography is a genre of geography born in late 1960s. A series of theories came out wh... more Humanistic geography is a genre of geography born in late 1960s. A series of theories came out which criticize the knowledge system of logical positivism. The philosophical fundaments of humanistic geography are existentialism and phenomenology. Yi-fu Tuan, Edward Relph, Anne Buttimer, David Ley, Marvyn Samuels and Nicholas Entrikin are the leaders of humanistic geography. Yi-fu Tuan published the first article about humanistic geography, which was collected in Human Geography (1976). The focus of humanistic geography is on people and their condition. However, in different geographic traditions, humanistic geography is often criticized for its weak methodology. I argue humanistic philosophy, can provide a sound epistemologicalframework in which to organize and strengthen this methodology in human geography research. The topics of geographical knowledge, territory and place, crowding and privacy, livelihood and economics, and religion are briefly noted from the humanistic perspective. The basic approach to these topics is by way of human experience, knowledge, and awareness. The application of this approach is emerging in the Nepalese context, however for long time Nepalese geographers followed the Western Eurocentric view and appear to be content in following western notions and ignored understanding our own social and cultural aspects/landscapes that enrich our knowledge of geography. The researcher claims that there is a need to rethink our research practices towards better understanding of the world with austerity of philosophical and methodological consistency.

Geographical Journal of Nepal, 2009
Farmers' knowledge and practices on local versus modern inputs on peri-urban agriculture were inv... more Farmers' knowledge and practices on local versus modern inputs on peri-urban agriculture were investigated by interviewing 20 vegetable growers with purposive sampling in the Manahara river basin of Kathmandu Valley between November 2005 and January 2006. Further data were collected from group discussions, key informant survey, and observation. This paper attempts to explore some contradictions between scientific and local knowledge on peri-urban agriculture practices. The farmers have now intensified their production to meet the urban demand. The transition has made the farmers adopting improved farming techniques related to the green revolution over traditional practices. The farmers' practices demonstrate to some extent a link between scientific and indigenous knowledge. They also realise that the institutional extension support is essential to identify and proper use of agricultural inputs available at the local markets, so that the agriculture production can be achieved in a balanced way.

The Third Pole: Journal of Geography Education
Geography has had limited interchange with the implications of major philosophical assumptions an... more Geography has had limited interchange with the implications of major philosophical assumptions and paradigms in geographical education and research methodology. This paper claims a closer engagement with the philosophical arguments on ontology, epistemology, and axiology as well as the research and teaching strategies or paradigms. It is adopted and has much to offer to geography, not least in providing a showground within which very different types of geographical inquiry i.e., qualitative and quantitative, may find some common ground for helpful discussion and debate in geographic research. Nevertheless, this will only be fully accomplished if geography enters on: (1) studies that develop and arrange clear positivist ideas and concepts within the particular geographic research; (2) studies that attempt to relate geographic research to the broader realm of the constructionism/ interpretivism tradition; and (3) examination of the link of the geographic research with the pragmatism. ...

Research Nepal Journal of Development Studies
People’s livelihood in the villages of the middle hill of Nepal are based on farming system. The ... more People’s livelihood in the villages of the middle hill of Nepal are based on farming system. The relationship between climate change and seasonal labor migration in the middle hill areas is a relatively understudied research topic, particularly from an empirical point of view. This article aims at contributing to the literature by analyzing the relationship between livelihoods and human mobility in two rural communities located in the Province 5, Arghakhanchi district, Nepal. Traditional rain-fed agriculture is the most important economic activity in the area. This article highlights differences in livelihood and human mobility patterns between households. The economy of the middle hill is primarily agrarian. Over 80% of the population of the middle hill districts still lives in rural areas/settings, where levels of poverty are higher than in the neighbouring countries. They depend on farming and collecting forest products for their livelihoods. In Arghakhanchi district, during the ...

The Third Pole: Journal of Geography Education
This review based article entails that in the history of geography, one of the most exciting phil... more This review based article entails that in the history of geography, one of the most exciting philosophical and methodological debates is the dualism between regional and systematic geography. This problem of “universality” and “exceptionality” has caused the biggest methodological debate in the history of geography. It reflects in the dualism of systematic geography and regional geography. Systematic geographers emphasize the pursuit of general principles in geography, while regional schools argue that areas of unique research are at the heart of geography. An analysis of the historical roots and evolution of the controversy shows that although the representatives of the two schools, Hartshorne and Schaefer, at least formally oppose the emphasis on only one of the systems and regions and neglect the other. Their differences in interest, values-induced preferences, and geography of history make them be ultimately different in their regional geography and systematic geography. The “Sc...

Geographical Journal of Nepal
Though, the migration process and its impact in the household economy has been extensively studie... more Though, the migration process and its impact in the household economy has been extensively studied in the academic sectors, but much less attention has been given to the impact of female labor migration on the family members who are left behind at home. This paper attempts to determine socio-economic structure of female labor migrants from Tanahun District of Gandaki Province, Nepal. Similarly, it also attempts to analyze the causes of female migration, process and dynamics of foreign labor migration and its impact on the left behind family specially children and elder citizens at home. For this purpose, 180 households have been purposefully selected from three municipalities and conducted household survey through snowball methods. According to the survey findings, married women are preferred to go for abroad, whereas the age of migration is after 30 years. Literate are very less migrated for foreign labor. Majority of the female migrants preferred to go to Gulf Cooperation Council ...

Journal of Geography and Geology
Lamjung is highly rich in its vast and valuable Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) including diffe... more Lamjung is highly rich in its vast and valuable Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) including different kinds of valuable medicinal and aromatic plants. Nepal is a mountainous country, where most of the people are depend on forest resources for their livelihood. Non-Timber Forest Product (NTFPs) plays a crucial role in the rural livelihood. NTFPs serve as a source for their primary health, nutrition, income generation, energy (fuel wood) and material for a social-cultural and religious ceremony. The research was carried out the specific objectives of identification availability NTFPs, Role of NTFP in local livelihood, prospects, and problems to develop NTFP in the study area. The study was carried out in Chiti, Jita and Taksar Village Development Committee (VDC) of Lamjung District. Primary data were collected through Focus Group Discussion, House Hold Survey, Key Informant Interview, use inventory sheet and direct field observation. Secondary data were collected from different DFO of...
Journal of the Korean Cartographic Association
Tribhuvan University Journal
This study aims to analyse some contradictions and the interface between scientific and local kno... more This study aims to analyse some contradictions and the interface between scientific and local knowledge on urban agriculture based on the one hundred and five households survey in Kangeshwori-Manohara low-lying Area. Semi-structure questionnaires interviews, key informant survey, field observations as well as categorization techniques were used for both qualitative and quantitative data and information. The farmers had changed their production from traditional to intensive, market-oriented agriculture. The transition had made tem to adopt wider range of improved farming techniques that means the by and large had entered into economically viable production, and also sustainable in terms of nutrient balance. The farmers' practices had indicated some extent of link between scientific and indigenous knowledge.
Papers by Kanhaiya Sapkota